Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold center in manchester. And what i want to talk about is the one thing that all tour pros have in common striking a golf ball beyond the ball. So making sure you hit the ball first and then.

The floor after there's many different unique golf swings out on tour you've got your gym furix and then.

All the way to your adam scott's completely different golf swings but one thing that the pretty much all tour pros have in common all good players are good amateurs good professionals is striking the ball first. And then.

The floor after and this tip's gonna help us improve that beyond belief we're gonna hit the ball much much better after watching this and practicing this movement and this is applying to an iron only this tip. So be careful we don't try and bring this too much into our wood swing or our driver swing certainly because we don't really want to be descending into the back of the ball too much with the wood but we can do with an iron i've just got a mid-iron i've got my a titan just to demonstrate this movement um now the the reason why this is. So important is because as the club comes into the back of the golf ball we don't want to be losing any of that power as we're coming to hit the ball. So we don't want to be hitting the floor too far behind otherwise the club's going to come in. And lose so much of the power into the floor instead of the power from the club head transferring onto the golf ball and then.

Obviously helping you get your most distance then.

One of the important things in this whole movement is making sure that we can find the bottom of our golf swing much more consistently now if i was to identify bottom up of golfswing. Or kind of give you the definition of it it should sit directly below your sternum so pretty much below your chest bone right here would be the bottom of your golf swing now if that bottom of your golf swing is too far behind the ball at the point of contact i guess where you're to hit you're going to hit way behind the golf ball. And that like say is going to cause. So many inconsistent movements now if this sternum your chest bone is moving too much during the golf swing well how are you going to be able to judge the bottom of your golf swing you know that club's going to hit anywhere from a perfect strike to too thin to too fat. And that's where inconsistency can really start to set in. So we're going to focus on our main kind of focal point is your sternum the middle of your body the middle of your chest bone here because everything from there if we can get our sternum over the golf ball better. Or even more beyond the golf ball better that's where we're going to hit the golf ball consistently every time. So once we've set up let's say i've got an a-time here anytime ball position for me is just a tiny bit in front of the center of my stance. But i'm keeping my sternum almost in front of that so i'm keeping my sternum a tiny bit to the left this is not a way of kind of pushing too much weight to the left it's just keeping the middle of my body just to the left of the golf ball that's going to help me now as i come back down to visualize where i want my sternum to be back again when i make contact the important thing from this point is making sure in the backswing we don't move this sternum all the way back here because we are going to hit the floor behind we've got to try. And keep our sternum the middle of our body much more over the golf ball as we come to hit so i'm not moving laterally to the side here i'm staying nice and central and making sure i strike beyond the golf ball so i'm gonna do some normal speed. And we'll slow it down on the video notice how my middle of my body never actually moved to the side it never moved to the right hand side and that way i'm consistently striking the ball first and then.

The floor after now i don't need to overdo this movement it's not a fact i actually want you to lean to the left it really isn't it's just an encouragement to keep the middle of your body either on top of the golf ball or just a little bit further beyond it now one more really kind of simple tip for this as well just really easy drill for you to do to practice this movement once you set up to the golf ball. And i've done this in a video before once you set up i want to push the ball forward three or four inches put the club back so we've got a gap now of i say three or four inches i want to then.

Try and strike that golf ball effectively so i'm keeping my sternum nice and central and i'm transferring my weight to make sure i get onto my left side so again help me move the bottom of my golf swing further beyond the golf ball so pop it forward put the club back and transfer your weight and that way you are going to hit the ball first. And then.

The floor after so many more times once you've practiced that pop the ball position back to where it normally would be and imagine the golf ball is further forward. So guys there's my bit of advice of how you're going to be able to strike the ball better with your irons this is more an iron golf swing than any other you know this don't try. And translate this onto your driver too much your two big important things is keeping your sternum central over the golf ball if not a tiny bit left of the golf ball. And also the little drill where we put the ball forward is going to encourage you to transfer your weight better as well guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please comment down below you can check out my next.

Video here. And you can subscribe just here thanks again. For watching my name's been rick shields down here at traffic girl century manchester you.