I'm going to show you how to stand to the golf ball this is great if you are brand new to golf. But also a very valuable reminder if you're an established player already i'm going to show you how to stand to the golf ball with an iron. And the driver and the most important thing is the order that we stand to the golf ball in the most important thing is we get the club head in the correct position. And then.

Build everything around that too often i see golfers build everything around their feet position first and then.

It causes inconsistencies in your setup and inconsistent inconsistencies in your golf shots so the first thing we've got to do is make sure we put that club behind the ball first number one priority. So obviously we want to aim that club face the direction we want to hit the golf ball in and take your time doing that make sure you get it right pick a point in front of you which i will discuss in another video about how to aim. But make sure it's nice and straight it's number one and as you can see i've not really taken my actual stance around the ball. Yet my feet are quite close. And i'm not the right distance away yet that's absolutely fine once you've aimed the golf club the second thing to do is take your grip which i have covered in another video if you want to see it click the link in the corner to watch. But take your grip next.

And from this point you can see my feet are pretty close together i'm roughly leaning now more over the golf ball. But i'm not in my correct setup position yet that's where it comes in now so what i would do from here is look at taking my distance away from the golf ball my width of stance. And my ball position in the very next.

Move so what i'd like to always do first is try. And get width of stance so as my feet are together i'm hitting a mid-iron i'm hitting a 7-iron i'm looking. For a nice symmetrical stance with the ball position just being in front of center just slightly now from here i can kind of move my feet i'm not getting too static because i want to get my distance away from the golf ball correctly. And what i like to see is that the arms hang naturally straight down. So you create this little gap between you your legs and the golf club if a golfer gets too close to the ball and a bit too cramped the arms move inwards and during the golf swing then.

The arm positions are going to change. And that's not ideal also if you stand too far away if you're stretching for the golf ball again it's very difficult to get your arms in the correct position if you are stretched too far away letting your arms hang naturally down gives you the benefit as you come back into the shot your arms are going to be in the same position again there's going to be loads of space between you. And the golf club and then.

You can make a really efficient strike. And find the middle of the club face posture wise i want you to feel comfortable ideally yes we want to tilt from the hips stick your bottom out feel like the knees just flex slightly. And you present a fairly straight back but i also understand a lot of golfers will have potential aches. And pains might not be able to get into this perfect posture i'm not too bothered about that the big one for me is making sure your club face is in the right position that your ball position is correct that your width of stance is good. And your distance away from the golf ball is good. And you feel comfortable posture wise it's going to have a benefit yes. But i also understand there may be some limitations so let me run through that again first thing club head build everything around this club head that's number one making sure it's nice and straight then.

Take your grip and with my feet together i'm now going to go symmetrical stance making sure my feet are the same width apart with. For a seven iron the ball just in front of center my arms are hanging naturally from my shoulder socket i can pretty much draw a straight line from my shoulder down to my hands. And i feel comfortable like saying my knees are flexed my bum is back. And my my back is straight. And slightly arched kind of leaning over let's hit this with an iron first and a good setup position should lead into a very solid balanced swing as well that's absolutely key now we're going to talk about driver because there's a couple of little tweaks with driver that you need to know about things that do change are things that do stay the same is you've always got to build everything around the golf club first that's number one. And i cannot stress that enough the amount of golfers i've seen come up to a shot and they'll take their feet position take the grip put the club down and it they won't change the distance away and suddenly they're in the wrong spot and they'll hit it and it can vary all the time build everything around the club first. So club first aiming nice and straight then.

Look at getting your grip then.

With the feet together with driver we're looking for a symmetrical width of stance in relation to my shoulders but now that ball position you can see he's much further forward. And with driver distance away from the golf ball i don't mind if the arms are just a little bit stretched away letting the arms just feel like they're slightly away from the body will create a little bit more power the club is longer as soon as you get that your arms underneath your body too much you start to limit your power there's one last point i want to talk about convention on the irons. And the driver when i've got that club night aiming nice and straight to target as i take my stance look at having the feet running parallel to your target line something i should have mentioned in irons but that's also a real good checkpoint you need to have so go through that again club head behind the ball first then.

Take your grip then.

With a symmetrical stance in the ball position forward look at getting your arms just a little bit stretched away from your body with driver and then.

When you're ready to hit you can create power. And balance and you can hit some really good shots guys hopefully that helps if you are new to golf going through those little checkpoints will make it easier. For you to become more consistent and if you are an established golfer this is a great reminder. So many established golfers just overlook the setup having to stand to the golf ball is. So key guys thanks for watching stay tuned if you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe we'll see you next.
