Hi guys so welcome to the video today.

We're going to talk about how you're going to make the golf ball spin on the green how are you going to make it land stop spin back check everything you want it to do once it lands on the golf on the green um we're going to talk about the technical aspects first. And then.

We're going to talk about in my opinion the secret to getting more backspin. So stay tuned for the end of the video to get to that top point um technique-wise so how to create a good strike to get the golf balls to spin back and that's what what it honestly comes down to is striking the golf ball well making sure that we hit the ball first. And hitting the ground after that is key that is absolutely essential if we hit too far behind the golf ball the grass. And the and the the ground gets in the way we can't create any traction we can't create any friction to actually create any backspin so to actually create backspin on the strike standpoint i've just got my 56 degree wedge here and we have to make sure that we keep the center of our swing slightly to the left of the golf ball as we make contact so we're trying to hit the ball first and the floor after we're trying to keep our low point so imagine your golf swing is a big circle the bottom of that circle is your lowest point we want to move that lowest point beyond the golf ball. So when i hit the ball first and the floor after to do that in our setup position we would like to see with a wedge the sternum directly over the top of the golf ball now you might some golfers out there might turn the feet to the left turn it to the right have it square narrow wider it doesn't really matter what your feet are doing we're just aiming to get the sternum the middle of your body directly over the top of the golf ball now from there it's important that we keep the sternum the center of our swing over the top of the golf ball as soon as we start moving it to the right we're going to end up fatting the golf ball. And and not being able to get the traction what we talked about before we want to keep the sternum over the top of the ball as we come down we want to move the sternum slightly to the left so making sure we hit the ball then.

The floor after so sternum over the top sternum to the left and we're going to hit the ball first. And then.

The floor after and tell by the strike of that it was ball first. And then.

The mats the floor the grass after that's how you're going to create the spin i'll say going to create the strike anyway to create the spin. So that was that's the technical point of of things there without question however. i believe there is a much greater side of of making a golf ball spin much greater. And it's not about as much about what you're actually doing as a golfer but the conditions and what you how you present the best possible way to create lots and lots of backspin so you might watch on tour you might watch the pga tour the european tour the golfers create an awful lot of backspin when they're out on the tv there's reasons for that there's there is reasons legitimate reasons first reason the equipment that they're using. So the grooves are sharp they're clean the new they're the latest technology now you might look at this after this video go. And have a look at your sand wedge and have a look at the grooves and notice is there any dirt is there any debris in the grooves if there is you won't create the backspin the grooves can't work if there's debris in it the other the other thing is do i still have depth to the grooves. So if you're looking at your wedge and actually saying oh actually you know my grooves aren't as deep as what they were they're not going to be as they were brand new. But have you still got enough depth to your grooves to create the spin that's really important so you need clean grooves and sharp deep grooves no all conforming to regulation that is. So that's number one that's that's absolutely important the next.

Biggest factor is the golf ball that we use. So the golf ball can make the the golf material the material that we make on a golf ball can make a golf ball spin more than other brands. And manufacturers so you'd like to if you want ultimate spin if you want to get that golf ball spinning back on the green you've got to use quite a premium ball so you need to use a soft cover kind of the best of the best lifestyle what i mean your pro-v ones your pen to golf balls your tail made your shrixen um zed star you need to be using those golf balls that have a softer cover ash you'd golf shop ashy pro shop ask you your golf super stores which cover which golf ball is going to create the most spin now you have to balance that out slightly if you're a golfer who curves the ball a lot off the t. So if you slice it or hook it be careful about using a golf ball that's going to spin more because that's going to exaggerate your left. And right shots a little bit so you've got to be careful about that if your golf ball that hits the ball relatively straight then.

Yes. And maybe invest in a softer golf ball so that's that's another important factor so we've got now we've got clean grooves sharp grooves premium golf ball the next.

Factor if you're going to realistically get lots of spin on the golf ball. And make that ball stop on the green and even suck back spin backwards you've got to be hitting it off a good surface so the surface you're hitting off has to be firm has to be well cut it's a really short grass if there's any grass that gets in between if any grass that gets in between the grooves and the clutch and the ball the spin will get diluted it won't you won't create as much traction off the face that's really important it's got to be well cut really. So fairways and relatively firm if it's too soft again that club could have a tendency of just digging into the floor slightly and again diluting how much spin you can actually get how much traction finally the last thing. And this is important you might have done all of those areas you might have you might have a brand new wedge you might have a brand new soft cover golf ball you might be hitting it off the most superb fairway well-cut fairway the last factor if you want to see real backspin it depends on the green itself. And that is honestly that's fact if the green is really hard. Or really slow the ball won't spin it won't be able to suck backwards the ideal conditions is you want a green that's that's actually taking pitch marks. So it's got a little bit of of giving it it's a little bit softer and a really fast green so you want fast slightly receptive soft green and that's the way you're going to create lots of backspin. So we talked about the technical aspects at the start of the video but the secret the secret to creating more backspin is more about the equipment. And the actual uh makeup of the shot as opposed to it being the actual technique guys thanks for watching if you've enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up comment down below that's how you get on with that next.

Time you're on that perfect condition i want to see those balls spinning back. And just be careful if if you're not reaching the hole you might not want to spin it back too much you might spin it off the green and that's not great for you but if you want to get the ball stopping these are the conditions you need to do you can check out my top tip playlist just up in the corner here guys follow my top tips how to help you improve your golf game please do subscribe by clicking the link down below. And we'll see you all soon i want to go.