Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford gold central manchester. And what i'm going to talk about today.

Is how we start the downswing better. So how we can actually start the downswing. And what starts the downswing a couple of questions people have asked recently about how what's the what's the sequence of events on that downstream and hopefully this video is going to explain a few of those aspects. And help you um improve that part of your game because it's like a lot of good players kind of don't particularly or a lot of established golfers don't particularly think about how they start the downswing as much it kind of just happens. And it's it's very difficult to actually break it down i remember getting asked it was like well honestly i don't think about it too much. But to help you guys understand it i'm going to give you the the basic information of what starts the downswing. And how you can think of it better. So once you've got to the top of your backswing and you're coiled up and you've turned your body into a nice strong loaded position so you've stayed nice and central you've rotated your body you've turned your shoulders massively you've let your hips rotate slightly you need to now create that power and turn it back towards the golf ball again so you've already created that power you now need to snap it back towards the golf ball again to get the best performance out your golf club hit the ball the furthest so once you've got like say that that widened top of the backswing position if you hear me straining now this is the power kind of creating as i get to the top as i get to the top of my swing trying to not cover the mark as i get to the top of my swing i'm already now you can hear by my the way i'm speaking i'm wound up my body is really coiled into a strong position. So i've really turned into a nice strong position from there we're going to try. And get our lower body and our legs and our hips and our torso to do the first initial bit of the work on the way down we don't particularly want to use our arms on the way down that wants to be our least passive moving part we want to use our from the floor upwards to create power. So once i get to the top and wound up from here now my left leg is going to turn my left knee is going to turn my right knee is going to turn my hips going to turn my torso is turning my shoulders are turning my arms are dragging down. And that's when the club is going to be delivered in the most powerful manner possible. So from that sequence then.

It was the floor upwards to then.

Gain greatest power into the golf club head. So once again to the top of the backswing i'm turning from my lower body turning down here turning from my hips turning from my torso letting my shoulders rotate letting my arms follow my shoulders therefore. giving my club head maximum power so the best way of thinking about it when you're practicing this movement and when you're trying to create power from the top of your backswing is it comes from the floor upwards. So you've got to work the legs first then.

The hips then.

The torso then.

The shoulders and the arms and let the club then.

Follow suit because that's that's the way of best unwinding your body towards the target a good weight of almost testing this theory if you ever try and hit golf balls with no shoes on. So if you ever try and hit some golf shots without any shoes on or without appropriate footwear so i don't know sandals or whatever you would would wear the power that you lose is unbelievable because once you get to the top of your golf swing you've got nothing to use you've got to use power from the floor upwards. And if you've got incorrect footwear on or you're hitting golf balls with no shoes on certainly with even no socks on you lose a tremendous amount of power because you can't use the power from the floor up into your golf swing. And perform the best golf shot you can possibly do to hit that golf ball the best you can. So i use i use spike let's go shoes when i'm in in here in the studio but it's always recommended on the golf course to use spiked golf shoes that are giving you enough grip because that's the way you're going to create the most power from the ground upwards. And help you hit the ball furthest so guys hope that helps how to create power from the top of the backswing by using your body your legs and your body and your hips your shoulders and then.

Letting your arms come through better that's how you're going to create more power from the top of the backswing thanks. For watching you.