Right guys so here's a video of the goldfish i did. For tom downs tom downs plays off 10 at the moment um plays most of his golf out in america but comes back over here for lessons every couple of months and what we've got him working on here today.

Was i think you've seen a previous video down in the description below. Or on my channel tom was struggling with a really bad hook last week. So we've we've amended that and we've got tom hitting the ball a lot straighter but now we've taken it to that next.

Level tom's mission is to get down to as low a single figure player as he possibly can. And with the soil came to the conclusion of shaping the ball is the next.

Area. And a level of improvement we want to see so on the screen here now we've got two goal swings side by side and it sets up almost identical setup positions the only the only slight thing on this left one here the feet are ever. So slightly open to target but what we've talked about is fading. And drawing the down fading and drawing the golf ball with a really easy way of remembering how to do this. So again if we look if you did look at the video from last week you saw tom get really really inside at this stage last last time. And we've managed to get this much more on playing on both of these two videos here on the on the right and on the left this one here on the right is a little bit more inside. But it's not much different but what we got working what we got tom working on here today.

Was the the fade swing here on the left hand side was to get to the top of the swing. And we've worked really hard on this as well to try and get this a little bit more on plane just more on the shoulder line i always simply got tom to do was with a neutral grip. So we've not we've not opened the club or anything else that's set up we have just kept everything dead square and neutral is to feel like on the way down. And through that tommy's trying to swing the golf club towards the left hand side that's a really simple way of thinking during the swing you don't have to it's not over complicated it's not a big move and what we see tom here do that is bring that golf club just slightly more in front of him on the way down. So the hands here are now in more in line with the chest. So i'll hold it at that image at the moment get tom to the top of the golf swing here on the right hand side and again we still see that slightly above shoulder line here at the top of the back swing now this one's the draw and all i simply got tom to do here was to feel like he was hitting it a little bit more from the inside to have the club face closed to the path. But slightly open to the target so that's what creates that that sort of draw spin on the golf ball and all i got time to do is feel like he was hitting it out to the right. And you can see here on the way down his hands. And this club getting in a rather different position where the club head the hands here are more in line with this sort of right chest rather than in front of him. And left of him in this fade video on the left now from that point tom on the fade swing came down and the club had just stayed in line with the hands if anything just a fraction outside the hands in this image here and i just got tom to feel like like i said it's swinging it towards that left hand side not doing anything with the club face just swinging it down that left hand side. And as a result tom was hitting these really nice sort of four. Or five yard little left to right shots which were just coming back onto target brilliantly. And was repeating that motion quite nicely as well. So it was to get to the top. And just like with a neutral grip and a square set up just to feel like it was swinging down that left-hand side a little bit more on this right hand side what we've got time to do is like say swinging it down that right side. And we see a different approach into the impact area here coming into the shot where tom's club before was sort of in line with his hands in this image remove some of those circles more in line with his hands at this image on the right hand side i got the club. Or we got the club just to sit behind the hands that's going to approach the ball a little bit more from the inside. And exit a bit more on the outside now as long as tom didn't do much with the club face didn't need to manually rotate it. Or turn it off do anything with the club face we hit golf shots that started just right at target. And just drew back onto target really really nicely and over time we just kept experimenting and hitting sort of before the shot even at set up saying right here fade and all we did tom got to the top. And exited left and again it set up we said just okay just hit a draw. And some knew what to do on the downswing just exit it to the right hand side we're getting some really good results. So hopefully you can learn a little bit from that when you yourself are trying to hit draws. And fades that we don't have to do a great deal of different we we'd have to set up differently. Or change the way we set up hopefully according as long as you've got a good grip and everything else if not you need all that checked out first but you can see with that with a very square setup. And a neutral grip you can hit a drawer. And fade by a really simple swing thought i also just want to show you this swing this is tom's driver swing this last shot of the day that you hit. So tom really wanted me to show everyone this sorry tommy watch it but this was a really really good golf shot he hit it dead straight of uh target oops it's a bit jump in the video let me just slow it down. So take away perfectly in line with the hands club face nice and square top of the back swing turn the shoulders and just got that left arm just above playing still got a few things to work on but we're doing well some just kept the club inside and kept it pretty much smack bang on plane you can see here from the the line pointing straight back at the golf ball in that position just drop underneath that line. And just approached it from the inside with a really square club face tom hit this fantastic straight sort of 280 290 bullet of a golf shot um and from a week ago where tom was hooking it we now got the confidence to fade it draw it. And hit the ball straight as well so thanks very much for watching i hope you really hope you enjoy watching it please do you can follow me on twitter. And find me on facebook and also do subscribe to the channel i do many more reviews. And videos and tips and hints so please keep watching and i hope you enjoy.