Hi welcome to rick shields golf tips today.

We're going to talk about not getting bunkered in the bunkers first things first make sure you choose the right club choice. For the shot see a lot of players that i teach using far too much loft at 60 degrees 62 degree your sandwich should should sit anywhere between 54 degree and 58 the club choice i've got here today.

Is my 54. now when i take the shot the first thing i've got to make sure that i do correctly is open the golf club first. And then.

Re-grip it so if that was at 12 o'clock open it to one. And then.

Re-grip it i'm going to aim my feet left of target. So a little bit open and i'm going to make sure then.

I swing along the line of my feet keeping that face nice. And open so it's going to go straight towards the target now as you can see i've got three notes set up got 20 pound note to dictate how much stand i'm gonna take out the bunker that's. For a short shot ten pound note for a medium shot and a five pound note for a much longer shot to say here the shot that we've got in hand is a twenty pound note sort of range now obviously you can't do this on the golf course. But when you practice visualize these notes on the golf course really do try. And picture the note and hit right behind each size note so if i just slip the 20 pound note away there i'm going to hit this just a couple of inches behind the golf ball. And then.

All the way through to a couple of inches beyond the golf ball so open the golf club shuffle my feet in and i'm going to hit just behind the golf ball. And splash the sand out as you can see there the splat the sand is all gone. And that's roughly about the same size as the 20 pound note that i had from the start so i've cut it straight through there and it's finished about two two foot away from the hole there so not a bad result at all give that a go next.

Time you're out on the golf course thanks very much for watching and i'll see you again soon.