In this box I have the secret Callaway golf balls I've bought from Amazon are they possibly the cheapest Callaway golf balls you can buy on the market right now. And more importantly are they any good. Or are they ones to avoid let's find out [Music]. So let me tell you the story I was scouring Amazon in the golf section. And I discovered these golf balls and I did not recognize them at all. And for a roughly a pound of golf ball that's a bit of a bargain now I'll be honest first off question are they actually even real. So I contacted my contact at Callaway and asked them and they said yes they are genuine Callaway golf balls. But we don't spend any money on marketing they're not on our official website so effectively Amazon exclusive so I bought two boxes and in here we should have those two boxes and this is the Box hex soft a distance ball with Incredible feel. So when I bought these from Amazon they were 13.99. For a box which is like I said just over a pound of golf ball that's why I think they're the cheapest Callaway golf balls on the market right now because if you actually look on the Callaway website the cheapest balls are War Words which you've probably heard of they're about 16 to 18 pounds now Grant I bought these at 13.99 now the price might vary it's Amazon you know prices go up. And down but I'm pretty confident these are the cheapest Callaway golf balls. So we've opened it up and it all looks very nice 12 golf balls in a box as you would imagine and on the box you got some Spiel now you know what golf ball manufacturers like surely everything goes long and straight and it's soft oh what a Callaway hex off saying here so I actually quite like the illustrations it makes it very simple to understand but they're saying low spin on the woods the long distance tea to Green okay we'll have a look at that okay this is an interesting one reduced spin with long shots. For a straighter ball flight resulting in fewer Hooks and slices so it's promising to be straighter by having less spin but with its soft cover it has incredible feel on shots around the green okay first inspection um Callaway hexton pulls just very simply says hexoft on the side let's do the bite testing not outrageously soft on first inspection I can't get my thumbnail in it really well uh I really getting much of a chew on that. But we'll actually see what it feels like with a with a golf club in hand let's start off with the putting green first I'm gonna do some chips it's some longer shots we're going to test out the durability's golf balls as well. But most importantly after all the testing I'm going to do today.

On these golf balls we're going to find out are they phenomenal value. Or is there a reason why Callaway have basically palmed them off to Amazon [Music] okay first test putting green how do these balls feel now they're called hexoft it says in the Box they should have a soft feel around the green. But what they actually feel like we putter this isn't going to take me long to establish I'm going to hit these three ports of a medium length. And I'll be able to almost give you an instant reaction to how this golf ball feels I'm not looking too much to hold it I'm not too worried about the actual end result maybe I should put like that all the time um not a terrible feel I'm going to describe them as as medium firm. So not not definitely not soft but not rock hard ah that was gonna get two Yeah medium firm I'm I'm okay with that feel okay next.

Test is feel around the greens I've got six golf balls here. And I've got a little pitch into this green uh this will be a great indicator to see how this the cover apparently is incredible feel let's see if that's the case I've also feeling confident I've got a drone over the flag if it cuts the Drone it means I've hit a good one. But more importantly I'm trying to get my my understanding of how these golf balls feel so I'll set a few in there [Music] [Laughter] okay that was such a bad shot it kind of almost like sped up the base a little bit I'll give it some credit it felt actually quite good. But it was a horrendous chip it's trying to get some better ones that's nicer that's gonna go in the hole felt nice really does you can kind of you know with a soft covered golf ball sometimes you can almost feel it grabbing the face that's how it creates that kind of spin on the golf ball. And I must admit even those first two I could feel it almost grabbing onto the face evidence that I can I mean I'm pitching these on a little down slope it gives me confidence that I can fly it in there. And you know what it's quite interesting because I didn't give it a Supersoft rating on the putting green didn't feel really soft hitting putter but on a slightly longer shot I'm definitely getting a nice feel off this wedge uh probably I would say to me it's not far off something like it even a very premium but like a chrome soft with a Callaway like it does have that nice almost premium feel on these little shots around the green [Music] yeah another really nice shot just a little bit of the down slope there. But honestly does feel good I'm excited to get some longer shots now [Music] the slope foreign travel take the slope take the brake yeah not too bad you know in fact better than that those little shots felt really really nice cover feels super like that actually it feels good I wasn't getting that softness off the putter. But definitely off the little wedge shots they feel really nice okay. So this has been an interesting test I've come out 100 yards away so I'm hitting full Sand Wedge shots uh I've got the Drone off again just in case I hit some close ones so we can capture it um what I'm fascinated to see now is as you saw in the Box it mentioned that they've got low spin on the Fuller shots. And I'm guessing that means more the woods because they're saying that's going to stop it from slicing. Or fading but does that mean then.

They also won't spin very much with a full iron shot like a sandwich let's let's find out. And in theory I should hit him super straight if they don't spin so let's see what the results are [Music] [Laughter] I've just done something I never ever ever ever ever ever thought I would ever do I've just thinned it all the way through the back of the green it's hit the road. And I think I just hit the clubhouse. And I did hear a clatter of some description even though I might just saved some money on some golf balls that might have just cost me a lot of money on a new broken window I knew when when do I need to fix [Laughter] oh my goodness wasn't me all right don't I'll just pretend pretend nothing happened okay let's try. And hit this one a little bit nicer [Music] at the moment I've thinned one through the back I've hit one through the back of the green I've pushed one to the right none of them are even remotely close to the flag show me [Music] okay six shots there. And I've got to be totally honest with you none of them are that good I lost a bit of confidence after that first shot uh there is somebody looking from the back of the 18th green. So I think the first thing we should do is go. And investigate whether I've actually smashed something I brought something right so it bounced it bounced off this path okay I've never ever in all my Years playing here filming here I've never ever done this it's up here. And it made a clatter okay the good news is they were the five windows I thought I could have smashed one of them. And none of them are smashed okay I think I can see it. So I think that's classed as being out of bounds just double check I've not broke anything. And that is my ball the Callaway hex off with uh just have a look at that with a right good scratch in there now I must have hit one of these tables the green is like 50 yards I'm 63 yards away from the middle of the green. So I hit that I hit that uh Sand Wedge about 170 yards I've not broken anything I'm not in trouble we've got the golf ball back yeah that scared me that okay normal service resumes um the five I actually managed to hit the green with shockingly I managed to actually hit the green uh they all kind of just dropped. And stopped not really a great deal of backspin but again you might not want shed loads of backspin and it doesn't promise that it's going to zip off the green it doesn't doesn't promise you're gonna get loads of accidents in fact it kind of advertises almost more lower backspin to help you hit it straighter. And in fact there's no shots were no I can't give any credit to that those shots were pretty bad. But that was more on me right I'll tell you what we're gonna do now durability test. And I think then.

We need to get to the T. And hit some long shots some drivers see if it's actually got some distance in these golf balls and is any evidence in the claim that you could hit him straighter because of the lower spin next.

Up durability test I'm going to hit 10 shots with this brand new Callaway hex soft golf ball because even though granted the person I don't want to pigeonhole the golfer who buys his golf ball possibly might lose them before durability is an issue it's still an important part to a ball review 10 shots let's see how this golf ball cover lasts okay all shots with this ball out of a bunker many golf balls have failed this test they've been scuffed scratched unplayable after that test this golf ball has done incredibly well like there is quite literally one little tiny blemish very very playable this golf ball still you know what. So far I'm bloody impressed with these golf balls like they've passed every test I've thrown out so far with flying colors I think the only thing I could pick up on was the firmness off the putter. But everything else it's done incredibly well on so we're gonna go back to T now hit some driver shots will they go long will they go straight. And are they possibly one of the best golf balls you can buy certainly. For the price before we do that let's chop this one in half just. So we can see what's inside it I think it's a lot feels really soft oh my goodness that was one of the softest golf balls I've ever cut open two-piece really there's not a lot to it that's the inside of the golf ball all looks nice. And symmetrical all looks yeah almost absolutely fine let's get back to the tea okay final test. For this golf balls with the driver now I normally with a premium golf ball at three pound fifty four pounder golf ball I'm looking at trying to get ball speeds of around about 160 miles per hour with my swing speed of 110 miles per hour and I'm looking to carry the golf ball about 280 yards now one of the claims from this Callaway hexoft golf ball is off the tee it's saying it's going to fly straighter because of a lower spin well it's pretty straight I don't think I hit it the best ever well that is one safely in the Fairway okay first shot with the driver that carried two five four. And had 148 miles per hour ball speed but I've got to be honest it was a pretty horrendous strike my first shots of this whole test haven't been particularly good that's actually hold the first Port into. But anyway right let's uh let's say a few more all right another one straight down the middle felt a better hit okay that one was hit proper now I'm not gonna look okay in my mind I know I've hit enough golf shots in my time that that with that strike would have carried 280 yards with 160 miles per hour ball speed if not a touch more okay I've not locked come have a look 271 carry. And one five two ball speed with 1 900 spin I mean that's 10 yards short of what I expected. And the ball speed was what about five. Or six miles per hour slower than what I'd expect that might be the downside of this golf ball when hit with speed I don't think you're getting much ball speed from it that kind of softer golf ball doesn't seem to be flying off the face can hit a couple more. But I was shocked about that one that definitely surprised me I draw. But it's fine in Fairway again okay. So my summary with driver there I've got to be honest I've just hit a lot of Fairways I think I pretty much every shot I hit hit the Fairway the distance wise it's a little bit shorter than what I'd expect to see from a premium golf ball. So it's something to consider maybe when looking at buying these golf balls overall however. for the price these golf balls are phenomenal they are I've got to say it it's a ball off Amazon. And they have really shocked me surprised me performed a lot better than expect and it kind of just goes to show if Callaway can make a golf ball this cheap. And to perform that good why are they wanting to make a golf ball it's 40 plus pounds because I honestly don't see much difference in that premium golf ball compared to that I've just tested today.

Guys thanks. For watching hope you enjoyed it like And subscribe we'll see you next.
