So you go guys on youtube here's a video of uh dan healy dan doesn't actually play a great deal of golf he probably played about six times last year admittedly and he wants to take a bit more serious this year he's thinking through for business etc it's going to make a big difference. And the changes that we've made to his golf swing today.

Are absolutely outrageous i said sorry just let you into a little preview there as i was just setting things up um right. So let me tell you the story dan's like i said dan's not been playing golf he's been playing golf. For a decent amount of time but he's never really had many lessons uh it doesn't play serious serious and he's already had an issue with hitting the ball left to right and super super high so the last couple of sessions we've been working on the height of the shot and we've improved that dramatically just by changing the grip etc but today.

Was all about shaping the golf ball better. So what we see at the moment dan's got a fairly decent backswing club comes back nice he gets the top of the backswing pretty decently you know there's nothing majorly wrong there at the moment from here this is where we see uh see quite a big over-the-top golf swing. So watch this as it comes down obviously kind of the traditional throws it all the way over the top and you can see there the shaft angle is super super steep really steep. So as he comes into the golf ball the club is outside of the golf ball at this point now remarkably dan doesn't actually hit that many shanked golf shots he's managed to good hand-eye coordination used to be a cricketer i think he's playing a little bit qriket. Or he used to be a sports person in some description um he's managed to learn to cut across the golf ball incredibly well i don't know how you know there's lots and lots of sideways movement through the golf ball there and that's why it hits this big left to right shape so you can see there the ball is starting relatively straight to the target line. And that's important here see the ball on the left-hand side starting fairly straight now that telling that's telling us that there's a difference between our club path and our face which creates the curvature so we can see that quite clearly the swing path is going from out to it quite a lot. But his ball is starting somewhere near straight. So that's telling us our club face must be relatively straight to the target but severely open to the path so we've got this big difference with let's say that that swings going across the ball by gc my gc2 at the moment i've got the hnt attachment. So i can't accurately tell just yet but i would start going across the ball by seven. Or eight degrees the club face there must be seven or eight degrees different than the path so the club face might be absolutely perfectly square to target but there's that eight degree difference that's where we have all these areas of inconsistency and and very left to right ball flight so what we went down first is the journey i'll show you where we got to by the way. So you can keep keeps your attention that's where we got to in the downswing you'll show i'll show you this in a minute this is what we did in the downswing. But how we got to that first is we had to make sure that we married the club face up to the path. So remember the path is going from out to in from outside of the golf ball all the way to the left by seven. Or eight degrees so we need to make the club point in the same direction the club face point in the same direction and hit a shot that would go straight to the left and the way we did that is from the face on view i'm going to show you that now. So here we are now face on view a couple of little tweaks we've made just on this side was the the right hand was quite weak it would point up towards the left shoulder too much. So we've got that right right v oops not a clock right hand v pointing more towards the right shoulder to a more neutral position and through the ball this was done before on the left hand side obviously remembering now that he's cutting across the golf ball quite severely. And he would manage to hold the club face somewhere near to a more open position than the path not particularly open to target if anything close to target but much more to the right than path so what we went down first once we changed the grip i got dan actually getting into this position better where his right forearm has extended and crossed over his left forearm so you can see the difference there we've got down here on before on the left where his arms were separated here on the right his forearms have crossed over a lot better now what this meant now that his club face was now more equal to his path. So his path was going seven degrees to the left now his club face was going seven degrees to the left. And he was hitting ball correctly to the left. But much much better golf shots like really strong golf shots but just to the left too much so once that was happening then.

That's when we could change the path. So when we're at this side we can still obviously this was before his club was way coming over his head. But because we started to cross the forearms the ball was going like i say straight to the left this was now a really easy transition to get dan to feel like he was trying to swing this golf club much further towards the right. So i've put this alignment stick here down the floor just as a guide down that right hand side and this is what i told them i said at the moment the ball is going left. And he agreed because it was severely left as you could imagine i said try. And stop it from going to the left by swinging it quite a long way to the right feel like you're trying to swing that club more out trying to make that ball go out to the right. But you've still got to cross your forearm so it's forearms first swing off to the right because that means his face and his past relationship would always stay the same and that's what's really important and look i mean that difference is just outrageous. And he hit this golf shot that went absolute bullet straight off the face he hit it from the inside he made sure his forearms still crossed over that meant his face was more relative to his path. And just don't confuse people this is not faith you know i'm not i'm not getting him to manipulate the face i'm not getting him to roll his wrist. Or roll his hands or anything like i'm not the idea is that he's using his arms better to help him keep the club face much more level to his path. And straight away dan was hitting the ball just outrageously better lower further more consistently less strain less you know less effort. And just hitting the ball so good so guys i hope you've enjoyed the video today.

Um nicely i'm looking forward to seeing dan's progress over the next.

Months he's got a few games of golf lined up more with word than anything else. And hopefully you're going to see it well dan is going to see a massive improvement in this if you've enjoyed the video guys. And learned a lot from it please do give it a thumbs up if you want to comment in the comments box down below as well i'd appreciate that. And give us any feedback that you've got and also if you subscribe to the channel that'll give you first views to any of these videos before i've shared it so guys thanks so much for watching my name's been rick shiels down here at traffic garden manchester and that was an awesome improvement here from a massively over the top golf swing to hearing it more from the inside you.