So if you are a brand new golfer. Or you want to give golf a try and you want to learn how to swing a golf club and hit the golf ball this video is perfect. For you because in some really easy steps i'm going to show you how to swing a club. And how to hit a ball now if you're an already an established golfer or you're a long time subscriber to my channel this video might not be perfect for you but if you know somebody that is brand new to golf. And want some help to start things off this will be great. For them so make sure you pass it off so to start things off we're going to talk about golf clubs there's two main types there's a one with a massive head on it hits the ball a long way this is a driver it's great to use it's a lot of fun it's a little bit hard to use at first because it requires more speed if you've got one of those that's great you can give it a go. But ideally if you want to start things off you want to start off with an iron now normally you get set of irons from three down to a number nine and that's where i'd want you to start if you've got the luxury of having a full set or you've borrowed some off a friend or a relative if you can get hold of a nine iron an eight iron. Or a seven iron they're the best clubs to start off with they're not too long they're not gonna make it too difficult for you and also the benefit on the club it's got loft so it's got angle that helps the golf ball go up in the air now talking about the club face this is where we're gonna start because we're gonna talk about how we aim. And how we hold the golf club and how we stand to the golf ball first so we want to make sure that that club is aiming towards our target making sure whether it's at the driving range. Or if you have the luxury of going on the golf course that is aiming straight towards your target that'll give you the best advantage of hitting it straight then.

How we hold the golf club. So now that i know my club face is going towards my target whatever that may be then.

We can take hold of the golf club i'm going to make this super simple. For right in the golfer you want to take your left hand so the hand that is closest to your target. And we're gonna wrap the fingers around the back and place the hand on top making sure your thumb just goes straight down the front and making sure that when your hand is on the golf club you've got enough of the hand on the rubber grip nothing is kind of overlapping such as that because that's going to give you no control. So just making sure that you can basically touch the end of your grip that's perfect as simple as that that's the left hand the bottom hand your right hand you can do something quite similar all you're going to do is you're going to wrap your fingers underneath where the extra grip is here underneath. And then.

Place the squishy bit of your thumb here just directly on top of your other thumb you'll notice again how my right thumb is just straight down the golf club super simple at the back you can hold it two ways like a baseball bat where your fingers are just on the club. And if you want to if it feels comfortable to you you can link the fingers in you don't need to do that. But you might find it's not more comfortable that's how we hold the golf club i'm going to let you know it's going to feel weird at first if this is your first time holding a golf club it'll feel a bit strange. But you'll get used to it next.

Thing how we set up to the golf ball the main focus first is we're going to have our stance the same width as our shoulders. So as i take my feet position here just notice how my feet however. wide i put them is the same width as my shoulders. And all we're going to do here is stick your bum out stick it backwards again it'll feel a bit weird at first. But don't worry we're trying to keep our back nice and straight so it's tilted over and just to get the correct distance away from the golf ball all we're going to aim to do is let our arms hang from our shoulders notice here i've got a little bit of space between the club. And my legs my bum is stuck out. And i've got that nice wide base to give me balance again a bit like the grip it's going to feel a little bit weird. And different but don't worry you'll soon get used to it and if you look around at golfers at the driving range or wherever you go and potentially practice for the first time you'll see a lot of people doing the same thing you might feel at first that you're sticking your bum out too far but when you look at somebody else everybody looks the same when they're playing golf next.

Thing how do we swing the golf club. So now we know how to hold it and now we know how to stand to the golf ball the next.

Thing is how do we swing this golf club around our body to great the mess that's power the most consistency. And help us hit the ball straight now the things to bear in mind is the golf swing is a you have to use the whole of your body certainly your actual the frame of your body. So the core your hips your shoulders your torso i think a lot of mistakes that i'll see brand new golfers make. And i don't want you to make the same mistake is they'll only use their arms because sometimes when you look at a swing you'll think well that's just surely just an arm action well it's not. So once we've set up to the golf ball i want you to focus on this just imagine for a minute and i'm going to draw a line here through my golf club. And up through my shoulders we want to make sure the club goes around the body following that line now to do that we've got to make sure we turn our hips. And our shoulders we've got to turn the body and almost wind it up like a spring notice i'm doing a couple of things here i'm focusing on keeping this arm quite straight and my back arm just bends almost the elbow just folds inwards so we're going to rotate the body keep the left arm straight. And the right elbow just tucks inwards again it might just feel a bit strange at first but don't worry you'll get so you get used to it then.

On the way down the idea then.

Is just to uncoil that that spring we've created all the power. And we're gonna turn our body our hips our upper body towards the target when we come to hit the golf ball we're not trying to hit it with our arms the club is going to help us the club is going to get the golf ball up in the air. So you don't need to try and help it get up in the air you've just got to create the power and get a good connection make sure we hit the club face it moves on very nicely to our next.

Stage how do we actually hit this golf ball i'm gonna show you some really easy steps to get you going with hitting your first shots. So stage three how to hit a ball well we're going to start off first off with no golf ball. So just start off with a blank area this might be a driving range mat or even you can do it at home if you've got the room. And just practice getting the bottom of the golf club brushing the ground at the same place all the time so you've got your grip you know how to stand to the golf ball you're now starting to turn the body and all i want you to do is just turn on the way through. And just brush the ground just notice there all i'm doing is brushing the ground i'm sweeping the grass i'm not trying to dig a big hole i'm not trying to chop down on it because that's not going to work all i'm doing is rotating the body. And turning through and just brushing the ground now obviously i've done this for a long time so it's fairly natural to me when you first start off you might not hit the ground you might hit it too much but just get a gauge and you'll definitely get better once you've got really good at that pick up one of these a t-peg wooden tee plastic tee it doesn't matter what it is. Or even if you go to a driving range typically they'll have rubber tees in a driving range mat stick this in the ground or at the driving range stick it use one of the smaller t-pegs so it's you know about an inch or so off the ground and all i want to do is this is to start off the first shots you're going to hit is do exactly what you've just done there when you br brushing the ground. But instead this time just try and brush the tpeg so we've got our setup we've got our grip we've got our setup position we know we've got to turn the body and all i'm going to do here is brush the tpeg with no real force i'm not trying to hit this super hard. And you'll notice a few things the way i turn my body the way i rotate but you don't have to worry about the little tiny features yet the way i twist my foot you don't have to worry about start things off all i want to do is get comfortable sweeping the ball off the tee. And then.

Once you get really good at that then.

Put the ball just off the ground whether that's off the grass or on the driving range mat and all again you're going to look to do is turn the body sweep the ground. And hit golf shots you'll see that i took a little bit of ground but that's okay once you get on the golf course you'll start noticing you will hit a little bit of the ground. And take what's called a divot but again that's for another video down the line hopefully that makes sense if this is the first time you're ever going to pick up golf go through that guide watch it a few times go to the driving range have fun go with a friend whatever it may be you'll pick it up quicker than you thought. And you'll really enjoy it golf's great loads of benefits not only to your health your mental state but also you make loads of friends as well guys thanks for watching lots more to come and good luck with it and make sure you subscribe to see more videos to help you play more and better golf we'll see you next.
