I'm going to show you how to become a better ball striker how you can find the middle of the clubface more often. And hit better golf shots the first thing you've got to do is establish where you hit on the clubface already now you may have seen me use the foot power to spray in the path spray on the clubface hit some shots. And it'll highlight where you're here it's great in dry conditions not great in wet conditions I've got another one to show you in a ball marker obviously a ball ideally practice balls of your own draw a dot reasonable size dots size of a pea and put that in location of where you're going to strike. So basically behind the golf ball in line with your intended target and then.

Here golf shot and as you can see there's no lies here it's in the middle. But very much on the bottom of the strike they're a little bit low on strike you do that five. Or six times you start to see a pattern some of you might favor the toe some you might favor the heel but establishing where you hit first is absolutely crucial let's work on now how we improve it by the way just give it a little wipe that does come off. And if you use nail varnish remover on the golf ball that also comes off the ball as well a little top tip though okay. So that's the first simple step you've got a no way you striking it from what your pattern is as I showed you there you can use a marker pen you can use the foot powder spray up perfect. Or some tape as well anything to show you where you strike on the club face it is crucial now. For continued of how you improve that this video is brought to you. And powered by Garmin I'm wearing the Garmin approach s 40 in this video and it is such a nice watch it's got GPS function when you're out on the golf course forty thousand golf courses are loaded into the device as soon as you arrive you press play golf. And it'll search the golf course at your art to give you the GPS locations help you improve your game because it'll give you the distances so not over the front middle and back of greens were also two hazards when you're out in the golf course super lightweight it's got loads of functionality as well it gives you data about the shots that you've hit gives you even things like the sunrise. And sunset if you want to continue playing golf late on into the evening and it also hooks up to your mobile phone to get notification and messages super lightweight I've played with this watch so many times you never feel like you're actually wearing it so it never interferes when you swing which is a massive bonus highly recommend the Garmin approach s40 GPS Smart Watch. So once you've established where your pattern is where you strike whether you hit too much from the toe. Or too much from the heel this little drill is perfect this is the gate drill as you can see I've put a tee peg towards the toe side of the golf ball. And a tee peg on the heel side of the ball it's when I line that club head up if I strike successful it that Club should breathe through those two tee pegs leaving the tee pegs in if I hit slightly more towards a toe of the golf club I'm actually gonna catch this tee peg here the one that's on the heel side that's gonna give me an instant feedback that I've not struck the middle of the clubface and it's a great drill to continue until you can swing that club straight through the middle. And likewise if I hit the heel too much I'm gonna catch that tee peg that's on the toe side of the golf ball so ideally we want to be able to hit a shot without those two pegs moving at all that's showing us that we're fine in the middle of the clubface and we kept the coming batter ball strikers and as you can see through those two tee pegs the clubbers are absolutely breezed through leaving a divot just past the tee pegs. And this is a little side note let me show you from above from my view. So as I was hitting the golf shot we know the golf ball was right in the middle of the two tee pegs there. And you can see after the divot has taken place after the two tee pegs is absolutely crucial become a better ball striker this drill gives you feedback of whether you hit the toe. Or the heel and where your divot is taking place in relation to the golf ball the next.

Step in becoming a better ball striker is practice on slope in lies don't just practice on flat perfect conditions a lot of golfers fall in tuk trap go into a driving range. And they'll get into a groove and start found in the middle aisle golf not like that full of slopes I've come out in the golf course and found two very severe slopes one where the ball was below my feet. And one where the ball was above my feet perhaps assessing on shots in that way gives you the ability to know where the middle of the clubface is a bit more starting to educate your swing. So that under any circumstance you're going to find the middle of a clubface much more often because you've got to adjust you've got to change your body shape you got to hold higher. And lower on the handle depending on the slope now if you're the driving range to simulate this as best as you can practice shots where you go up. And down the grip to try and simulate those differences in ball above the feet or below your feet the top tip as well and this feel a bit odd at first practice with the ball on a big tee peg with a ball being on the big tee peg you've got to be able to find the middle of the clubface and he missed strikes you will get punished these are great drills to help you become a better ball striker. And to find the middle of the clubface much more so here's some tips if you've established that your pattern favors one location and you're struggling to fix it let's say you hit too much from the toe or too much from the heel or just not quite striking it as pure as you can. So the first one is if you're striking it too much from the heel. So if you catch it in this part of the golf club and even worse still if you're catching it in the neck there and hitting the shank it's a great tip put golf ball down and use a tee peg just on the outside of the golf ball if you were to make contact with that tee peg the ball is more likely to strike the heel of the club your mission as a golfer hits the heel is to not hit that tee peg avoid that tee peg a couple of little top tips make sure that when you address the golf ball you don't get too close to the ball give yourself some nice distance. For your arms hang naturally from your shoulders they're not pulled in to you too much to drop straight down naturally here shot and avoid hitting that tee peg that way you'll strike much more towards the toe likewise let's say you're a golfer this hits too much towards the toe and you actually want to hit a little bit more towards the heel well put the tee in the same location but this time you're actually trying to hit part of that tee peg likewise if you hit too much some the tail you might just look too far away from the golf ball coming a little bit closer and aim to get your arm to drop naturally from your shoulder socket and your mission this time is to try. And hit slightly closer to the tee peg that's on the outside of the ball that way you hit more towards the heel last one and you can use a tea peg. For all of this if you're a driving range which doesn't allow you to put the tea peg in the mats often they don't just put the tea peg the other way around and light on the mat using the base of the tea peg little top tip for you there so the last one is this the tea peg in front of the golf ball about 2 inches in front of the golf ball because ideally when hitting an iron we want to hit the ball first. And then.

The ground just after use this a little top tip as you're hitting your golf shot aim to get your sternum in the middle of your chest to move over the white tee peg that's a couple of inches forward and then.

Rotate the body that way you're going to bottom out after the ball. And get a much crisper strike you're aiming to clip that tee peg out of the ground by moving your sternum slightly to the left and then.

Rotate it and that way you hit ball and then.

Turf after that was pure. And guys be experimental don't be scared about trying different things because it will help you improve your strike. And become better golfers back to watching I'm gonna say that time.