Right in this video i'm going to show you how i play golf i'm going to play about five. Or six holes we'll see how it goes and just talk through every single shot that i hit like what is going on in here how do i feel over the shot how am i gonna play it. And hopefully try and play some good golf um you'll notice i've also got two putters in the bag at the moment an old school odyssey two ball like 20 years old and a new one of these pld putters i'm going to give them a little bash as well. So first hole down here at marriott woodsy park it's playing 409 yards there's plenty of room on the left hand side now my top tip is if there's trouble. For example in this hole where it's down the right hand side try and tee up on the right hand side of the tee because then.

You can kind of play away from the danger as opposed to playing it towards the danger right left side of the fairway would be good finish try. And pick my spot i try and visualize my ball flight it's not much wind so i don't think that's going to affect it. And that is a little rocket welcome to how i play golf that's quite early on in the season i've not played loads of golf. Yet this season so this is kind of a little almost like a pre-season get ready. For a bit more golf so join me go and play a few holes and hopefully i can play some decent golf okay you know what's really nice now we're in the middle of march the sun's starting to come out a little bit more regularly here in the uk golf courses are drying up they're getting in better condition doesn't have to give you the taste of golf back that gives that golf bug back when you see the ball bounding. And bouncing on the fairway as opposed to kind of sinking in the in the wet ground conditions and this opening t-shirt i'm not going to lie to you there's an absolute cracker split the fairway couldn't have placed the ball in a better position okay second chance is par four it's playing 149 yards tiny bit of wind just just ever. So slightly down only slightly it's quite a big greenness and the pinch just left hand side of the green so i think with that wind i'm actually going to go straight out the pin. And if the wind drifts it back into the middle of the green happy days if not the wind should hold it and stay in line with the flag again similar to my t-shirt what i'm trying to do here is really visualize the sharp picture how i want it to fly through the air whether i want any shape on it just really have a vivid image in my in my brain of what i want to try. And hit i hope from there trying to execute that shot that's beautiful that is beautiful ricky shields has come to play i did everything i wanted to do it stayed on the flag i think without the wind it might have just drawn left of the flag. But kind of the wind combated the draw and we've got a nice little birdie opening birdie port i'm not sure which putter i'm going to use just. Yet but i'll repair my pitch repair my divot and we'll get down there you know what that hard a lot of backspin on it consider it it's a nine-night and slightly downwind i kind of expected it to pitch and maybe just hop a few feet ahead but it's nice actually spun back about 10 or so feet okay birdie putt now you'll see at the moment i've got this rascal back in the bag this is an original. And i mean original from the year 2000 odyssey two ball white hot the reason being quite a few weeks ago now back in the last year i had a putting lesson with phil kenyon who's one of the best putting coach in the world. And we discovered that lining the lineup of the ball i'm pretty good at well on its aim but lining the line of the putter up with the line on the ball i was useless. So because this hasn't got an actual line on it it's just got the two balls on it hopefully that's easier to line up time will tell the other thing i've changed at the moment whenever i practice let's say i'm on the practice putting green i'll often hold it left hand at the top right hand underneath almost conventional. And i honestly thought better like that i roll the ball better but over the years i've either used cac candid because of confidence issues that feels like i don't bend my wrist as much when i'm out on the golf course with pressure or you may have seen me go to a claw grip when i get really nervous however. i am trying my best to actually put with a conventional grip again the other thing you'll see is i've still been doing a little bit of aimpoint if you don't know what aimpoint is you'll see a lot of the big stars using it out on tour now. And it's way of reading your greens but not using your visual aspects actually using more you feel so when i'm straddling the line of the putt here my left foot is ever. So slightly higher than my right foot ever so slightly by about maybe one degree or one percent should i say not degree with that in mind i'll aim one finger to the left hand side of the hole and that's where you'll see a lot of tour players famously like golfers like um i think tommy fleet would use this. Or adam scott uses it and they'll kind of use their fingers and you'll see them either using two fingers three fingers one finger to try and work out the slope right enough talking conventional grip left hand side of the hole slightly up the hill it's got a low chance of success rate to go in the hole here if it drops happy days but if not i just want it nestling nice and close to the hole oh you know what i think the only thing that stopped that from turning more was a bit of speed i think i just hit it a touch too firm not the put that i wanted to leave myself on the first i'm not going to lie to everybody you never want a knee knocker on the first hole give it a quick read pretty flat from here. So this is dead center middle of the hole four it is. And we'll move on to the next.

Realistically you'll always take a power on the first just sometimes you don't want to get the first hole out of the way make sure you get you're not you're not blown up even if you do blow up i think the first hole is the hole to do it on because it means then.

You've got 17 holes to recover by the way that head cover believe it. Or not is not as old as the putter. But how battered is that an old casino vegas inspired head cover which i actually think i bought in vegas actually that would have been about 2000. And there was 2010 i went to vegas the first time second hole 360 yards runs parallel to the first here at the marriott it's a couple of bunkers that really i shouldn't be too worried about that down the right hand side uh driver again i'm just going to tear up a tiny bit on this right hand side left is your friend. So i'm going to favor that kind of left side of the fairway. And if i pull it a touch it's not the end of the world pick my line pick my target that's really important i'd definitely recommend it for any level of golfer try and have a clear vision of what the shot you want to play it really does help boost confidence not saying you're going to play every time. But having that clear image definitely does help left side of the fairway give it a nice hit with driver it's gone a bit too far left there no dangers down there though that's the miss not my greatest golf shot. But it's in no problems at all there okay. So we found it just in the left roof perfectly safe pins about right kind of winds really picked up now it's right back into the wind actually it's playing 134 yards i think a little bit of wind it's probably a one club win. So i'd probably hit a pitching wedge from one three four so i'm gonna hit a nine iron i don't think i need to absolutely kill it i just ideally need to finish it on that top plateau with it coming out the rough it's not going to spin up as much now to some degree might actually help cut through the wind diffraction okay i'm just going to pick my point i can't miss long that's the one place i just can't miss. So if it's a bit short it's not the end of the world so again i'm just going to control one in there nice little nine iron oh i've pushed it aye that's bunker bound just a bit in between clubs there. And in the end end up taking too much off it and as a result i kind of just didn't quite commit to the line i don't think in hindsight that wind is strong i don't think i needed to take anything off it i think i could have hit it a lot more full than that little bit of an error let's try. And get up and down from the bunker right this is the moment where i kind of wish i was left-handed the ball's actually not good in the bunker it's finished on the bank here. And it's going to give me a very very awkward stance i'm going to have to kind of go here. Or possibly even inside the bunker it's a little way of kind of a chance to show you how to play this shot ideally you just want to try and adjust your club as much as possible to the slope obviously if i held the club fully here like as in full length i just can't get anywhere near striking it this way you've got to sometimes be a bit more creative i'm literally gripping it right down on the shaft so that i can actually just play a fairly normal shot because my feet are. So much lower i'm holding the club lower it feels almost quite normal again tricky shot this though not where i wanted to be everything over this bank's running down towards the flag it's not in the greatest lie in the world either just to be pretty special up and down but damage limitation i just want to give myself a put after this shot make sure i still turn my body through i might just go foot up there just for a bit of stability that feels better okay just over that little bank not gonna lie to you one of the best shots i've ever in my life if i'm being humble that was pretty pretty bloody good give that a quick rake. And try and knock that one in for par so i've got this for par now after that kind of slight error on the second shot give it a quick read it's next.

To nothing in that that's actually a really straight port but just slightly back up the hill just gonna pick my line a couple of practice puts just next.

To the hole and next.

To the ball sorry really trying to visualize the ball coming off the face staying online and going in i think i can be confident on this one. And firm up the hill it looks super super straight come on for an incredible park i can only guess i pulled that because honestly that was such a straight port okay in. For bogey the second shot let me down there silly little mistake but one you've got to live with on to next.

Which actually the hardest hole in the golf course third hole unbelievable hole here at the marriott hardest held on the golf course kind of dog legs to the left-hand side for a t a good t-shirt is killer really important to put into play luckily today.

Is slightly downwind playing 434 yards there's a bunker there down the left-hand side which is about 260 to carry. So i should carry that on a good on a good shot so i'm actually going to aim right over that bunker if i leak it right it's not the underworks it's actually in the fairway if i go left it's not ideal it's in the roof. But actually makes a whole lot shorter okay one over at the moment i'm not going to try. And force anything on this hole there's no point in compounding errors. But a good t shot pick my line visualize my shot i've hit my driver well so far so straight over that bunker it's gone a little bit right but actually that's could be perfect yeah just just right rough hit it really well it came out like a bullet. But just ever so slightly pushed it didn't quite draw kind of hoping for a little bit more draw on it but we're fine there so we found it in the slightly thicker stuff up the right side of this hole not ideal to be honest with you i know something it's kind of quite a small fairway but at least not in the trees it's just not ideal it's sat horribly as well it really has sat down a little kind of indentation um middle of the green is 165. he's playing slightly uphill. But downwind so i think that's probably going to neutralize itself out i think he's only played about 160. off that lie i mean i could potentially muscle. And nine iron there but i feel that might be quite unpredictable so i'm gonna go for an eight iron i still think i've got to hit it well. So what i'm gonna do i'm gonna grip down a fraction on this club hold on a touch tighter the reason gripping down i just want to take a little bit of distance off this club i feel gripping tighter gets through the rough a little bit better. And i don't like to say hit and hope but it is kind of one of those i i can't i don't feel like i'm gonna be super confident in how this ball's gonna actually come out of this lie i'm just gonna make good connection hold on tight. And just fingers crossed i can get it up on the green if not close by make sure club right into the back of the ball that's come out well get a good kick get a good kick it's had a sensational kick without i don't want to reach it once in that. But that actually looks like it's good just have a very good look at this just an idea that is where i've hit from. And you can kind of see the the pretty large divot there don't be scared out of the rough of hitting down. And taking and more of a divot you've got to get that club getting down into the ball from my understanding that landed sure the green luckily it's dried up i believe it's just crept over the little hump at the front that is honestly from that lie in that situation that's done incredibly well. So it landed about here jumped up over this little hill and we're left with a 15 16 footer for birdie on stroke index number one okay quick read of this slightly up the hill it's one thing you want to try. And establish early days is it uphill. Or downhill put that's obviously going to factor the speed of your put this is ever slightly uphill it's on a 2 slope. So it's actually going to swing quite a bit from left to right i think the other thing as well to think about here obviously i've just made bogey on the last i mentioned on the t that i don't want to press. And force any more errors but i've done the hard work that this is this legitimate chance of birdie here the one thing i don't want to do is obviously just fire it past i'm going to play it dead way fingers crossed it drops because that will get me about to level. But if not nestle it in nice and close to the hole the next.

Birdie there but i'll take it every single day back to level that's how you bloody play golf that was nice i want to tell you a little story on this hole i used to love this hole like it's a little par three the fourth hole here at the marriott i used to love huge green. And when you start loving the hole i i almost couldn't see past making par if not bird if not holding it more recently i've got to be honest i've not played this hole very well and i'm sure many of you out there have got those kind of holes where you don't feel like you've played it very well so i'm going to tell you how to manage it i think first off is every time you play this hole it's it's different like different tees different pin positions. And still go through that process of picking a line picking the perfect shot and it only takes a couple of good times when you play it that confidence starts boosting and you start doing well on it so hopefully i can demonstrate that it's 165 yards to the flag the flag is back left which is a big favorite pin of mine here on any green to be honest the wind's kind of into. And off the side here not directly behind let me show you so kind of the wind the pins down directly here the wind's kind of coming in from if the flag's 12 o'clock the wind's coming in from like a 1 o'clock maybe two o'clock location so it's helping if anything i mean it's seven iron shorts of the pin is my friend long is not good on this hole because it really shortsides me yeah. So i'm gonna go middle of the green wind is hopefully helping bring it back towards the flag. But it's still definitely into let's fly to a little bit lower if that's the club we're in the money i've always said i love this hole like always. And look how close that is like he's literally landed a couple of foot short. And stopped dead one big hop and we could have been notching number one down on the scorecard look at that little naughty shot oh wow yeah it's about one two three. And a half feet away it landed there it obviously jumped and kind of spun back a big hop could have been very nice i was actually going to try that ping putter on this hole. But i don't think i will i'll stick with this one. For a minute more consider i just hold that nice little snake on the last two repair the pitch mark give it a quick clean give it a quick read not letting that just right right edge slightly up the hill indentation there right come on so back to that birdies to go one on the par very good very nice right one on the batsman birds um they come far and few between so got to celebrate them when they tape when they happen and next.

Those actually a par 5 downwind oh life's good doesn't always go like this by the way as i'm sure you many golfers know and certainly if you've watched my channel before you know it doesn't always go like this and you might see some of those bad rounds coming up in some break 75 episodes coming soon but hopefully we can try. And get a bit more good golf this year that's the plan fifth hole par five 529 yards um not a lot to kind of think about here from honest with you it's just pick a good line. And hit driver it kind of all funnels into it into an entrance as you go down here and it's a very very slight dog leg to the right after that so if anything maybe right side of center but if i can hit a bit of a rocket down here there's half a chance of getting on in two shots now i think what's important here as well like right now i'd say i've got a decent score going after those two birdies it's not getting too far ahead of yourself it's not thinking about oh i could be on. For a great round here i could be on for you know my best ever score do your best to try. And stay in the present like try and make sure that you take every shot still as an individual shot don't get too far ahead don't be writing your winning speech before you've crossed the finish line right straight down the middle i can picture it i can see it. And i can absolutely hit it i think if it's long enough it's bloody perfect it was the tiger line i cut off some of the corner. And went tight but if it's carried it we should be in position a one you know well that's actually really unlucky i finished just short of the path i've hit a great drive but it must have taken a really soft first bounce because if you can get it in the summer. And it's bounded and who knows i could have even got a lucky kick off that path it could have been another 20 30 yards down the fairway but it's not i can still go. For the green it's 250 yards from here sound quite nicely slightly downwind off the left i think it's just a nice three wood just gonna clear those trees. For me here it's more trying to work out kind of the um risk versus reward do i lay up. And obviously i can punt it down there with like an eight time. Or a nine iron and then.

Wedge it on or do i go. For a more ambitious shot when i'm trying to get on the green and then.

The big factors are if you've got anything to get it over. So if there's a massive lake in front of the green here i probably wouldn't go for it because it just not be the right shot to play but i've got these trees to cover but they're not very tall i can easily cover those trees. And then.

After that there's nothing down there it's it's pretty much empty there's a couple of bunkers which i hope to avoid even if i go in them it's not the end of the world just gotta pick a line a nice confident line wins ever so slightly down and off the left so i'm gonna just fax that in a smidge and i'm gonna aim down the left side of the hole [Laughter] i said i wanted to lay up that was the plan in the all along i haven't even just done that i completely topped it like completely. And utterly topped it it's ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and actually put me in a perfect layup position kind of can't believe i've just done that but it's one of those things in it garth eh can't always hit great shots it's how you come back after the bad ones which is important i need to not let it affect me. And i need to make sure i can still still got opportunity to go up. And down i have just got to make it make it hopefully make it work from there okay this is where my top ended up not actually terrible 120 yards away from the flag slightly down breeze. So 120 yards would normally be for me just a normal gap wedge a 50 degree gap wedge so with it being downwind i'm just gonna play with kind of a feely one in there kind of like a three quarter just past three quarter one pick a good line ideally i want to leave it slightly short the whole because everything passed definitely starts to elevate a lot more come on let's try and finish off with one more birdie rick that's like a 20-yard slice with a gap wedge oh right that was terrible i felt good over that as well i've got to be honest with you i'm not totally sure how to diagnose that shot i think mid-round is not something i'm going to do just only get in my head. So put it down as a a bad swing a bad strike whatever it may be try and get up and down from where it is making a hash of this eye after that good tee shot right well that was pretty shocking nothing more could be said. So now i'm faced a little tricky little number here i've got quite a lot of ground to cover before i've got to get on the green so we're on my 60 degree lob wedge so we need height here land it just on the fringe or maybe even just on the green and let it roll down that's it oh just ran on a bit probably missed my landing spot by about the same distance as the balls roll past the hole this is what happens when you go in the park go in the bar. And suddenly shouldn't do though should it it's not what should happen right still got this. For par guys if you've enjoyed this style of video make sure you hit like leave a comment down below what have you picked up from in this video what's something that you'll look to implement in your own game i'd love to your thoughts i mentioned previously in another video breaking 75's coming back loads more golf this year okay left to right down the hill tiny little swinger ouch oh i hit a good foot there as well oh never mind level par through five we'll see you next.

Time thanks. For watching and that's how i play golf at least some of the time we'll see you again.