[music] when hitting your driver it's important to have the ability to shape your golf shots sometimes you require a tee shot that might start the left hand side and fade back towards the middle and sometimes you might want a draw where it starts more at the right hand side and shakes back towards the middle it's really good for certain whole shapes it's really good if you're playing crosswind or downwind or into wind and sometimes just having that ability and having that trust if you start the ball at that left hand side it's going to fade back towards the middle i'm going to show you how to play these shots with the driver we're going to go with the fade first the one that starts at the left hand side. And fades back towards the middle it's actually a very very favorable shot out on tour it's quite controllable shot so what we're going to do first is show you a couple little tricks first off when we team the golf ball up. For a fade it's actually quite a good little tip to tee up a little bit lower than normal and the reason for this is when we're hitting slightly down more down on the driver. And we can squeeze it. And swing a little bit more left having that ball teed down is going to help you visualize. And and almost achieve that now my target line here is just over that green post. So that's where i want the ball to finish so it's important for me now to aim my body and my alignment more to the left and then.

Swing to the left and keep that club face nice and neutral so i set up this golf ball now i'm going to allow my body alignment my feet my knees my shoulders. And my hips going more down the left hand side of the driving range here. And the club face this is really important the club face isn't going to stay open it's going to be slightly left of target. But more to the right than my feet line now what's really important here as we swing the golf club the feel in the visualization is that you're going to swing more across the golf ball more across to the left. And keep that club face avoid it flipping over we don't want that club face turning we want it to stay nice and neutral through the ball so teed it low my body alignment is down the left hand side my hips my shoulders i've got my face just a little bit left on my target line i'm going to swing left. And cut across the golf ball [Music] that way it starts down that left hand side it's just fading back towards the middle the wind's just carrying it a little bit more down the right hand side it's a controllable shot it typically if you fade it'll go a little bit higher but it's so safe that's why a lot of tour players will hit that shot good one to try next.

One the draw i would say the more more desirable shot. For a lot of amateur golfers because the draw is the one that starts down the right hand side of the hole. And has a little bit more shape towards the middle so we're gonna do something a little bit different here i'm not gonna see the ball as low i'm gonna keep it high i'm gonna tee the ball almost slightly above the club head. So we're gonna aim the body more down the right hand side this time so i'm gonna close my stance my hips my shoulders i'm going to have the face just to the right of my target. But left of where i'm aiming now for me this is much more of a natural shot shape because i can hit more from the inside of the golf ball. And i almost want the club to be moving upwards through the shot now with the draw and the little top tip get the feeling like the toe is almost going to slightly rotate over do that by using your forearms not your hands. Or your wrists but feeling like the forearms are extending. And crossing over so teed it up nice and high i've allowed my body more towards the right hand side so i'm slightly more closed my face is just to the right of my target. But left of my stance i'm gonna feel like i'm hitting up on the golf ball and just allow that club face to rotate [Music] and that is literally perfect that's why it's my favorite shot give them a go fade in the draw go through those little top tips you might find that you hit one better than the other. And get familiar with them because sometimes on the golf course you require both shot shapes thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come like and subscribe we'll see.