So you might have seen recently from this very spot a seven-year-old called leo comfortably flopping it over my head towards this hole it was impressive. But it got me thinking i can't do that i used to be much more confident with flop shots. But now that confidence is low. So i found the club which i think is gonna definitely help me hit that ridiculous flop shot. And it's this [Music] so this is it the h7 hummingbird. And it looks to some degree like a somewhat of a normal wedge there's a couple of big differences first off it's lofted this club has 70 degrees of loft to put that into perspective my normal lob wedge is 60 degrees this is 10 degrees stronger which is crazy it's got a massive club face. And it's got this kind of strip down the middle to help you square it off the idea is you shouldn't have to open the face you should be able to set up square swing it. And it pops up i.e like a hummingbird so i'm going to test this wedge on a few different situations. But then.

I'm finally going to try the shot that leo tried from this very spot to this very hole can i flop it confidently up in the air over six foot minimum find out to the end of the video to see if i can achieve that first this wedge also says it's very good out the bunkers. So let's start there right so i'm gonna hit this wedge out of the bunker this 70 degree lob wedge apparently this is where it's going to be really good bunkers. And lob shots now normally if i'm using my 60 degree wedge i've got to open the face i've got to open my body i've got to swing across it but apparently don't need to do that with this i can just aim square that'll do anything different with my body aim square swing square just dead straight to target. And the ball should pop out let's see if that's the case banks to get over there's actually not a flag in the hole so i've actually just put one one of my other wedges in the hole i just need to aim straight and swing straight that's my first ever shot with this club those 70 degree lob wedge no idea how it's going to react [Music] oh that wasn't bad that was exactly what it said i should do aim square swing square it felt different to normal definitely. But it's produced an okay shot let's try it again oh that's crazy very similar outcome almost right next.

To it take a little bit off this next.

One [Music] oh look at that that's ridiculous one of the things that really kind of shocks me. So far is the size of the face it's absolutely gigantic. And actually sometimes when you do open a face let's say of my normal lob wedge the head will start to look a little bit smaller the sweet spot is slightly harder to hit well that's not the case with this let's go two more [Music] aim square swing dead straight. And just hit the sand i'll take those last two every day honestly that seemed easy that seemed very very simple to just aim straight swing straight it took me a couple to get kind of used to how fast i've got to swing it the first two went just past the flag but what was impressive. For me if you just come around here for a second one thing that i definitely struggle with on bunker shots is i'm pretty good at judging distance normally. But i don't always get the line correct this is the angle i was hitting the ball from look how much of a straight line those balls are in because i didn't need to swing differently i just swung straight that was good i was impressed with that you know what i'm really interested in next.

Before we hit that crazy flop shot in a minute i want to see what happens if i hit this as hard as i can what does a 70 degree log wedge doing my launch monitor let's go. And find out okay. So just come up to the practice tee here on the short game area at the marriott worsely park it's in pristine condition actually i'm gonna hear some shots on gc quad i'm going to start off with my 60 degree wedge. And then.

Move into the 70 degree west just to see if there's well how much of a difference there is the green's 100 yards away. So i'm not going to reach that from here. But let's start with the 60 degree first and see see how far or how short that club goes when i hit it full outs as hard as i can let's start off with 60 my own 60 degree lob wedge first [Music] [Music] okay. So that's me hitting my lob wedge as hard as i can actually finishing the water i can eat it as far as i can what's that one. So 75 yards on average for those two shots that's me hitting it as hard as i possibly can. And it is going really high hopefully you can see it on the tracer let's move into the 70 degree next.

This is going to go ridiculously high okay next.

Up the hummingbird the massive head 70 degree let's hit it as hard as i possibly can. And imagine this is just going to go literally straight up in the air [Music] [Laughter] oh my goodness that's ridiculous that is gone i mean not far at all it said on here it carried 33 yards i have hit that as hard as i can that club slid underneath the golf ball weirdly enough there's not loads of axemen on that like three actually it's measuring it 3000 rpm backspin. So it's not the spin that's getting up in the air it's literally just hitting the club and just going up. And as it lands it just drops down it's not actually creating loads of backspin let's have another go at that that's crazy that's gone a little bit further but again just straight up so that one went 50 yards in preparation for this flop shot challenge in a minute let me just see if i can really get the club sliding underneath the ball here i might even open the face up a little bit just to add even more loft into a shot like this [Music] that's only just gone off the practice tee 23 yards. And i'm hitting it as hard as i possibly can it is going straight off unfortunately i'm not getting a peak height on this launch monitor here. But i mean that is just going straight up in the air it's unbelievable i'm gonna go one more let's see if i can let's see how far i could hit it could i squeeze it out over 50 yards [Music] the answer is that is no that's gone a grand total of 40 three yards me hitting it as hard as i can possibly swing it i'm swinging at about 85 miles per hour there hitting that shot. And it's only going 43 yards in the air unbelievable next.

Test let's see what this club can do when it comes to the flop shot i've got a funny feeling it's going to do pretty well. So as i'm just picking these balls up which by the way have literally just finished here and the practice t is just up there i've not really talked about much of the wedge i saw it on a facebook advert actually. And someone tagged me in it and i bought two of them i bought the 70 degree and the 58 degree i think it cost me about 200 from the usa the advert like a lot of these things are very very much over the top promising you the world promising you're going to be the next.

Phil mickelson there's a bit of kind of truth in that with this club it does have benefits i've seen that definitely in the bunker. And at the end of the day if you make a 70 degree lofted wedge it's going to pop up in the air easier than another particular type of lob wedge it's not bad. But again for a hundred dollars a club i mean it's not that great the other thing is like what if you were to put a club like this in the bag what would you take out of the bag like is there a 60 degree lob wedge you could take out of the bag i mean if you could if you could have 15 clubs in your bag i would see this going in a lot of players bags because i do think. For maybe once or twice around you might need a club like this but not very often at all right anyway let's get to the flop shot so on that note of a hundred dollars as well after just hitting it the few shots i've hit so far it has marked and scratched a little bit and even the paintwork off the hummingbird at the bottom has actually slightly come off however. there's one feature on this club that i'd actually like to see a little bit more with some other clubs this kind of stripe straight down the middle of the clubface aesthetically it's fantastic for lining up i really like that i'd actually like to see something similar to that on other brands as well i'm a big fan of that on the face i think that's going to help that would help a lot of golfers line the club up a lot straighter. So we are stood now in exactly the same spot that little leo little seven-year-old leo was stood here hitting flop shots over my head i was stood about here. So i'm six foot tall and about here towards that flag which we've now replaced with the golf club [Music] i mean how good is that how confident was leo hitting it just flopping it over me i'm not as confident will this club give me that confidence let's do a few tests first let's see if i can flop it from here to that flag with a 70 degree lob wedge it almost the flag looks too close [Music] oh nice [Music] [Laughter] um if somebody was stood there then.

That would have seriously hurt. And just very quickly there's a group on that green and honestly if it was another five yards further i would have hit him. And that green's probably about 60 yards away not a great start so the first one filled me with confidence and the second one kills my confidence that's hopefully i can get a confidence back oh yes [Music] that was unbelievable oh no that would have that would have injured somebody in the face as well. So so far on a shot like this when i'm trying to hit a flop shot from this close i'm having mixed success around 50 of the time i play it perfectly 50 of the time it's terrible that's all well and good when there's nobody here but what happens when i've got some pressure what happens when i've got to flop it over this guy right rick you ready for this okay guys if you enjoy this video make sure you smash like make sure you subscribe to the channel. And let's see if i can flop it over myself from this range easy thank goodness we'll see you next.
