Hi my name is rick shiels down here at trafford golf center in manchester. And today.

We're going to be talking about creating a little bit more lag. And power in the golf swing uh lag is one of those things that can be often kind of a word that can be blasted about here they're trying to create more lag trying to create more like well what is it first off. And how can we achieve it. So lag angle is can be kind of misinterpreted a lot of time a lot of a lot of players will measure it from left arm to club. But most effectively it would be to measure it more from the right arm and certainly for a right on the golfer and how you're holding the leg and the angle here and the right wrist and the right elbow as we come in to hit the shot so if i was to get to the top of my backswing at the moment as i come back down i'm starting to create this angle here between my right wrist. And the shaft angle so my forearm and the shaft angle and it's not quite 90 degrees but it's not a million miles away now a good way of measuring it though even though i said it's more important to be the right wrist an actual good way of actually measuring the lag angle would be to do it with the left as well. So the left arm and the shaft angle now we want to try and get that to 90 if not even a little bit stronger almost to kind of 80 degree angle here on the way down and also we want to maintain it for as long as we can as we're coming to hit the shot if we lose our lag angle it tends to mean that we've got to here. And started to flick and lose this angle mostly in the right wrist so the right wrist will start to unhinge the right elbow will start to straighten. And we lose all that power before we've come in to actually hit the shot so what i want to do is when you get up to the top of your backswing hold it at the top hold that right wrist angle. And the right elbow for as long as you possibly can. And then.

Through impact that's when it stretches and extends to your right elbow and your right wrist then.

Starts to stretch you don't even almost have to think of that that will happen more naturally. So if i do this in slow motion this time you see on the way down now we created a little bit more lag. And then.

On the way through and kind of unleashed that power coming into the shot there's another couple of good gizmos as well you can get one of these swing guides. And again this is it's kind of it sets on the left wrist. But again more importantly you're holding the right wrist angle so you can see this angle in the right wrist i was playing recently with one of those gps watches on. And i realized that i couldn't play with it on my right wrist the actual bezel the side of the watch on the way down was actually sticking into the back of my hand. And i soon realized i thought oh that's that's starting to be quite painful so it's got me thinking about this right wrist angle a bit more on the way down and into the shot so as we come down we're holding that right wrist angle we're holding that right elbow and then.

Stretching through the shot to create as much power as we possibly can guys thanks very much. For watching that please do practice. And rehearse that before you actually take out onto the golf course so get to the range practice holding the angle as hard as you can swinging. And hitting and that way we can create a little bit more club head speed a little bit more power. And also a slightly more consistent strike guys thanks very much for watching my name has been rick shields down here at traffic golf center in manchester you can check me out on facebook twitter. And do subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i shall do thanks very much you.