To get the most out of your golf game it's vitally important to know how to change your ball flight being able to hit it low and high on demand but also if you're a golfer that hits it high this is going to help you bring that flight down. And hit it slightly lower and if you're golfed it's it's like they're too low this is a great video that's going to help you hit the golf ball much higher [Music] hi guys i'm rick shields pga golf professional if you're new to my youtube channel welcome make sure you hit like. And subscribe and this video has been powered by garmin i'm wearing the garmin s40 golf smartwatch super easy to use and it helps improve your game once you get to the golf course you can find the course that you're playing at. And it's got 40 000 golf courses loaded in from around the world and you can then.

Use the gps functionalities on it to help you work out your distances you are from certain hazards to the green to the front middle. And back and just gives you so much data just to help improve your game and help you play a better goal not only that it connects to your phone so you get all of your messages your notifications and much more it's a great fitness watch as well it tells you how many steps you take around the golf course and gives you loads more information definitely worth checking out i recommend it i love how easy it is to use i think it looks really stylish too i'm going to break this video down into two parts how to hit the ball higher. And the second part how to hit the ball lower hitting the ball higher has massive advantages gets you to land the ball on the green easier and it gives you a little bit more versatility three things we need to look at first thing set up i've just got a mid-iron here this can this advice happens. And works for all irons my normal eight iron ball position is fairly central to looking at bring right in the middle of my stance to the ball higher i'm going to look at moving that ball about a ball further forward in the stance that's going to help me present more loft number two we need speed speed is key to get the ball up in the air we need velocity we need force. So don't be scared about hitting the ball fast my tip with that is make sure as you come through the golf shot you're looking at creating maximum speed through the hitting area. And just beyond it's going to give you the best velocity the best speed. But important don't quit on it trust it hit it hard and ideally if you're hitting it hard you can also potentially look at hitting a club with even more loft. So i'm hitting an a-town here if i hit it hard enough i can possibly go to a nine-iron it's gonna give us more height third thing finish with high hands. So in the follow through make sure you finish with hands super high up above your head without getting too complicated that's going to help improve the angle of your club coming into the ball you'd have to worry about that all you have to worry about is finishing with high hands take the ball higher you're going to pump the ball a little bit further forward than normal you're going to create speed through the through the shot. And just beyond and you're going to finish with super super high hands. And commit to it do not back away. And that way you hit the ball up into space so much more height gives you much more advantage to landing it on the green getting it to stop quicker and improving your golf right let's talk about hitting the ball lower so the next.

Part is about hitting the golf ball lower you might want this as a extra shot in your armory this helps you play better golf in the wind definitely. Or if you're a golfer that actually just hits the ball too high and wants to hit it lower this is going to be perfect. So hitting the ball lower we're going to change a few things again three things setup speed finish position very similar to the high shot this time we don't particularly want to be presenting too much loft. So put in the ball position slightly back of center is going to now encourage us to come into the golf ball with less loft it's going to encourage us to lean the golf club forward. And turn the eight time that i'm currently hitting into more like a seven iron it's to take the flight off it and hit the ball lower second as i said in high shots the speed equals height to hit it lower we need to reduce that speed. And the trick to this is actually just dead simple shorten the golf swing don't swing this full swing more of a three-quarter backswing. And more of a three-quarter follow-through still commit to it but that adjustment alone is gonna take the speed out. And hit the ball lower final thing is finish with low hands we want to hit the ball high we finish with high hands we won't hit the ball low i want you to finish with low hands get the club to move more around your body. And finish in a very low manner that helps you again change the angle into the ball which you might not need to know much about all you need to know is what to do that's going to help you improve your golf ball position back from center not as much of a fast swing speed. So i'm gonna hit at three quarter backswing and a low finish changes the flight and enormously the difference between those two golf shots is vast if you're a golfer that wants to change your flight to improve your golf this is perfect if your golfer hits the ball higher wants to hit the ball lower this is perfect. And likewise if you hit the ball low we'll hit it high this tip has it all thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come make sure you like and subscribe we'll see you next.

Time you.