There is nothing more satisfying than hitting a crisp pure iron shot when your golf club hits the perfect place on the golf ball you take a little divert. And you see the ball flying towards the target now we all dream to do that all the time. But the reality is it doesn't always go to plan sometimes we hit the ground behind the golf ball sometimes we thin it. And we might think well why is that the case well in this video we're going to show you how to strike your irons pure all the time dead simple ways to help you make sure you get those satisfying shots more than you get the disastrous ones let's get straight into it [Music]. So as i mentioned we want to hit the golf ball first and the ground after that's how we get these pure iron strikes when you see the guys on tv hitting beautiful iron shots that's what they're doing so the first thing we've got to do is look at a dress position dead simply we can make some adaptions to make sure we can strike the ball first. And the ground after i'm gonna start things off we're talking about ball position i've got an a-time in my hand here so middle iron what we're looking for here is to make sure that the back of the golf ball sits right in the middle of our feet position if that ball gets too far forward it makes it very difficult. For us or if it gets too far back in the stance again we're going to hit chopping down on it too much. So with a mid iron as a rule of thumb get the back of the golf ball in the middle of your stance now from that position there we're going to put our club behind the golf ball. And now what we're going to look at is where we position our body [Music]. So as a rule of thumb we want our feet shoulder width apart that's going to give us the best ability the best balance now the last thing to check on here. And this is super important take the middle of your chest you're sternum right in the middle of my zip here on my on my top we want to make sure that zip a dress position is directly over the top of the golf ball. So if anything just slightly to the left of center now the reason for that is if it sits too far behind the golf ball. For here for example i'm more inclined to hit the ground behind here because the bottom of your swing is going to match up with your chest position. So the wherever the bottom of your swing is hitting the ground here that's going to match up to the middle of your body. So if that was too far back we're going to hit the ground over here if it gets too far forward we're gonna catch it too much thin. And not hit a good strike either so as a rule of thumb just get the middle of your chest here just over the top of the golf ball so that's set up ball position width of stance chest directly over the golf ball because that will set us up very nicely in what we've got to do in our golf swing to get those really pure strikes. So we've covered set up next.

Thing golf swing i'm still going to talk about this center position here on my jacket what i want you to focus on during the backswing is that you're almost coiling. And rotating around that centered position so as i take the club back here now just notice how my body doesn't slant or move to the sideways i don't sway i rotate and i turn to the very top of my golf swing notice then.

I'll do it again notice that my head almost doesn't move at all as i get to the top of the swing as a contrast you'll see golfers who catch it fat. Or thin or inconsistent strikes in the backswing they move the body this way too much and the problem with that is to get back. And strike that ball really well i've got to make massive changes massive adaptions that are going to be hard to predict. So once we've got our setup position got our sternum over the ball focus on this as you swing back and as you turn focus on rotating and coiling around that center position as opposed to swaying to the side so as i rotate i'm really getting into that strong top of backswing that's backswing covered i'm going to hit this shot. And then.

Go into slightly more detail the final little nugget of information you need to help you strike the ball pure every time for this one i'm going to keep nice. And centered rotate [Music] and as you can see there i've hit ball first. And then.

Ground after i took a really shallow divot straight after the ball right let's talk about the last thing the downswing so the last thing we're going to cover is downswing. And impact as we're coming into the golf shot here we want the club to be coming down into the back of the ball then.

Hitting the ball away and then.

Hitting the ground just after here just just post impact now to give us the best chance of that that's where we've got to make sure our body on the way down does the right move. So we've talked about setup we've talked about top of backswing the final thing to consider as we come down into the golf ball this is the opportunity now to move the center of your body to rotate around your front leg your left leg if you're around the golfer. And look to get your sternum the middle of your chest beyond the golf ball so in this space here we want the chest as we're coming into impact to look a little bit like this notice how i've got more body on my body weight on my left side i've still rotated and twisted my hips my upper body i've also little nugget here as well i've got my hands in front of the golf ball everything i'm doing to compress the golf ball to strike the ball well first and then.

To hit the ground if we can get into that position at impact we will not hit it fat we will not hit it thin. So to achieve that once we start to come down in the swing focus on that make sure as you come down the swing starts to move in towards the shot you're moving your weight around your left leg you're pushing around that front foot and strike the ball first then.

The ground after let me show you what that looks like if we can connect all these areas you will strike the ball unbelievably better you hit it much purer you strike it clean let me show you this this is where my golf ball was. And at the back of the divot that's where i've taken a divot only a shallow one i didn't take loads of turf but that is where i've hit the ground i fit the ball first then.

The ground after because i moved my body weight towards the target guys thanks. For watching hope you enjoyed that video if you did make sure you hit like make sure you subscribe as well it's free to do loads of reviews i do to help you improve your game loads more instruction videos to help you improve. And also fun videos where go on the golf course and see how i play golf guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come and that's how you strike your irons pure more often than not we'll see you next.
