In this video i'm going to show you the perfect takeaway. For driver when you're hitting the big stick sometimes golfers get a little bit i don't know complicated or confused that first move away from the golf ball in this video i'm going to show you the advantages of having a good takeaway. And what that looks like so with driver it's a little bit different so when you're hitting irons and wedges you want to try and create width ideally as much width as you can. And what width means is imagine this the center of my chest here as i start to turn. And move the club away my objective here is not to sway too much to the side however. i want to try. And keep the gap between my club head and the middle of my chest as wide as possible that's width there as far away from my chest as i possibly can obviously that's done with my arms. And the way i've turned my torso but if we can create that width early in the swing it sets you up. For great creating power now if i was hitting let's say an iron shot. Or a wedge shot you'd probably see a little bit more of a takeaway where the wrist would hinge a little bit more my eyes may be a little bit closer to my body and you can see there the gap between my head. And my chest is not as big it's great. For controlled shots let's be honest we're hitting drivers we want speed and power right so as i set up the driver i've got a nice wide base widening my shoulders my body's slightly tilted i've got the ball position forward what i'm looking to do here as i move the club away from the ball i want to turn my body my hips my shoulders i don't want this just to be a static move my arms because that becomes becomes too disconnected. So as i start to take this club away from the golf ball and it's really you see us with a lot of really really good players and certainly long drive players and this is a great little tip try not to have the club head too static behind the ball. For too long if you do there's no energy in the cl in this club in the shot really. So you'll see a lot of golfers moving the club head giving it a waggle letting it bounce even hovering it a little bit all of those things are really good to help keep that energy in the swing. And then.

As you start to take the club away and the body starts to turn notice how the hips are turning my torso is turning. And i'm stretching as far back as i can without swaying to the side. So i'm really trying to stretch that nice big width in my takeaway from that point then.

I can coil around that really solid base. And then.

Give it an absolute rip creating that width is. So key now if you go around this back side i'm going to show you one more thing as well to be aware of just the club face in that halfway back position what we call the takeaway when the club is parallel to the ground ideally we want the club head just to be slightly in front of the heel that is in a square position you can get the toe slightly in front of the heel to match a little bit more up the posture you can see lined up more with my back that's the perfect takeaway face i'm saying that perfect i actually don't always do that i sometimes open it a little bit too much however. we're looking to turn the body create that really good weight have that club face nice. And square and that'll set you up nicely to a big long tee shot i've hit one straight down the middle guys thanks for watching that's how you get the perfect takeaway with the driver some little tick you can take away there. And help you hit the tee shot better we'll see you next.
