We down here today.

With taller ex Nick Hibbs the owner down here. And we're going to talk about the importance of getting the correct line with the golf club. And this is now this is you do this every day talking with people everything how many people must get it wrong I will change many to 90 percent really real here oh my god. So I mean I couldn't custom fit before they've been custom fit you know with the [ __ ] banging of the set you know I'm probably guilty of this myself I'm probably a nice man I've never been blocked. And lie down lie shattered from the wages and they're some of the most important purpose again why chat because of the loft it can point in different directions. So we've got a golf club here today.

That that's very very easily bendable now not all golf clubs are of it no I mean the majority of golf clubs are forged. Or cast cast a very difficult to move here you know they've been set at high temperature forged begins as a little billet of metal and it stretched into share so you can continue to stretch right. So forth sorry facade tends to feel a little bit softer cast feels a bit bit harder so that's why the forged had genuine wants what's made contact with camera give that feeling between the much soft the head purus off the field off interface and math times I have to ring up Nick that what a client in the said Nick someone needs a club bending will this Bend is like that that just won't Bend unfortunate. So this is this is again where is highlighted that it's. So important when you're making a decision on the very expensive set of golf clubs good luck they're not cheap of these animals are not to you the very expensive any set of golf clubs you're going to get do make sure that the lie angle is correct to get fitted if you coloca layer this is in Warrenton in the UK definitely doing. So we've today.

We've got a Bridgestone this is a forty six iron. And it's a forged head Nick says this is really easily yeah this is good quality. So we're going to hit some golf shots in what we would class has been a neutral angle. For me so I'm pretty much standing behind go then.

We're going to go more upright with it I'm going to go flatter with it we're going to see the difference of where the golf ball will generally go your prediction is Network if we go more upright we're on the ball I'm a tendency going probably left more to the light yeah. And it's really fun also the ride you've got you've got two big outcomes like you've got the with the direct from the loft would face in a nick right that said before you know if you've got it in ill-fitting the heel of the golf club can dig in too quickly. Or the toe the gospel could begin to the floor too quickly so again makes a cool face heel digs in in terms of face over from terms the tour digs in first and kind of opens so it can be a massive massive factoring where the golf ball ends up. And it's it's it's simply just getting it adjusted or at the very start when you get a properly fitted correct and I think it's very important that we take some songs from Rudi's dynamically you know we think we can do a static fit. So it's athletically oh you stand the ball yes. But the most important part is dynamics at it at impact you know if they stood on the shoal of the club seaworthy the little impact on on the my right thinking the static ones are just a complete you know the measurement from wrist support itself to it whereas the dynamic one is the problem of well hit them of the ball that's what that's the one we used because you could easily get a guy that stood right here knowing setup there those suddenly change with the angle of the golf to get it in a completely different way. So I'm going to hit some golf shots they're using Mixtrack man down here such as. For things were waking back up. And we're just kind of see the flight of these these view first in our normal line run mixture then.

Zip over to the loft and lighting each other you know hectares a shame so this is the locked in my machine. And we're going to tweak it. And then.

See the actual effects of the golf ball mark how much it will do. So essential normal odds first I straight away looking down that that's very pleasing to the eye ball it's a nice-looking club head anyway what the bottom of the golf ball sits generally quite flat to the surface now that makes that that doesn't really matter classy a lot of golfers that will do this. But the impact you practice I think aesthetically when it's what it probably just helps when you're looking down at the golf ball. So I just got six I never hit a few these bursts I would say I'd normally hit a little bit of a draw which is a shot of just being on screen there. And that would be kind of my normal shot show for six I don't I don't feel like the clubs digging in or it's not it's not value in anything you know down at the bottom end of the golf shot which is great I would stick one more. So then.

Over there and there about you know three relatively consistent draw shots and felt very very nice so Nick your goal with Nick now and then.

This Golf Club and see now the effects on if we go to all right so this is Nick using the loft. And lie machine here so he just slides in lock it into place we push the face up towards the these locking locking bars we're going to clamp it in okay yeah yep. So the club is completely fixed you know especially this section here. So then.

We would pull this this measuring device forward so we clamp it squirt elite to the shaft and then.

We give it gives us a lie angle reading it also gives us a loft and as we get both of them that correct and then.

This is actually quite a strong sick sign one of the last fitting settings we did we were trying to give someone less dynamic loft. So that there is okay not a problem. But then.

We're going to make this more upright than Nick plays if that's okay. So we go quite extreme yeah little extreme as we can without breaking the clock okay. So we plumped me the the brass bar finished in brass so it so it helps to eliminate any marks on the club and you know bending yeah an extra she's not that big kind of long register force okay. So that no is more upright golf club certainly more upright than you're currently used to. So when you put that down aesthetically the the tall looks in a different position okay super. So we've probably moved that by about three or four degrees four degrees four degrees okay let's go. And test that back on track so we've got now we're back on track man we're back in the kitchen area here we've got public four degrees more all right we're expecting left big lift that straight away but it looks awful behind the golf for now that's holes like if you right off the floor I feel like I've just done somewhere like this today.

Can fly. So it's good ain't it normally like how would you know don't try make any adjustments oh oh oh my god a nut felt dreadful you know be the club not only did it feel like that the heel dug into the floor as well. But everything about I didn't feel amazing didn't sugar I needed I didn't really throw a second more I feel like I've slightly adjusted towards up but it still got my math correct I've missing every green I've ever played on maybe some 700 double green that's about it so go one more to really see the effects of that it's so far away I love all the reason that's that's four degrees it oh my god four degrees now it will actually nothing else to keep that on the planet. So then.

I'm going to go the opposite way we're going to make you four degrees flatter we're going to come back to see what the results of that look like as well good that was happily you know. So this makes just over there on the left and why machine and just to highlight again the importance of getting the lying all correct I see a lot of golfers that will come to me maybe bought a set off the eBay. And they've got oh look at this brilliant price of golf course but you don't like to look and the clubs are too long the line was incorrect the grips are too far the shaft flex is too stiff. Or too regular and the effects are absolutely huge annex just get that into a much flatter location now. And we should see the ball go more to the right neck threat correct we flattened that off now again aesthetically that looked very very different looks like like you've got to get your hands go over it alone oh oh yeah it's great you know I was launching obviously I mean we go an extreme say we go. For a four degree angle my friend it I mean this is very very flat oh my god does look I feel like I've got to get down here somewhere I'm going to hit some shots. And we expect this girl more to the right correct probably it's all straight and generally I regret it like it it's so far away and I can get understanding how far out is it's mainly because the loss that I didn't feel like it will get again. But it felt like the loft was just pointing projection some part of the ride correct oh god that's crazy. So good one more do you feel like. Or the other hands that missing like I was I'm going to try again to a line okay. So I feel like I'm going to have to manipulate the face. And also want a lot now I feel like I've been manipulated it's straight still come no I thought I can try to manipulate up more. And it still miles to the right so really interesting that the effects online go to the dispersion on the direction of golf course so some of you watching out there I go that I always hit this goal for to the ride so far just individual golfing I finally put it correct we get a lot of people coming down and saying will you just measure my six a. And they assume that the six hands right still doesn't necessarily mean the rest of the clubs in the set up there. So that's true and many times you might see that you know a more laughing Club this this dispersion would be even greater wouldn't it because there is a food B point in the wrong direction even more I'm definitely at my wedges too while I'm here can we get sorted out with us. But it just highlights again the absolute importance of getting the correct Lionel on your clubs it's vital it's a service that pretty much for most companies now offer as standard obviously Nick when you come down here he will get that absolutely perfect. For the correct angle for your needs for your dynamic impact factors not static you can't get lost the wider that in a pro shop just stood there getting measured rather be hitting goggles we've got two or three loft and lie machines we've also got a quite expensive exclusive measuring device collision to live the life of watch you can actually bend. So much providing we can get them in a moment there you go. So guys it's definitely worth checking out you can check Nick Arnie's Twitter down here. And his website as well to get marketing you've got to give a call do be kind of you know be cautious that there is a waiting list a little bit the moment zoo don't be put off if it's a little bit down line. But the service is without question word guys thanks. For watching we'll do some more videos on the importance of custom fitting if you've not seen my other videos you can check them out the window here check out in this window here this $1,700 shot is it worth it other click on that link to watch the video that thanks. For watching I'm going to some more videos down here with knit kids.