So here you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

Of new client mine chris who currently has been playing. For quite a length of time really and his best score is low 90s which i find incredibly hard to believe after seeing him hit just the first few shots because he's the foundations of his golf swing are very very very good. But when he looks like a d princess surface it's not as consistent as we think it is. So i'm going to show you what what was happening at the very start don't forget this this golf swing has never break broken 90. i know a lot of you out there might think well i can break 90. just watch see if your golf swing is as good as this i'm going to play to this normal speed first. So this is just a seven iron. And hitting away some would go viciously to the right some would go straight some would go left so very inconsistent hitting ball flight so obviously that in full speed i'll slow it down in a minute um and then.

We've got after so we've changed some things on the right hand side which i'm going to talk through now. But he just bombed it i mean this was a this was 156 yards little draw straight down the middle. And there's no question in my mind now next.

Time he plays as long as he sticks to what we've worked on say he will break 90 no question about it. So let's talk about the golf swing from before first so if we bring this on this is let's say seven nine. So from behind view it looks very good fantastic posture nice distance away from the golf ball love how the arms hang naturally from the shoulder socket good knee flex looks very comfortable and set up so i'm happy with that if we look at from the front view though we see a couple of big things that stand out straight away the first one being the grip the right hand grip is incredibly weak. So the right hand grip the v of the right hand is pointing up towards the left shoulder now that's what we classify as a very weak grip that should hit the golf ball further to the right than what we'd like it to go. So with that weak grip that golf ball should go to the right and that was exactly the thing that chris was saying that he the shot that hit most commonly went to the right. But he could hit it straight he could hit it left he could hit it everywhere but right was the general one. And what what was happening the reason behind that is again i'll bring this this is the um the before swing from down the line. And face on because the grip was. So weak the first movement away from the golf ball would open the face so the face would open too much now i know from guys who watch my videos i have a little bit of a tendency to do that. But the timing and the control to be fair i probably need some more practice time but i can time it control it slightly better where chris here in this first takeaway position the club goes a little bit outside the hands a bit open at the very top of the golf swing the face is quite a bit open to the forearm. So you can see that really open there. And then.

He would drop the club massively on the inside which is a nice move. But the club face again is hugely open now this one believe it. Or not went straight and the reason why it went straight is because chris has has learned to work his hands through the ball in an incredible fashion this is chris here coming through the ball he manages to work his hands. So hard i'm definitely say it's more the hands and not the forearms that are helping him at some point through contact to make that club face square. But it's just so inconsistent really inconsistent so this is our improvement. And this is what we've changed. So the first thing that we did was i said to chris right i want you to hit the ball to the right every single time. So the idea of that is we're gonna make the hands much quieter through the golf ball. And embrace the grip fault that he had so the grip fault should make the ball go to the right i wanted him to hit that shot first that way he used his hands a lot less the next.

Thing we then.

Change the grip so we've got his right hand much more in a more neutral position where the right v points towards his right shoulder and also this little uh ruler on the mat just see the ruler that i've put on the mat i think it's a little joyner's ruler um i got him to square the club face to that because sometimes he would aim the face even to the right as well now watch this. For an improvement the club face in the takeaway perfectly square amazing the last bit of instruction i gave to chris was just swinging a little bit flatter as well because he was swinging a bit upright. So club face is perfectly square when it gets to the top of the golf swing it's it's hidden behind the forearm. But it is square i mean you can just see it coming back out there it's. So square it's unbelievable on the downswing the clubface again is ridiculously square which is super. And then.

From here now the only thing the only battle he has is that he has to then.

Use his hands less because he's always been used to using his hands always been used to trying to rescue the shot we said right feel like you're trying to hit this to the right which is a shot that he was scared to death off before said feel like you're trying to just let the club face go to the right. And the shots that he hit there were just amazing we improved distance we improved consistency we made the hands quieter through the golf ball. And the and like say the this is this is the best golf swing i've ever seen that's not broken 90. it's just awesome. So looking forward to chris getting out on the golf course next.

Few times he plays i'll keep you up to date with his progress um but he just hit some bullets nice little draws towards the end of the day and what i wanted to share that video guys is that from the outset a golf swing can sometimes look very very good until you dive into the to the bits. And bobs of it you know dive into the into the depth of his golf swing to find out what was making him. So inconsistent and like say from the outset a lot of players would say he's got a very good golf swing however. when you look deeper it's a lot of characteristics helping other characteristics to hit the ball straight guys thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up if you think chris has made some awesome improvements please do like the video you can comment down below. And also subscribe to my channel by clicking the link just here below thanks for watching i look forward to seeing you all soon you.