So the first thing we're going to do is fix the club face get the feeling that you're almost seeing more of the back of the hand seeing one two. Or maybe three Knuckles on your left hand it helps you control and turn that club face much more to the left much more closed and if you can get that club face closed you're halfway to the journey of fixing that slice as you're taking the club back the face is pointing slightly more down to the ground that's going to help you with your wrist angles. And again it's going to stop that face room opening imagine that the golf swing is much more round much more round the bodies as opposed to going up. And chopping down and left get the feeling that the swing is almost going to be more around the body last point. And it's really important set up when we take our right foot back I want to feel like it's almost set backwards more so in theory your feet alignment is actually going slightly more to the right side of the Fairway if we can Implement those very simple changes you will absolutely fix your slice forever.