Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold center in manchester. And today.

We're going to do a stinger shot it's starting to get into the winter horrible weather the wind's going to start to pick up. And it's a valuable shot to have in the bag to be able to hit the ball nice and low penetrate the wind and also kind of get through any obstacles as well a shot doesn't particularly get even though the stinger this glamorous tiger wood stinger this can be used as quite a common recovery shot as well a shot that's going to get you out of trees get you under branches. And get you back into place so it's not just this glamorous super golf shot into a green it's one that can help you get back into play a little bit as well. So what we're going to do we're going to hit some shots i've got flight scope set up in the background as well. So you can see the flight of it. And what i'm going to get you to do is choose a long line that you feel comfortable with. So it doesn't always mean i've got two iron in my bag. But i'm going to do this with my foreign today.

Not that i'm not comfortable with my two. But i'd prefer to use my four so guys out there don't just use your three iron use a four iron five iron if you need to and you can even still sting it. And hit it lower with a six iron you don't have to hit your most flattest faced irons you can hit one that you feel more comfortable with the ingredients. For a stinger though is obviously we want to hit the golf ball really low. So a stinger a punch shot however. you want to call it we want to hit this golf ball really low now one of the ways we hit the golf ball low is by delofting the golf club. And hitting the ball softer the more acceleration we put into the back of the golf ball the more the spin increases the more it'll balloon up into the air so we need to hit this with low loft and low velocity we don't want to hit this golf shot too hard otherwise the ball will spin up. And go too high so a couple of things that we're going to do to achieve this. So i can actually reduce speed by just gripping slightly down on the golf club. So i'm going to take an inch off the golf club up at the top i'm also going to deal off the golf club by just placing the ball position maybe more central to what you would do normally. So i'm going to position this just a little bit more central of my stance from that point then.

I can keep my hands pressed forward. And i want to return back into the same position again i want to hit the golf shot making sure my hands are back in front of the golf ball to keep the loft as low as i can on this iron. So let's set up to this i'm going to hit the ball very soft. And a way of hitting the ball soft is feeling like we're only swinging it back to 90 swinging it through to 90. So 90 to 90 will help us reduce the velocity as we're coming to hit the shot. So ball position back hands forward to deloft it i'm going to hit the ball gently. And keeping my hands in front of the ball as a hit yeah that's the one that's come out nice. And low great penetrative ball flight and you can see there in the follow through how i've almost saw off my follow-through a little bit let's do another one yeah. So you can see the flight of that stayed nice. And low and that's going to stop us from getting too much wind happening when it hits. And otherwise it's going to help us hit the ball a lot sweeter as we're coming to hit it it's going to help us keep the hands forward impact. And strike the ball really really nicely guys that's my stinger slash punch video do try that as a shot to keep under the wind. But also try it as a shot to get out of any trouble if there's overhanging branches you can hit this shot nice. And low try it let us know how you get on thanks so much for watching you can check me out on facebook twitter subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i shall do thanks. For watching you.