In this video i'm going to show you what i'm going to do in five minute warm-up before going playing golf i'm here at set andrews i'm going playing the old course i've got five minutes to warm up get ready i'm gonna walk you through it every single minute of it the first thing i like to do once i get to the driving range is i like to just hit a few short wedge shots first i like to try. And get my eye in with a few shorter golf shots i think if you're jumping on there. And hitting driver straight away it's not always the best thing to do i'll also just. So i can get a little bit loose again i've not got loads of time. And this is great if you're at the driving range. Or if you're doing it in a practice net before you go and play is i actually just do some swings just to get into the vibe of it. So i'm not particularly trying to do much with it i'm just loosening my body up i'm getting the feel i'll also throw in a few stretches if i'm feeling a bit stiff i've thrown a few stretches just to feel like i'm loosening my body up again this is a warm-up it's not a big practice session i'm just getting my body ready to go out. And play golf so i start off some shorter shots like i said i've got my 56 degree in my hand. And i've just pitched them out there at kind of 50 60 yards loosening up i'm noticing a couple of things when i'm warming up as well what sort of ball flights am i hitting am i feeling like i'm hitting it right to left left to right do i feel like i'm hitting it a long way today.

Do i feel loose they're all the things i want to take out of this little warm-up session i'm also getting used to the turf you know this is link's turf today.

And you might be playing different golf courses you might be playing partland or heathland or a beautiful manicured golf course in the usa so actually just hitting off the turf getting used to what the turf interaction feels like is also really important noticing how the club either digs into the ground there's two really important things that i don't do on a warm-up i do not try. And change my swing i do not try. And think too technical there are things you cannot have in your mindset i'm not trying to suddenly think of oh hold on i need to change my grip. Or change my swing they're the type of things that you cannot be doing in a warm-up when you're about to go and tee off on an amazing golf course or any golf course for that matter i'm just getting used to what i'm doing today.

[music] they feel nice really nice. But also just throw in as well again just a little warm up just a few little shorter chips even if you're just chipping a few to the end of the the tea marker just to get into that kind of feeling again we've not got loads of time to be able to play all different types of shots is going to be really important a little bit skinny. And thin but i'm not taking too much into that trying to hit a slightly better one yeah nice just getting those little feels on those shorter shots as well next.

Up i'll move into a lofty club something like a nine iron. And i'll probably hit about five or six of these just to get into the feel for again a slightly bigger hit [Music] that felt really nice sometimes as well if i'm playing on a day like today.

Where it's a bit windy i might just experiment with trying to play a few lower shots i'm gonna try. And play some a little bit lower back of the stance just to get that feel just to see what i'm doing for me at the moment i'm noticing a couple of things i'm slightly drawing the golf ball just to touch i'm also noticing how much the wind is affecting the golf ball certainly on a day like today.

[music] i'm just taking all that information in. So that it's going to help me out on the golf course i'm noticing that when i'm into wind on the shortlist the ball's not particularly going very far i'll then.

Move up to something a little bit longer now we've not got loads. And loads of time now so i'm just going to hit two of these. And i'm going to finish on the club that i want to hit ready. For that first tee shot and you know what sometimes you hit one so good you don't actually have to hit it again trying to have positive thoughts it's really important now to be honest well i'm playing today.

The old course probably isn't driver that i'd hit. But for many of you watching it might be driver let's just say it is today.

Let's say i'm going to still hit driver what i want to do here is visualize that first tee shot this is the time where i'm ready to get going i've got probably a little bit of time to do some chipping. And putting i'm going to visualize that first tee shot see what type of shot i want to hit. And nail one that's going to be perfect on the first little draw i am done i feel loose i feel prepared i feel confident i'm warmed up. And that's all i need quick five minute warm-up get on the golf course and go and burn it up guys thanks for watching hopefully that helps and play well next.

Time you get out there and play.