Hi welcome to rick shields golf tips i'm going to show you today.

A real good way of curing the yips. So the yips is a cause the problem of a really short put where a player gets nervous. And the right hand twitch is out the way. So i'm going to show you a grip today.

That's going to cure that normally as we hold our putter our leading arm would be at the top. And our trailing arm would be at the bottom or you might have even tried it the other way around if you struggle with little putts but i'm going to show you a way today.

Of holding it in a different way it's called the claw grip. And it's a really good way of keeping the right hand out of it so it doesn't twitch and twinge out the weight when we take hold of the golf club place your left hand on the club normally or your top hand with your right hand just place the two fingers just on the front of the grip so actually index in your middle right on top of the grip and just support it at the back with your thumb the other fingers don't want to be on the golf club at all and certainly not the palm when you take when you take hold of that putter now it'll feel a little bit weird at first but when once practice you'll get used to it and the idea is to keep your right hand completely out of the putt put through it as normal practice that hard if you do have the yips it does cure it thanks. For watching give it a go next.

Time you play and i'll see you again soon you.