Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic girl center in manchester. And today.

We're going to talk about how to hit hybrid i've just done a review on the taylormade sldrs hybrid. So you can check out my channel. But i thought now just a good time to talk about actually how to hit a hybrid or a rescue golf club um these golf clubs are fantastic if you struggle with long irons. So if you're a golfer who you know your four iron is the cleanest club in your bag. And your three irons under your back your bed kind of ready to protect you from burglars it's worth looking at getting a hybrid because these clubs are. So easy to hit the performance are normally generally pretty good as well they produce really high ball flights because their central gravity is kind of much further to the back it's. So much easier to hit it really is. But it's how to hit them is the important bit there's always been this kind of discussion about how do we hit it more like an iron. Or can it be hit more like a wood okay. And that discussion is still ongoing. And i would say this is quite a different question as a different people suit hitting it in different ways i wouldn't say there's one absolute correct answer to that question i would say some golfers prefer to hit it like they're hitting a three wood they're almost sweeping it off the surface they're not taking a great deal of contact that's the way i would normally hit it. So i would generally have for the for hitting it more like a fairway wood the ball position just to the left of my my sternum so just in the inside of my left foot but more just to the left of my sternum i would keep my sternum just slightly behind the golf ball then.

From behind and i would look at trying to keep that relationship between the middle of my body is just behind the golf ball. So i would be aiming for the middle of the body just to be behind the golf ball even during the golf swing so i'm not going to be moving far too far to the right i'm not going to be moving too far to the left i'm staying central. But the middle of my body is actually placed just behind the golf ball that's going to produce a slight upward hit on the golf ball. So that's going to be perfect. For hitting a hybrid so it will elevate the golf ball. And hit that really nice height so balls just in front of my sternum put my sternum just behind the head and i'm going to try. And keep it there that way when i hit it's going to sweep off the surface. And it's going to hit a nice golf shot that's going to produce lots. And lots of heights lots of height the other way of playing it certainly one if it's quite a lofted hybrid is to play it more like a three iron. Or a four iron now this way i would now change my setup ever so slightly i don't purse i don't personally hit it this way but i know it can be very successful hitting it this way generally if there's enough loft on the golf club a slightly downward hit can still can produce a fantastic golf shot. And this is why when you're hitting a seven nine. Or an eight out of nine a downward hit is encouraged because there's lots of loft it'll get the ball up in the air this time i'm going to set up still with the ball in relation to my feet slightly forward. But i'm going to keep my sternum more over the top of the golf ball this time. So now i'm not behind it or more on the top now it's going to produce a slightly more downward hit. And i don't mind seeing a bit of a divot being taken with a hybrid a very small shallow divot is often the k often produces really nice golf shots certainly if you're a golfer who struggles hitting a 3-wood anyway this method might suit you better. So you're hitting it more like a five iron or a six iron rather than hitting like a three wood so keep your sternum a bit more over the top of the golf ball this time swing gonna actually hold it in that position but because the ball positions far enough forward in relation to your feet you're not going to hit down massively you're going to hit down a tiny bit. So this time sternum is more over the top of the golf ball i'm going to keep it there. And this is probably going to produce a slightly more downward hit. And i would expect off the grass a very small divot now that time i felt the bottom of the golf club actually touching the ground more and it still produced a fantastic shot i would say it came out a fraction lower but the connection was still pretty awesome. So there's two different styles to hit a golf shot to hit a hybrid there i want to kind of evaluate your game if you're a golfer who can hit a 3-wood fairly well. So you're confident with fairway woods certainly off the floor use the first method that i talked about ball slightly forward stir them slightly back and sweep the golf ball if you're a golfer who let's say struggles with a 3-wood but prefers hitting a 6-iron and a 7-iron play your hybrid more in that way that time the sternum is more over the top of the golf ball you're going to keep it there during the golf swing. And attack it with a slightly downward hit and that's also still going to produce a very good golf shot the only time that that that style might not work brilliantly is when the loft gets really reduced if you've got like a 14. Or a 15 degree hybrid that style of golf shot might not work perfectly but what i want to tell you guys there's no right way to hit a hybrid i would say there's two different ways to hit a hybrid if you try one give one a go first. For a long period of time you know give it a little bit of a go first don't just hit one shots out didn't work i'm going to try the other method give one go a go first. And see how it gets on if you weren't quite successful that method you might have evaluated your golf swing potentially wrong try the other method and see if that works for you a little bit better but that was a bit of an insight of how to hit a hybrid club. Or a rescue golf club and you can check out my review of the sldrs hybrid on my channel that's up available now it's a pretty powerful golf club. And one that should be hit quite often as well as certainly if you struggle with uh low lofted iron shots guys you can check out my channel by clicking the link down here you can subscribe there you can also check me out on facebook. And twitter in the window here and that was my little explanation of how to hit a hybrid golf club off the floor.