Hi youtube land my name's rick shields down here at traffic gold center in manchester and today.

I'm going to do a little video to help you improve your ball striking when hitting with an iron now ball striking can be massively common where. Or miss bolster i can be very common along amateur golfers. And even some of the the top players as well i'm going to give you a really simple drill today.

To help create a perfect strike every time. So where we hit ball first and a little bit of the floor after certainly trying to eliminate completely that fat shirt or that heavy shot so i've just got a mid-iron here i'm going to hit an a-time just. So you can see it on on the video all here um now setup wise when you set up to the golf ball two two couple of things that we need to just get right is ball position with eight time ball position you want to be just slightly in front the center only a touch in front the center. And also we want the stance to be nice and wide ideally about the same width as our shoulders the way you're measuring that just got to club side by side and pop it just to the inside of your feet that's going to give you a real solid base when you come up to hit a shot now one of the most common reasons why i see a heavy shot is a lateral movement away from the golf ball in the backswing. So once we set up to the ball as soon as we move away the body the sternum the scentedness of your body moves to the to the away from the target really what then.

Tends to happen is the center of gravity is placed behind the golf ball. So when you come in unless you make another massive lateral slide that way you're likely to hit the floor a little bit behind the golf ball so if i was to give that a bit of a demonstration set up here move away from it now i hit that three. Or four inches behind the golf ball got no distance at all. And that was one of the main reasons why a lot of players fat the golf ball. So what we're going to work on today.

Is just a very visual easy visual aid to help you strike the golf ball better. So once you've set up to the ball and you've got the width of stance in the eight iron position just in front the center i want you to imagine that there's a brick wall just here on your left hand side touching the outside of your shoulder and touching the outside of your left foot and i just want you to just ever so slightly push into that brick wall only slightly now in the back swing i want you to be conscious about staying connected to that brick wall now you won't be because your shoulders have turned you won't actually be connected to that brick wall anymore as your shoulders are here then.

They go a lot thinner as they turn. But what you will notice is that your head won't move too much. So if i just put a circle around my head here i'm staying up against that brick wall and i'm staying really connected to that middle line so when i hit this time it's got a brick wall next.

To me the strike was an awful lot cleaner hit the ball foot first. And the floor after give that one more go so you've got your brick wall and only just don't over push it don't exaggerate it just push into that brick wall stay connected to that wall swing and hit it's a real simple way of getting cleaner connection making sure you hit the ball first and the floor after guys thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up share it like it whatever you want to do with it um leave comments do check me out on facebook. And twitter and subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i'll do thanks. So much for watching you.