Hi guys my name is rick shields. And we're going to do some home improvement. For your golf game and this is all about putting. So hopefully we should all find a surface at home that would allow us to put on so a carpet a mat a rug or something you can just simulate the green in some way it doesn't have to be perfect because this is all actually about straightness. So it's not all about speed this drill it's about hitting the put straight you need to find some household um markers because we need some gates now i've just had a look around here at the range and the only thing i could find was my lunch as i bring some tins of soup. And it's the only thing i can actually find that's suitable to use. For this so i want you to get creative on this have a look around see what you can find to do this drill. And i'd love love to see your pictures so tweet them to over to me using the hashtag diy golf tips and it's at rickshields pga and i will retweet the best. And most inventive ways of using some household equipment to improve your putting i'd love to see that so we need three items we need a marker a starting spot this is tin of soup number one. And then.

We need two more depends on how good you are separated away. So if you're really good you can have the tins really close if you're not as good at putting have the tins a little bit further away with the idea of trying to bring them closer. And closer together so i've got a gap here between the two tins of just just narrower than my actual putter head so in relation to a ball it'll fit through a ball but it's not it's not as big as a hole nowhere near a hole if it's a full putter heading that does not. And the mission is i'm going to try. And roll as many balls through that gate as i can in a row when you can get three through in a row move the gate further back. So move it further away from you keep the mark where it is. And move the gate further back so three in a row you've got to do to make sure that you're rolling it through that same line it cannot touch the gate cannot at all. So you've got to make it fair you've got to make it a doable but you've got to do three in a row. And if you don't you've got to start again this is pressure now this is. For three in a row so you got to start again if you don't get three in a row so guys i wanted to go and practice that it's the gate drill it's gonna help with your accuracy and also it honestly does put some pressure on you on that last one when you've got two through. And you don't get that last one through i'm i'm kicking myself now so i've got to bring those golf balls back again start from a marker try and get them through my tins of soup and i want you guys honestly do get creative with this once you get three in a row through move the gate back i want to see what gate instruments you can find around the house tweet me at rachel's pga using the hashtag diy golf tips i will retweet the best ones this will help you put in if you cannot get outside onto a proper green thanks very much. For watching guys do check out my other home improvement golf tips on my channel do subscribe like comment down below. And i look forward to seeing your inventive ways of uh of some gates thanks for watching guys let's do that again nearly got three nearly got three.