[music] hi guys it's rick shields pga golf professional and this is the complete driver guide this is a follow-on from the complete golf swing guide we're now going to talk about the driver. And this is a five-part series to help every single one of you hit your driver better whether you're an established player. Or you are brand new to the game if we follow these five videos all the videos are up here in the corner already this is really going to help you understand the difference between an iron. And a driver and how you're going to hit your driver a lot better we're going to talk about the overview first which is this video talking about the main principles about hitting driver the next.

Video is going to talk about setup then.

We're going to go into backswing impact. And then.

The follow through so loads to cover but we're going to first talk about the importance of understanding what a driver golf swing is compared to an iron swing. And a big thing with driver is we swing at maximum speed with driver because it's the longest golf club we carry in our bag. And we're also presented with the least amount of loft for a full swing and both those two characteristics alone makes this golf shot a little bit harder to accomplish but with the correct setup and the correct mindset and how we're going to hit the golf shot with driver we're going to see way more success way more success the big principles around hitting driver. And this is the difference between irons. And driver iron is very much a down striking golf swing we want to hit down on that golf ball hit the ball first take the ground after. But with driver we have the ball teed up already so that's a huge advantage and we have to then.

Also hit more up into the golf ball we want to get that golf club moving up into the back of the ball to sweep the ball off the tee making good contact to the head and making sure that our golf swing is creating the correct amount of power to help you hit the ball as far as you need to hit it. So the big thing to start off with and i really want you to get this i think it's probably the main point over all of the the videos that we're going to do is driver we want to hit more on the way up irons we want to hit more on the way down. And that's the biggest differences between an iron swing and a driver swing how we set up factors and influences how we hit the golf shot to set up which is the next.

Video is really key the golf swing itself is about power we want to create power in a golf swing. And there's nothing more important than actually swinging the golf club fully and creating adequate power to get the golf ball propelling forward with long distance sometimes hitting the driver softer can actually cause more bad issues. For me the big thing with driver as long as you can swing in control. And this is the important bit you can swing as fast as you need to swing. But always try and swing in control so driver swing as i mentioned before it's much more of an up hit that way we have our body tilted further away which will cover a little bit more detail in setup we want to create speed we want to sweep that ball off the tee creating power creating distance. And creating that really good flight that we really want to see with driver up in the air going a long way once it lands it's going to keep rolling as well. So the overview of driving this is honestly the most important thing i feel like we need to get established first before we move on to the setup before we move into the backswing to create power before we move into impact of the golf club. And the follow-through we've got to understand that driver we've got to sweep up into the back of the ball so the golf club is has more of an angle of attack on the way up as opposed to on the way down power is a good thing creating power is a good thing as long as we can stay in control. So this is the first overview this is the introduction to the complete driver guide you can now click in the corner the link. And that'll get you through to setup setup is where we make adjustments to help us hit more on the way up the next.

Lesson which is the backswing he's going to be talking about how we create the power. And then.

After that it's going to help us hit that ball further. And further guys thanks for watching stay tuned loads more videos to come click the i in the corner go through every single video step by step and this will help you transform your driving game whether you are brand new to golf. Or you are an established golfer if you're new to my channel hit that subscribe button click it the red button it keeps you connected to all of my content if you're enjoying the golf swing guides hit that thumbs up. And comment below what do you think is the biggest struggle with you. And driver this is not direction. Yet this is more about actually being able to hit the driver well i'll have another direction series coming later in the line thanks. For watching guys and we'll see you on the setup in part two.