I'm going to show you how to hit the ball further with your driver how to out drive your friends how to get further on those tough long holes. And a lot of it comes down to clubhead speed i'm going to help you swing the golf club faster now there's a misconception in golf that's swinging the club fast is a bad thing well it's not if you do it the right way. And get the good strike on the face with more club head speed you're going to generate more ball speed with more ball speed that ball is going to go much further if you can get further down a hole instead of hitting a seven iron into the green you might be hitting an a tyre a nine iron. And therefore. you'll get closer to the hole and reduce your score hitting it long is important in golf. So first things first is set up we're going to give ourselves a fighting chance to create speed now if we was to settle to the golf ball to generate speed we're not going to stand with our feet super close together because that's really hard to generate any turn to create power we've got to have a wide base we've got to have a good strong foundation. So having the feet just wider than the shoulders is perfect you look at this into other sports i mean if i was even just to simply throw a ball as far as i could i would have a nice wide stance to be able to create that speed. And that turn of my body you're looking at it in other sports like let's say baseball again be a big wide base to create that turn and create that speed in golf it's not dissimilar you've got to create that powerful foundation so that's number one another couple of top tips and this is more about the efficiency of the shot as opposed to actually creating speed. Yet but it all adds up to distance ball position inside left heel that's going to help you hit up on the ball. And also upper body slightly tilted back again they are two really key ingredients to help you hit up on the golf ball you can do that you are going to help maximize that distance now with that being said there are ingredients to get the distance. But we need the club head speed club head speed is key. And it moves us very nicely into the backswing with our backswing to create power to create speed we've got to turn we've got to turn our body we've got to use our big muscles through our core using our hips and our shoulders to really coil the back swing up this is going to help you swing much faster believe me might take a few times to get used to the speed difference. But when you start getting used to it you will hit the ball further. So what we need to do backswing wise we've got our nice wide base i want to focus in the backswing at turning the shoulders to the maximum range of motion. So as i'm turning back here i'm trying to really turn my shoulders so my back is fully facing the target. And allow your hips where my belt buckle here is here in the middle i'm also going to turn that as far as i can now as an added little extra you want to even extend that range of movement more if you want to turn even further i'm not opposed one bit to allowing that left heel to lift up in the backswing as i turn my shoulders my hips notice how that left heel is starting to raise up because that helps me turn my hips more it helps me turn my shoulders more. And actually coming down i can push down into that heel push down into the ground creating more clubhead speed what i'm going to do first is i'm going to show you the my normal swing first if i just swing normally not trying to gain massive distance just hit a normal stock golf shot i'm on a let's say i'm on a tough tight powerful. And i just want to hit a nice driver shot now my clubhead speed it's bang on average what i normally am 111 miles per hour that's that's standard for me 111 miles per hour let me show you what happens when i extend that range of movement when i allow my shoulders to turn my hips to turn and even allow my left key to lift up a little bit extending that range of motion is going to help me coming down to create more speed to push down into the ground this time i'm going to turn much further. And straight away i didn't get the best strike on that because of the clubhead speed difference that went up to 150 miles per hour four miles per hour added just from that swing and that's massive that could equate to 15 20 yards potentially if i struck it absolutely in the middle so that's backswing range of motion is key turning the shoulders turning the hips if you have to. And i'm not opposed to it allowing that left heel to lift up a little bit will help you extend that range of motion next..

And i've touched on it a little bit so far is down swing. And follow through now once you've turned in that back swing to maximum range you've got to unwind as quick as you can you've got to make sure the hips are unwinding the shoulders are unwinding. And that club is maximizing speed through the sharp. And even post shot making sure on the way through you have maximum extension and rotation if you're ever looking at golfers who hit the ball a long way you'd almost be mistaken to thinking they're reaching maximum speed almost after they've hit the shot because they don't slow down so coming down this time we're going to make sure i turn on the way down i extend my arms fully. And i do not slow down until that club literally hits the most furthest range of motion in my follow-through position [Music] i did not slow down on that one bit that's going to help you create speed that was 116 miles per hour that time now one thing you can do. And this is a great drill at the driving range is it doesn't matter if it's gonna be three shots five shots ten shots if you've got a device to measure club at speed great see how fast you can literally swing just see how with those movements see how fast you can make this club head travel through the ball don't worry about result don't worry about if it's going right. Or left just yet you can pick up club head speed first. And practice that get a maximum clubhead speed as you can your average club head speed will increase. And you'll hit the ball further try that little drill it'll definitely help you clubhead speedy's key to hitting the ball further hitting the ball further is key to helping you lower your score. And you'll play better golf guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
