Okay i've done this video a couple of times before. But it seems super popular i'm gonna play some holes i'm mic'd up i'm gonna tell you all of the shots i'm about to hit what i'm thinking what i'm going through what happens when i hit a good shot what happens when i hit a bad shot. So you guys can learn. And hopefully take it into your own game potentially get better at golf i'm down here at the marriott worsely park i've walked out to the eighth hole which is actually one of the hardest holes on this golf course it's a par four it swings around to the right it's quite a tunneled tee shot it's 400 yards there's a guy down there in the fairway at the moment that if i put a ball in that position would be prime location it requires a 220 yard t shot. So drivers out the equation three would have probably be going too long because you can run out of fairway. So i'm gonna hit two iron off this tee i feel oops i feel fairly confident with this iron as a whole you might have seen recently i did a video being honest about my golf game. And i mentioned how to iron and probably it's probably one of my strongest clubs i'm saying all that now before i've hit the shot that might be a bit of a mistake so i'm gonna play probably about three or four holes we'll see how we get on as i mentioned i'm gonna talking through the shots i'm about to hit so uh so you can kind of get an insight to what's going through my brain when i'm playing golf i'm a professional golfer. And you know if i shoot somewhere kind of mid to low 70s i'm typically quite happy right no wind around today.

It's a beautiful day actually we're just about to get into october. And it's a gorgeous sunny day the temperature's really picked up so nice to iron i'm gonna not put a lot of shape on this hopefully just down the fairway in position so the whole swing slightly to the right but going too far right blocks you out. So middle of the fairway to slightly left-hand side of the fairway would be perfect i've absolutely ripped that i'm gonna be super honest if if i wasn't telling you all the things that i said before i hit the shot i would say that was absolutely perfect. But as you heard me say i wanted to go middle of the fairway to left-hand side i struck it unbelievable i've slightly pushed it i think it's still safe it's the tiger line it's the tight line. But if it's come off it should be in a safe spot because the second shot into screen is a proper test let's go. And find it and see what we've got next.

So as i mentioned off the tee this area here was my desired shot from the tee i could see where i was landing it to to here. But you heard me say i pushed it and i've pushed it into literally a one position i could not be any better going into screen now it's such a gorgeous hole this is what i've got left in. So as you can see big expanse of water to get over pins in the middle it's playing about 144 yards there's no slope really a tiny tiny bit uphill no real wind the pin is just slightly on that right edge of the green. So for me on a shot like this i want to be edging towards the left hand side of the flag just because i don't massively want to miss right because it's going to short side myself there's actually a magpie in the middle of the green now if you can just pick that up somewhere around about aiming it there. And hopefully just letting it drift back in 140 odd yards it's just a nice nine iron for me i don't have to do a lot with it just just not try. And change the flight too much my natural shot is a draw. So i could possibly even go a little bit more at the flag and let it draw back i just don't want to miss right line it up yeah this is just a nice nine iron let's set myself up with a nice opportunity on this first hole oh rick oh rick you know what things don't always go to plan everybody i've hit a push i did i pushed the t-shirt i pushed the second shot that's not great i've missed right i've done everything that i didn't want to do i've short sided myself it's going to make this neck shot very hard. But that's what happens in golf i'm going to repair the divot. And then.

Get up to the green and see if we can now still make par not the greatest shot after that fortunate tee shot okay walking up to the green there's a good saying after every bad shot is an opportunity to show off. And hopefully that's this shot here i did everything i didn't want to do on that shot i've left myself in a horrible situation i was perfect on distance exactly right. For my nine iron have the world to miss left anyway let's forget that right the shot i'm going to play i've got a little just in the rough it's not that great. But got a little hill to get up here and it kind of starts to fall down towards the left once it gets up on the green got a couple of options i can fly it up there try. And land it on the green and get it to stop quite a high risk shot so probably the more sensible choice is try. And bump it into this bank let it hop onto the green and fall back towards the flag for that i'm going to use my 52 degree wedge my gap wedge i'm looking to land it around about here it's quite a nice area i feel like i can predict how it's going to bounce from there yeah just chip it into that bank. And let it run out after that oh oh two things i wasn't quite as confident of hitting through the shot i should have gone a bit more and it just popped up once it hit the ground rather than kind of skip forward um i'm on the green but way too far away for par here now now walking up to the green one of the things that i'll do. And i recommend a lot of people do is just eye up the contours a little bit work out the way the green's gonna slope this is a right to left part it's sloping from the back of the green down to the front. So i know it's gonna be right to left it's just about how much it's like a little bit of a guidance from my feet my look my left foot is considerably lower than my left here. So it's going to swing quite a bit line the line of the golf ball up probably about two cups outside the right edge. And let it just fall in i'm just trying a new little putting uh almost like a training aid at the moment i found that my putting stroke has become too straight effectively and it sounds daft but i'm kind of taking the putter back too straight i've just been working at the moment just tucking my right elbow into my side a little bit more i'm producing slightly more of an arched putting stroke everything i've tested so far i do i do like the feel of that. So you might see me just tucking up tucking my clothes underneath my right elbow all right armpit right for par on this first hole that i'm playing slightly low on on speed i think a tiny bit faster that would have dropped um everyone watching you're not the only ones that disappointed with that bogey after a fortunate mis direction off the t i was in prime position. And messed up the iron shot that's what put me in a terrible situation and just didn't quite play the chip that i wanted to either way we bogey the first we move on it's about how i bounce back now but hopefully again you can learn a little bit from i need to uh not think about any of those bad shots that i've just played let's get let's get on to the next.

Little part three okay next.

Hole ninth hole par three pretty um self-explanatory there's not a lot going on with this hole bunker left bunker right. But they should be way out the way to not really worry about the green's back to front sloping again it's 167 yards to the flag so that for me is just a very nice probably slightly easier hitting seven iron i probably hit my a time while i do hit my eight iron 163 yards. So this is just out of range right i could jump on an a time. But i don't think it's worth it i think i'm just going to hit a little soft seven iron take a fraction off it try. And land in my head around the kind of 170 yard mark and just take a little bit of swing off it pinned right in the middle of the green flag's fluttering a little bit but again not a lot let's just hit one close visualizing a good shot asking myself what does a good shot look like. So i'm getting that real positive reinforcement just aim straight at this and try and stick it close oh it's a nice strike is it the distance go in go in wow that's how you recover everybody that's how you get back in the game that was beautiful did everything i wanted to there bar it being i mean it looks about a yard short the hole which would frustrate me a tiny bit because i did take a little bit of swing power off that. But nice shot played it lovely struck it pure let's get down there see how close it is. And hopefully make birdie and get back to level par so as we walk up to the green it's starting to show it's possibly not as close as i thought it was to be honest. And it's not a bad shot though that's where it's landed i'll repair that pitch mark in a minute that probably landed about 164 yards and it's finished here about 166 or so and flag was 167 i think i said not far away let's try. And knock him for birdie i don't think it's all in this it's going to be slight i was obviously slightly up the hill it's pretty flat it's pretty straight yeah i'm just going to go straight at it up the hill. For birdie so i'm just going to tuck my clothes under my armpit get that nice arched stroke very nice birdie on the second hole we're playing back to level par that's how you do it everybody right let's go on to the next.

Okay next.

Hole we're going to play is this the tenth hole it's a beautiful looking hole it's this very subtle dog leg to the right the bunker right bunker left that you've got to try. And feed your tea shot through and then.

Once you get over the hill it's just a flick into the green um i think it's just driver if i'm honest i can clear those bunkers those bunkers are around 240. So if anything i played less than that would possibly be putting those bunkers in play so this just requires to step up and hit a driver just in the distance is like a silver birch type tree that's exactly where you want to finish the ball probably requires a little fade. But it's not my favorite shot in the world so i'm just going to go straight over the edge of the court over the edge of the bunker on the right hand side nice confident shot oh. And that's absolutely down the middle it's going to come right down middle of the fairway yeah over the moon with that that will come in very very nicely. And from there probably less than 100 yards left into the green hopefully set myself with another good a good birdie opportunity that was a very very nice tee shot. So just walking down to the ball here the silver tree in the background there was my line off the tee. And i'm just left about i wasn't bad at all it's just by a by a whisker stayed on the side of the fairway and i mean by a whisker um right what we got in from here pins back right it's on a little kind of top plateau i am 105 yards from the flag uh 105. now what sometimes get guilty of playing a shot from here is like my 56 degree my sand wedge hitting as hard as i can. But the problem with that shot if it lands on that slight slope it's going to spin like crazy. So i'm going to play a shot which i'll be honest isn't normally my chosen shot. But i think it's the right shot to go. For i go on my 52 degree my gut wedge and play like a three-quarter swing through to three-quarter swing so just trying to control the flight a little bit more no again wind there's no wind at all. So i don't have anything to contend with it's pretty flat so it's not uphill or downhill lie is okay it's tiny bit uphill. But that's that's probably going to help me if anything oh be good sit a little bit sit that wasn't far off that was not far off that's it's just on the back fringe granted it probably pitched maybe two yards long. And it took quite a big first hop like it didn't grab and stop it kind of hopped and it's just sat on the back edge of the green there it wasn't far off that that was that was nicely played normally i'll be honest if i'm using my 56 from there as i mentioned i'd normally be further away because i ended up spinning it too far i'm okay with that it's not bad i can still put right repair the divot. And then.

Go knock this one in hopefully so as we go up to the green you might not be able to pick up from camera but where the flag is at the moment is it's sat on that top plateau. And it's actually quite a small landing area you really i really do have to get out perfect in hindsight i probably could have done with landing my shot here on this uphill slope taking that big hop which i was unexpectedly unexpectedly got with that shot. And then.

It would have kind of landed in this section here but it's not far away it's actually looking at the pitch mark it actually did land just off the green yeah. So in fairness um one two three four i landed it probably five yards minimum too long probably again a part of my game that i'm just not the sharpest that i could be a lot better at that part of the game and again if anyone's looking to get better which hopefully a lot of people are watching that is where you could see massive gains in your golf game if you can get really good at your distance control you just got. So much more well control over your golf shot so birdie put just off the green but at least i can still put it i've been i'd have been really annoyed myself if i'd have gone in that slightly fluffier grass over the back because i've had to chip it downhill i'm just gonna swing just from this side a little bit not a lot. But just going to come in from that left edge it's going to be fairly fast. So i just need to get the ball started because i can't line the golf ball up i've just picked a point in front of me where i want the ball to start over come on just down the hill let it drop in oh speedy um didn't didn't break as much i expect it to and it was a lot faster than i expected it to be as soon as that came on the green that that shut off pretty fast right left myself longer. For pardon i wanted to uphill right edge just need to it's firm and just inside the right edge of the hole ain't golf brilliant everyone oh that is such a terrible bogey i didn't i'll be honest with you i like the first hole i felt at first i'll make some very fundamental errors may bogey on this hole i didn't make that many errors. Yet i've somehow walked off with bogey still the only one shot if i could replay them all again would be from the port from the top of the hill just anticipated for it to be a little bit faster i just i just maybe the weather's thrown me out because it's so much warmer than what we expect it to be for this time of year green's a fastener expects them to be anyway come up with a million excuses before let's before i continue let's get on to the next.

Hole really lovely path through up the hill and i'm going to finish on a short path four as well let's play two more holes see if we can get back to level par next.

Hole we're gonna play is this the eleventh hole par three as you can see by the marker it's not a short hole by any stretch of the imagination what's mad about this hole i've actually been part of a group. For three different people who've had holding ones on this hole and for two of them you didn't know it was in because where the flag is on top of the green you can't see the bottom of the hole either way it's a little fun fact. For you um it's gonna play about 195 yards pin looks like it's kind of middle to back again it's pretty much in the middle of the green which is good nothing's changed not much wind around 195 yards it's uh in between four. And five before lands around 100 and my four iron lands around about 200 yards my five iron's about 190. with it being slightly up the hill i'm gonna try and learn from a mistake i make probably too often i would say too often i'd choose a club that's not not enough and try and hit it there so let's try and learn from my mistakes today.

Let's try. And hit four iron and hit it a bit softer probably going to be a 90 percent power on a shot like this my four iron oh that's a nice little flight that looks nice i hit a slightly different flight than i was pitching in my head because i took a bit more speed off it it came out of fractions lower almost like i was hitting it through the wind it landed very good distance. But i think just because it came in a bit lower it might have just skipped more towards the back of the green we're putting i'm on the green. And i think from 200 yards away i can't get that t-peg out from 200 yards away i am delighted we are putting. For birdie next.

Hole i don't think too far ahead. But just to keep you going next.

Hole is an unbelievably unbelievable chance of me making bird it if not eagle stay tuned. For that we've still got chances to go on the par everybody but first let's go and knock this one in so as we walk up to the green on this is such a beautiful corner of the golf course it was actually i think start this year there was a massive big tree here on the left. But fortunately uh it became ill disease so that's to chop it down and i thought i thought it was going to really affect the look of this hole. But once it chopped it down you can actually see the church spire in the background which makes it look really nice as we get up to the green what also looks pretty nice is the shop. So just as we're walking up here you can just about if you look down this line you can just about see my pitch mark it's where the ball landed it ran it must have ran fairly close to the hole. And then.

Just ran past to leave myself probably about a 15 footer down the hill so my only thing there just because i hit it a fraction softer the golf shot because i hit four instead of five it definitely came out just a little bit lower in flight therefore. it didn't didn't kind of grab onto the green like it maybe would have done if i hit it fully but i can't complain with that's a lovely golf shot an opportunity for birdie on this hole is always welcomed just because it's a long path three you know there's no guarantees you're gonna be able to put it close now i'm not gonna make the mistake i made in the last hole because this is downhill again quite substantially. And the greens are definitely faster than i i'm giving them credit. For it's ever going to slightly slope to the right. Or is it no it's going to slope slightly left sorry down the hill slightly left sloping probably just need to show this put a little bit more respect i think the one thing i don't want to be doing here is smashing it too far past i'm going to try. And drop it in an absolute dead weight for birdie and once again to get back to level par break now break ah look how fast it is wow wow i tickled that i absolutely tickled it i didn't hit that with any speed whatsoever. And it's gone uncomfortable distance past i'm not going to lie to you right to make par now very similar story to the last hole which would somewhat hurt me if i made the same mistake again i think coming back up the hill it's going to be fairly flat fairly straight shall i say. But just slightly up the hill come on visualize it going in thankfully i thought that was going to be four holes then..

And not a single power on the scorecard either way i managed to get par that that is the puts the greens at the moment certainly down here at marriott words of park surprised me with the speed they're going to be as fast as they are today.

I'm not playing most of the time as well right next.

Holes i promised a very getable 4. with a good drive i could knock it on. So by the way guys if you like this video let me know in the comments below and by liking the video for me i love it because i like talking i like playing golf this is perfect to make a video about guys if this video gets to 30 000 likes i'll make more like this last hole that we're gonna play today.

Par four from this t it's 320 yards to the green. So you can always see what i'm going to hear i'm going to hit my driver i don't see many other ways of playing this hole if i'm dead on this because all the trouble is pre 200 yards there's water down the left which to carry it you've got to hit it over 200 yards as a bunker left the bunker right which again around about 200 yard mark. So if you don't hit driver if anything you're making this hole somewhat harder because you could find the trouble so for me it's driver i am going to go. For the green i can get on normally this does weirdly look a long way back today.

It's going to require one hell of a tee shot pin's in the middle i'm just gonna go straight at it let's see if we can get close let's see if we make a birdie on this last hole get back to uh level par oh it's a bit of a power draw get lucky i have got very lucky it's run up it might have even take a little bounce off the path we are pin high with the flag slightly left just a little bit too much draw on that again that's something i get a bit guilty of when i try. And absolutely smash it and i'll be honest this shot required every single bit of swing speed on this hole right let's get down there we're chipping a putt away from making a decent birdie on this last hole so as i've hit the tee shot from back up there on the hill i got a very lucky little kick off this uh path and it's managed to get the ball right up to pin high green's only there i could say it requires a really really good driver shot but normally i can get pretty close on this hole right i'd prefer to be closer if i'm honest with you i'd have preferred to have been uh putting there's just a bit of an awkward slope here like at the back edge of this green it kind of kicks everything more to the right. So i've got to use this slope to gather the ball in and around towards the flag kind of want to play it quite low flighted but i don't think the bumper i'm not quite close enough to the green to play the kind of little a time bump. And run i'm gonna go with my 52 degree wedge because really i need to land it on the green on this kind of slope up here at the top it's not sat brilliantly again yeah just need to land it up on that hill. And let it swing around towards the flag simmer down simmer down simmer down i've got so much like a baby elephant sometimes like i honestly felt like when i hit that shot i thought i'd played that okay i thought i struck it well i didn't i wasn't far off my landing spot where i wanted the ball to land possibly just didn't play enough elevation potentially oh shields what have you done what have you done here i thought this was a guaranteed birdie. And i've got a long range birdie opportunity right let's see if we can finish this video in style like i said guys if you've enjoyed this video make sure you smash like as i mentioned i love talking i love playing golf i like making videos. So i'll happily do more of these hopefully it helps you learn a little bit teach you how not to make bogeys to finish off with a birdie uphill right to left probably gonna have to aim this around about here i'll let it swing back in come on rick let's finish off with birdie that looks good nice line swing i don't know about you. But there's nobody else here i'm giving myself out for birdie i don't care what anybody says that went in the hole guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come and that's how i play golf all bells and whistles one way or another i managed to get it in the hole we'll see you next.
