Hi guys my name is rick shields down here traffic gold center in manchester. And we're going to discuss one of the trickiest golf clubs this is the three wood off the floor shop. So the fairway would often off the grass off the floor um the reason why it's one of the trickiest golf shots to hit is because second to the driver is the least lofty golf club you're most likely to carry in your bag. So the driver you're hitting off a tee so it's already got a bit of an advantage with a three wood you're hitting your most least lofty golf club off the floor so it's not an easy golf club to hit you then.

Might have a few little technical issues that might be causing you to off the golf club too much therefore. you're making your 15 degree 3 wood into a 10 degree even 9 degree 3 wood off the floor so it makes it even harder to hit off the floor but i'm going to give you some drills. And help today.

To help you hit the ball better at least with your 3-wood. And give you a bit more of an understanding if you are struggling with it why you could be struggling with it. So first thing it's set up we've got to make sure that we set up correctly this golf club wants to come through the golf ball at a very level angle of attack the club doesn't want to be descending to the back of the ball too much and it definitely doesn't want to be hitting up onto the golf ball too much either with a driver hitting up on the balls not the end of the world because you're on a t on the floor it's hard to do. So the club's got to come through very very level through the surface to make sure that the club isn't going to be hitting the deck. Or the floor too far behind the golf ball so first thing is in setup we've got to make sure that our ball position is slightly favoring our left side. But not ridiculously favoring our left side if the ball position goes too far forward it's going to encourage you to hit too far up if it goes too far back it's going to encourage you to hit too far down. So an ideal ball position for a three wood would be about a club head maybe a club head and a half just inside your left foot so i'm about here on my left foot almost just underneath my left shoulder on my left my left pec here i want to try and get that ball position just under there to make sure that the club again comes through in a very level hitting area my setup then.

From there the sternum wants to be pretty much in line with the club head the back of the club head so that would mean it's not leaning forward. And it's certainly not leaning back either it's very level in my setup position so for those two points now we're giving the chat the best chance possible for this club head to come through the golf ball very very level so with that in mind we've got to make sure that when we hit we're not really hitting too much of the floor we never want to take too much of a divot with a 3-wood i want to make sure the club head comes through incredibly level through the ball so if i hit this in this setup position from the strike and i'll give you a kind of feeling from the strike it i felt like i only hit the golf ball there the club head bottom probably just brushed the surface but that's about it i never felt at one point that the club almost stabbed into the surface and therefore. i never lost any power and the loft of the golf club stayed in the in the correct loft i didn't deloft it too much now if you feel like you're doing all of those things correctly you've got to look back at how you could potentially be deloft in this golf club too much one of the big things is a grip a strong grip would encourage you to deal off the golf club too much. And turn the 15 degree three wood into a 10 degree three wood and you could be doing everything else perfect so gotta check your grip make sure that you you've not got too strong a grip you can check out grip videos i've done those in the past you can check out those in the link below. But you've got to also look at making sure you're not dealer deloft in this golf club too much the other big thing as well is making sure that you don't come into the golf club with too much of a descending angle because if you swing path. Or plane into the golf ball so you've got to make sure the club head is coming in nice. And straight into the back of the ball in a very kind of low and sweeping manner we don't want the club to come in and kind of chop on it and we don't want to move our weight massively to the left we want to stay nice and central and make sure the club head comes through the ball incredibly level through the ball maintaining as much loft as we can on that club head. So set up ball about a club and a bit inside my left foot depends on the side of your club head but three wooden it's about the same making sure our sternum is nice. And central to our body and then.

Hitting through the ball very level through the ball guys thanks so much for watching my name's been rick shields down here traffic girl century manchester you can check out my next.

Video just in the window here. And also subscribe to the channel give it a thumbs up and do comment below thanks. So much for watching you.