I've bought the best rated golf club on amazon it's arrived in this box let's get it out and let's see what all the fuss is about. So i was on amazon the other day. And i thought let's see what the best rated golf club is. And i found this it was 40 pounds to order it. And it's a wedge i'm not gonna help you that's interesting that is not a clue to the brand that it actually is it's not a callaway golf club believe it. Or not i don't know what that's in there that is everything that's left in the box. And inside and it's bubble wrapping is this it's a wedge i ordered it in a 56 degree. So a sand wedge it's come in a wrapper that's a little bit scratched and damaged but nothing that should affect the performance and inside we have this the wilson harmonized wedge a little scuff there on the e actually apparently soul grind improved precision and control while the narrow heel allows you to open the face and get more spin let's give it a test around the greens maybe in some bunkers a few flop shots over the bunker as well and some full shots as well now this club has had nearly 2 000 reviews and as a whole it's incredibly positive lots of five star ratings let's see if we can find one uh good. For getting over bunkers near the green okay great club great weight good wedge. For the money i'm actually not really seeing any negatives whatsoever no pretty much all four. And five star reviews is it gonna live up to the hype let's find out okay. So before we properly start testing this club certainly on a little short delicate chip like this i try to get a feel for the actual club itself first like it is nice it's a nice shape the weighting of it is very balanced it feels like a premium wedge the grip's a little bit thin that's my only criticism the shape of it is really interesting as well at the bottom edge this kind of leading edge here is quite rounded it's quite a rounded face it's nice looking like there's nothing really that would offend me with that wedge. And then.

Before the first shot i also just want to have a little idea on feel i'll just flick a few up it's not super soft don't get me wrong but it's it's okay like it feels nice enough i've got this in a 56 degree i think you can get it in 52. And 60. obviously there are limitations on fittings etc. But let's see how it performs a few little short chips first see if we can haul a few [Laughter] that would have been a ridiculous start to a video first shot with this club that was pretty good i like that one let's see if it continues quick that was more on me than the wedge set a few more [Music] very nice i like it it's good. So far seems to get some nice spin good for distance go one more low checky one no i'm not very good one in one really good too bad one average not sure what to summarize there. But the wedge feels good okay. So fairly positive start so far uh i'm going to test this now properly on a mixture of different shots some sure. So some in the roof maybe some bunker shots a few flop shots to see how it really performs our report back in a second but then.

We need to test it on a proper wedge situation as we know when we buy a wedge we want that ball to be able to stop and spin into the green or can a wedge of this price point do just that we see all the expensive brands promising more backspin more control well can this 40 pound wedge still spin like crazy let's find out in a second [Music] ah [Music] [Music] uh [Music]. So i think the honeymoon period is over with this wedge after those first few little chips. And one that i hold and nearly hold after that testing around the green wasn't that great i mean granted i hit some bad shots. So happens but just to feel it's not a very nice feel off the face i felt like there was some inconsistencies of spin as well which was concerning sometimes i've hit on it to check up like crazy other times it kind of released out um i mean it's not bad. And it looks nice just doesn't feel brilliant certainly when you compare that to like one of the premium wedges as i mentioned let's test it for the full shots from 100 yards how much spin can it really get i'm intrigued i'm gonna give it a clean give it its best chance to get some proper backspin okay. So i'm about 100 yards out i'm just going to go to the middle of the green here i'm not going to massively aim. For a flag middle of the green and see how much backspin we can get oh that was really well struck one bounce. And oh a little bit of dancing on the first shot that's very similar to the first yeah definitely zipping back a bit [Music] [Music]. So [Music] okay all in all not bad like some of the shots there when i caught it well definitely had a little bit of rip back just a shame i just caught a couple thin i thought we're gonna do really well. But they flew the green and that's slightly more on me for me as this wedge goes for 40 pound from amazon that anybody could go out and buy it's actually a really good wedge shots around the green it performs i would expect a wedge to perform it just doesn't feel fantastic there's limitations obviously you can't get custom fit for it you can't get the right bounce all right there's only limited loft options and there's no shaft options at all. So it's that decision whether you go for something like this that's brand new or do you try. And pick up like a secondhand vokey wedge which has got the feel the performance it's a debate that you might need to have it's not a bad wedge i can understand why it does rank. So highly on amazon thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
