All right guys got a fun video for you today.

I'm down here at centurion club in london here at the aramco series ladies event. And i'm just about to jump on caddy duty that's right yes i'm gonna pick up the bag of olivia cowan we're gonna play five holes to see if we can shoot under par now the catch she has to do everything i say she has to hit the shots that i tell her to hit the clubs that hit the lines to pick everything now she's never played this golf course before. And i have so i've got a little bit of knowledge now if you remember i did this video with lee westwood at wentworth. And we managed to shoot one on the par can me. And olivia cowan go even better let's get to it we're gonna start on the night at the top on the bottom uh the top yeah you are the player which means i can boss you around boss me around absolutely okay here we go does it suit me it's quite light yeah it's good isn't it um are you ready. For this challenge i don't know yet there's gonna be five holes you can override me three times okay. So if you're not happy with my decision you can say no i am not doing that you're gonna do what you do okay okay good um ninth hole i even i'm looking at the yardages par five just under 500 yards. So it's a great opening hole there's only one choice there's only one choice give the big sticker so ideal line here olivia bunker in the middle of the fairway is a long way away straight on that little little fade just to stay away from that water into play just left of the number nine behind the green oh yeah you delivered you give me this club you'd have to worry about after that thank you i like how this is going from start. So we'll see all about positive vibes with 236 yards to the green meters meters this is oh no that has how do you play meters oh. For god's sake i like the layup yeah because what do you hit your three wood about 190. okay let's hit let's hit three wood leaves us about 70 out in okay okay happy with that i'm sorry god i'm i'm really i'm gonna get sacked soon very nice shot beautiful just kick off that bank. And that will be absolutely perfect she's good she's allow me again that was very nice well done we're off six seven right. So it's 62 to the front the pins five on yeah. So 67 a little bit of a backstop past so i i'm seeing you flying this up almost bang on 67 or a little bit of wind off the left what like a 70 meter shot 70 meter shot so i'm gonna guess and you can correct me from wrong i think it should 56 90 swing no more on smashing it i said 50 degrees all right yeah yeah 50 degree 90 swing i like that okay i like those choices sometimes you just gotta like bounce ideas off each other [Music] [Applause] just delightful i mean that yeah you wet the towel. Yet um give me a minute please boss and we'll do it next.

Time that was mega listen we are a couple of feet away putting. For birdie on the first hole oh sorry it's all right this is the important bit this is this is where the money's made this is two okay two outside i want to go you've got to aim it there okay okay okay dead speed there this does not miss it's the wrong line was that a wrong line uh this one's straight let me get that. For you okay far on the first on to the next.

I uh i best do what the boss requested. And make sure i wet a towel we need that golf ball to be clean i should do the trick tenth hole olivia par-4 uh it's pretty as you see it here 351 meters slightly up the hill there is next.

To no trouble down the fairway. And that's exactly where i'm expecting you to hit it with the driver pins on the left i don't mind you favoring the right side of the fairway if you must we're going to be picky apart from that your towel's got water on now your ball is clean there's no more excuses let's go make some birdies nice beautiful that will do. For me i'm happy with that it's great so you hit your pitching wedge 100 so you'll hit your nine iron 110 you'll hit your 8 120. yeah yep eight iron you've got more room right than you have left okay. So the banner in the background just a tiny little draw go on get up there get up there i think it's good everyone said nice shot. So i'm gonna take that as well that was it was black it was tracking it was heading towards the flag i just hope we've got the right distance. But you've got a good chance of birdie i'd imagine i need to do the honours right we've got a clean ball this time. So there's no excuse anymore you normally like a caddy reading book. So are you very do you like to read it i used to have i used to let my caddy read them. But we'd like to side together okay. But now i just do it myself you'd have to worry today.

Yeah okay right now you're happy with that yeah i'll trust you trust me you can go after a bit more speed this time in the front from downhill. And the greens are fast oh she gets this one i was about to start celebrating then.

That was a good port nice roll it was a good read. So 151 to the front nine meters on top of that five irony with one sixty no one fifty. So four are you you have a four i have a hybrid yeah four hybrids that we get 160 160 yeah all right olivia i am i'm not sure about it was that a bit of help a bit of wind anyway we're not in trouble now. For me and again you kind of gotta play the way i play it i would definitely go putter yeah me too good because it's preferred lies because a bit of moisture we can't clean the golf ball which is a bit of a blessing right this is a massive right to left okay. And downhill oh my god i don't think i've ever done that i forgot to tell you how hard to hit it not that not that hard olivia let's have you aim in here olivia a little bit softer than last time. So it's slightly uphill come on let's box this give me everything you don't have to worry okay 12th hole cracking hole this it kind of goes down the hill dog leg to the right it's that one i showed you before with the green over the water you've got the right club driver it's just a committed line. And with the wind coming a little bit off the left hand side just feel like you're staying left side so see whether you can see the corner of that bunker that's just sticking out yeah like start it. Or not let it just fade [Music] you good aren't you happy with it steve she's actually she's decent and what was nice about that is because listen we forget the bad hole on the last that didn't happen with it no it's gone we now make some birdies we've got two holes left to go that was in perfect position drive let's let's get one close let's knock one in into wind over water. So you hit 160 you hit your three high a four hybrid yeah one six five one six five i don't know if that's quite enough. So i'd like to go one more okay five wood yeah i feel like three was too much you did the wrong way too much i feel like five wood like that look like buttery high little cutty number we've got a little bit of a blind shot here olivia's just gotta cut a little one in oh yeah you want the ball free [Music] yeah are we dry yeah sorry we're dry that was a tough shot this is a tough hole yeah into wind especially right we're off the green just in the first little cut i'm being either a 50. Or you're 50. you prefer the 56 yes okay. And then.

Flight wise personally i'd like to just come in a fraction lower yeah happy with that that helped us that's all right very nicely played olivia you like chipping i do i'd rather not do it though rather be on the green right olivia dead straight oh sorry i keep wanting to read the puck don't worry this is dead straight don't miss from there one over at the moment par five to come up our last hole. But the benefit it's downwind this time yeah it's nice right if anyone ever thinks caddy is easy look at that amount of numbers how crazy is that it's a lot isn't it that's a lot of numbers because there's lots of bunkers down there this is a par 5 13th hole playing 454 meters the safe place down the left hand side is 2 30 to carry those bunkers. But even though it's downwind is that a big ask 230 meters oh yeah yeah it's a big ask yeah it's a big ask let's go driver left side of the bunkers it's downwind if we get it in position a nice little three shot par five this we can get it in close make some birdie come on finish strong that's my player right there there she is that was crushed right it was that was crushed neatly i need a birdie that was very nice that well done. So 2 15 6 foot kill 221 meters downwind i think we can get close okay yeah if you're gonna miss anywhere slightly right it's marginally better. But you know you're not gonna miss that's okay listen it's not ideal. But it's so what happened i'm gonna blame the ground because it's so wet i also would blame the ground if i was you it's okay you're in the bunker you're far enough back on a slight up. So you'll comfortably get it out 450 it's gonna spin a little bit very nice travel a bit travel a bit and don't spin don't spin uh i thought you don't want to fight from there though yeah any harder like it's hard to keep balance. And swing that hard from a bunker lie give us give us a chance got a part will you give us a chance about the right terminology i did nothing you know what i really enjoyed this i love you it's been an honor to california let's see if we can finish with one hold pull you know what this looks more undulating. But actually it's fairly straight it kind of tails a little bit right to left and dips left to right yep all the way around left to right then.

Right to left so pretty much straight slightly uphill in the first section going downhill in the second section. So straight dead straight you know [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah yeah i know i thought it was a good read [Music] do you want my help before you do that on your own this time i feel like i've let you down with some thoughts today.

Olivia i think i'll do it by myself i haven't actually asked. For my three you've not things you've you've had full trust in my abilities yeah rightly. Or wrongly i'm not sure last point i believe that was a pleasure i enjoyed caddying. For you enjoy to disappoint you didn't disappoint anybody on that summary of five holes would i be hired or fired i'd hire you i think it'd be a good time that's all that matters thanks. For watching guys stay tuned make sure you go and check out live on social media we'll put links down below superstar you do all yourself now i'm off see you later [Music] you.