Right I'm out here on the golf course I'm gonna play golf today.

And talk through every shot that hit no bells. And whistles no thrills to talk to you about the shots I'm about to play first all I'm starting on is this par-5 522 yards down hit the Mary it was a park as you can see it's a little bit wet it's a little bit rainy that might change what I do out on the golf course today.

Because the greens are going to react slightly differently. But on this first shot is not much to it from honest I'm gonna hit driver it's a pretty straight hole it's slightly sweep to the left yeah just a straightforward driver shot. And that is pretty good I've just drawn it probably the left side of center. But that will set me up nicely. For my second shot right guys so before I hit my second shot I just want to say I'm a golf pro I'd like to play these holes in level par so hopefully you guys watching will pick up a few little tips. And tricks about how I play golf how I navigate certain shots and hopefully it'll help you play better golf so the tee shot here is in a good spot in the fairway it's actually weirdly not gone that far I think because it's wet you can right they'll see the rain coming down it's a bit colder today.

It's slightly into wind. So I'm alright with this tee shot. But it's definitely when it is bad conditions it has such a big impact on the flight of the shop. So I am currently let me just get my GPS up I'm currently 280 yards to the middle of the green on this par-5 some miles away still and for me there's water on the Left which to be fair about 240 carry and after that it gets quite opened up so I'm still gonna it 3-wood even though I'm not going. For the green it's going to carry that water on the left. And carry any hazards on the right so second shot three would hopefully sets me up into a nice position you know saying I was a golf pro. And okay that's my second shot. And you've got over so I'm going to keep it all in my second shot that tops my 3-wood my trusty 3-wood the 3-wood that I absolutely love. And just let me down on the good news I'm sure the water sure the bunkers and now I'm gonna be hitting my third shot into the green still quite a distance back but golf let's see how I recover let's see if I can still make par. So got real this that's not my finest moment everyone YouTube topping up 3-wood but it's how you react to it I'm not too forced I'm still in a fine position I'm further out than what I wanted to be yes I am. But I'm 150 yards 185 yards away for my third shot slightly in Tabriz it's a little bit where I'm gonna go I probably normally try and get six there but I'm gonna go five nice look five I might play a fraction lower in the flight just to get through that breeze I think this should be the perfect Club. But not forget to still do a practice swing come round a bit yeah front edge of the green there's definitely more of an effect on that breeze. So there possibly could have gone one more Club one thing I think sometimes subconsciously I do. But one thing you should always consider is the slope it's all like very subtly that ball that ball was slightly above my feet balls okay. And I was stood down there naturally. And I adjusted I aim a little bit more to the reich's it's gonna draw back in and I kind of did that didn't fully fully draw. But it's all these little things that when you are in the golf course to consider this looks like a nice lie on the fairway. But often there are slopes. And relations and you've got to allow for that because it does affect the ball fight a little bit okay. So just short the green I definitely could have gone for iron and long Porte obviously I want to just take my medicine after that poor second shot so I'm two foot from here take the par hopefully I'm off the green here and you might have seen in videos I've done quite a few I do coaching videos on Facebook if you want to see daily coaching videos check me out on Facebook the link will be in the description below just below the like button down there you can press that as well about situations like this. So I see too many golfers taking too much loft if you come around this side so you can properly see this I see too many golfers using like a sand wedge. Or a lob wedge even though they're off the green but honestly if you can put it's the safer option right I'm a quick read it looks like it's just swinging up the hill right to left. So I'm gonna give it a little bit more of that right-hand side it's gonna be slow because the the grasses is wet because of the rain this morning let's just try. And get it close try and take couple of practice swings to figure out the speed I'm gonna need to hit this out I've give that a really good hit good up there I was a big swing I didn't hold back on that because again as soon as the grass gets a little bit wet it makes the ball slow it gets the ball to stick to the green right tap in. For par still think my time over it's just inside right to left. And that is a power on the first oldest par five. And after that second shot I'll be honest I'll take that every single time so next.

All I'm going to play is this one the par-3 14th hole. So 152 yards to the middle but the pins at the back gives me playing near it's 170 yards still a little bit in Tabriz 170 in Tabriz it's quite strong actually I'm probably gonna hit 6 iron which for me would normally go too far but I think if I can just control it now if you're a long time here in the channel you'll know recently a fall out of favor with the irons I've currently got in the bag the ping blueprints stay tuned. So I've got a very exciting video coming soon about my new irons we're not quite there yet but it's getting close so in the meantime I still got the blueprints in the bag which should obviously really good irons they just don't give me enough protection I feel they've got a shot like this as well like pins back back right I'm hopefully just gonna favor the chunky part of the green if I can leave myself left-hand side of the flag pin high I'll be delighted. So it's not a full 6-iron for me so I'm just gonna grip down about an inch or so off the top and just it to a fraction smoother yeah like this called this should be perfect Oh be the club get up there wowsers please tell me that was zoomed in to say I called it would be an understatement that was absolutely perfect good ball flight good strike correct distance I'm delighted with that shot see if we knock it in. For birdie wow that was really close coming down here now you can see the the pitch mark we're nearly hard the channels first I was gonna say televised did YouTubed hold him one this is where it pitched I'm surprising with six I actually spun back quite far. And we just repair that okay it's a birdie opportunity I'd be over the moon making this now just I think it's important to know I'm a PGA golf pro. And often I'm a coach I make youtube videos I coach so I'm not full-time player so for me if I shoot for go round a golf course let's say a par 72 I'm happy obviously trying to get to shoot 72 but even if I shoot in the 70s I'm happy you know if I actually got a handicap I've done a couple of videos on it recently I play full 18 holes I probably shoot like two or three over I've got the ability to shoot lower but I don't that's not what I'm about I'm not trying to play all the time and so yeah anything in the seven system II just to give you some contact. So obviously bird is a great still this is this is pretty flat this is pretty straight. And do sometimes use a technique called aim point from my putting it's hard to explain aim point. But it's a wave of using your feet to be able to measure the slope as opposed to just your eyes it is very effective. So this is just on the right edge slightly up the hill we are leaving the flags in still currently I would probably take it out here normally. But they are we're not allowed to at the moment right line it up come on birdie it's a bit lovely to hold this positive thoughts still like making birdies even though they can invite fictional birdies because it's just. For a video there are still good right good score there I'm going to go on to the next.

Hole I'm gonna jump a couple balls. And play a hole which is a short par-4 I show you a couple of different ways to potentially play it okay. So I'll swing around to the 17th hole that married here and it's a 305 yard par-4 it's a really interesting hole this because for me I don't really consider doing anything else rather than just hitting driver because to play it safe it actually brings in more hazards so if you look down the hole here there's a bunker out there at then.

That plays around about 190 yards this bunkers on the left which again come into trouble that kind of if I'm hitting let's say let's say for example I played this hole and as a two shot I hit a four iron off the tee 200 yards I still have a hundred yards left into the green okay. But about two hundred yard marker there's so many hazards down there so for me hitting driver takes out all those hazards out the way and all you've got to contend with then.

It's actually a green side bunker that's just to the right and if I end up in that I'm actually okay with that. So I'm first off I'm I feel like I'm all right out of bunkers and so I'm by the side of the green so for me I say it does play depending on player. For player but I certainly on shots like this calculate reward and risk on this hole it's not really any risk for trying to go for it so I'm gonna driver it's pretty much straight down if I can start it middle of the green. And if it fades off a little bit we've switched directions now so it's slightly downwind and they're also good news it stopped raining I think a nice one of these a little taping this again this good little point to pick up on if you're coming close to me to get direction I'll pick up something much closer to me. So the yellow to your broken tea just on the floor hair I'm just gonna aim just slightly left about yellow tea with my club head and get a line to that could I know that that's then.

Straight to where I'm going to yeah it's pretty much just on the left edge of that yellow tea that's stuck in front of me that was good let's go driver let's see if we're gonna hit a good one just slightly pushed it. But that is gonna be absolutely fine now be greenside mr. bunker pin high possibly. And a chip to the flag and hopefully a decent chance for birdie setup so here we are by the side of the green pretty much exactly I predict it pin high. But just off to the right honestly which to every single time just come around this side you can gonna get a real idea of the shots you can see the flag. So I'm playing I've got loads of green to play with that was the bunker I was concerned about. But I've carried out so it's no problem yes. For me I mean that that is the advantage you've been able to drive the ball a long way like you see out on tour when players can hit the ball a long way the they just hitting shorter shots into greens I think again if I played about 200 yards off the tee. And a hundred yards into the green I stuff to play a pretty awesome shot into the green where hopefully I'm gonna play now a little 8-iron bump and run I'm not gonna take too much loft hopeful this shot would be much much closer than I would get it from 100 yards I'm gonna grip down slightly on the club and almost use it like a putting stroke not getting my wrist too involved letting it break up the slope and then.

Right to left port simmer simmer simmer simmer simmer I'm not I'm not overwhelmed by like shot but I'm not massively disappointed what's good about like it took the risk out of it I wasn't trying to take it super lofted and the only thing in hindsight I possibly just forgot is because the greens a little bit damp still that that first when it landed it just hopped forward a little bit which made it run past. But as I ganna mentioned if I was hitting my second shot from a hundred yards in the middle of the fairway I would not get it this close at all right another birdie opportunity this looks pretty straight again maybe slightly right-to-left I saw it as it broke him past the flag when I hit the chip it's slightly swung that way. So that's given me a bit of an indication one thing I do. And I think I've talked about this in videos before I'll always use the logo of the golf ball to line up. So most golf balls now I've got a logo on it I use that for a starting location so for me I'm going to go left edge just inside the hole left edge line the line up first I mean this would be amazing if I can make another birdie that's not that's not the best line of ha be honest with you tweak it okay come on let's knock it in nice confident put over this. And we go to under everybody with a par-5 last to come this could be a record score for four holes par-5 last hole and you show you what happens when I properly go for one give it a rip down there last hole 18th on my favorite holes on this golf course actually par-5 528 yards if we look down here for me it's it's a tee shot of each downwind today.

So I can I can properly tee this off. And give it a good hit because it's open and North right there are trees in my eyeline. But where I'm landing the ball with driver there's not many trees that start to get involved hopefully I can put this in into a good position. So I'm hitting into the green well for my second shot I'm going to tee up on this left-hand side of the team ground just. So I can open this hole up a little bit more. So I can get a bit more of a visual. But Baba I'm not gonna light em just got a bit of fun on this time 203 three hours I'm just gonna absolutely smash driver there's actually a mower in line with the middle of the fairway now which is a good line. For me so I'm going to pick my point now be confident with it okay I'm gonna go more from I'm gonna hit this a little bit harder. So I can get down there as far as I can oh that's well hit might have just moved off the fairway to the right yeah I think it's just slightly tailed the miss on this hole off the tee is slightly to the right cuz it's just rough down there it does make the hole slightly shorter because it's a very subtle dogleg to the right. But it might mean I'm hitting my second shot out of the rough. And again with it being a bit wetting pluggy today.

That might not be ideal. But either way I absolutely smash that and we're in a good position down this last hole so guys if you enjoyed this style of video which is a bit more like a fawn in depth way I've been able to hopefully help you guys improve leave a comment down below. And hit that like button I enjoy making these it's an nice leisurely wander around the golf course and hopefully you guys are picking up some nice little tips. And tricks to help improve your game that's let's see if we knock on the green here and - you know I was yards off the fairway one two three four four yards to the right. And I found myself in a not an ideal situation actually because I mention on the tee the the rough just a little bit wet and clogged it's gonna have an effect on the shot here winds still down I'm 205 yards to the middle of the green pin looks pretty much middle it's not gonna be for me there's bunkers short but considerably short you know I'd realized it a bad run if I'm not going to carry those bother might get a flyer I'm more inclined to eat four five iron here now m4 I think fours potentially the correct option distance wise. But just because it's sat down a little bit more and it goes back to the poor but I'm actually not the biggest fan of these irons for me because I want a set of iron's where I can grab the floor iron in this situation hit it. But I just feel like these blades just don't offer me enough enough power behind the shark when I say not enough power I just don't I feel like there's not enough support around the head probably powers the wrong word it's more support and forgiveness that's what I'm going more with the five I felt that at least a loft loft is going to give me a little bit more forgiveness I want an iron with a bit more of a of a cavity that helps me pop it out of a shot like this I could still go with five iron if I hit it hard enough it's gonna wait. For that mower to move and then.

We're good to go yeah let's go I can get there with fire if not I'll be I'll be at the front of the green that's got a chance chase up there it's got a lovely kick I'm waiting to see it pop up on the green I'm not quite seeing it it came out flat it hopped the bunkers that was potentially worried about hitting if I hit a terrible shot it got a wonderful kick forward off the back of those bunkers it's either going to be on the green. For an edge or just in the fringe that was that was best result I could have got from that situation. So this is roughly where it landed just on this back edge of the bunker. But because it is. So wet and like snug in the ball up it's actually just run up to the front of the green here on the little apron section if that would have been drier well dry out it would give me two advantages it would have been easier to hit out that roof and it would have definitely kicked down the front of the green right I'm not gonna lie to you everybody watching on YouTube and Facebook wherever you watching this isn't my favorite golf shot in the world and if I would have I would have intentionally put it here this kind of like slightly awkward distance 34 20 yards away from the green or from the pin tight issue I need to play a little bit of loft I'd love to be one of those players who can just grab a little 60 degree. And just zip it up there but I just feel like it's not it's not in my game plan so the shot I'm gonna play is more of a bump. And run with a 9-iron a little bit loft I'm gonna bump it into the bank don't think less of me please I'm gonna play my little cheating chipping technique. And what I mean by that I'm gonna lift the handle up grip down on it slightly. And almost use it more like a putter to save for shot hopefully jump it in the front of the green I think because it is a bit wet. And damp it'll slow it down and let's set up for another birdie opportunity I was mentioning before that certainly not to a player. And I got I got to 2-under and got quite excited I'm not gonna lie to you I could make 300 through four here it'll be amazing unfortunately that's a part of my game I'm weakest out I tried to play it with a little bit more protection we'll just over hit it still got a chance. For birdie but not as close as I should be from that range you know what I'm just gonna I've just come back to that same spark some now the pressures off I'm gonna play it like I should play it like a professional golfer should play it with a 60-degree I'm gonna slide the club underneath it with finesse and let's see if if the result is either as good as it should be. Or whether actually made the right decision I'm gonna try and land it much more on the green this time it's weird run that cuz that wasn't a good golf shot it wasn't a good strike and I've kind of got away with it in hindsight it's closer than the first shot but that could have gotten much much worse either way none of them are super close it's definitely part of my game that I need to work on. But let's see if we can box that first one. For birdie there's still a chance ok birdie chance it's probably around about about 12 foot or so a little bit longer downhill greens are still obviously a little bit wet it's not a lot of breaking nut just slightly down the hill right to left she's one of those ones where again let's just put scenario in place let's say I am on. For a phenomenal round ok and I'm 2-under currently in the holes that flood heed and this is one of those ones where in the last hole you just want to hold a good pork I don't don't rush too much take your time obviously don't hold people up. But make sure you've calculated it make sure you've taken the elements into consideration the slope and if you're playing well think about all those great shots you've hit. So far in that round of Dolf I'm going to try. And pull back the the memories from the two good birdie putts I've holed so far in the last two holes remember the ball going in the hole how it made me feel all those positive reinforcements help you be more confident over the pots. And then.

Just roll it in come on let's get to 3-under I'll be over the moon with that oh it's not broke as much oh I was this that was another bad read I've gotta be honest put that on me that was a terrible read guys if you enjoyed this video make sure you smash like. And we shall see you soon for par and to finish to under which I again over the moon with does through few holes that are played we shall see you next.
