Right guys i'm down here at wentworth here at the bmw championship got an exciting video coming your way it's a bit different this year obviously there's no fans allowed in however. we're gonna give you some access with one of the flagship tour players lee westwood made a really cool video. But i'm gonna caddy for lee westwood so i'm gonna tell him what clubs to hit where to aim how to read the puts and we're gonna see if we can finish the final few holes under par at this wonderful golf course now because of coverage restrictions etc i won't actually physically be carrying his bag thankfully because i bet it weighs a ton there will be his actual caddy with us as well. So without further ado let's start on the 14th hole meet caddy in for lee westwood and see if we can shoot under par. Or will he fire me let's go. And find out [Music] right guys so we're here on the golf course we're going to start here on the 14th hole beautiful little pathway up the hill. And no introduction needed superstar tour player lee westwood lee i'm going to be caddying. For you today.

I'm going to give you the advice to help us play the final five holes in underpass i'm going to give you hopefully i know there's wind it's getting cold in the day um lee's caddy is here as well to actually carry the bag. But socially distancing socially distant so he's gonna have to stay somewhat out of this because everything i say lee has to do how however. you can override me three times okay okay right. But our mission is to try. And shoot under par for these final five holes um 177 yards slightly up the hill a little bit breeze helping a little bit chilly it is chilly i'll help you a little bit with that i would i personally probably be hitting six. So considering the westwood is definitely longer than me seven solid good seven iron solid one slightly soft seven iron a little bit of control. And let's see how lee can get it on let's see if we can start strong oh i love it be good oh i love it let's go that is perfect it was all in one how good was that caddying i mean talk about landing it pin eye it has probably a little bit too too much power. But not bad what are you saying i've got faith here i'm seeing it coming in from this angle here yeah okay is that my fault that's straight that one's straight i i'm gonna take a little bit of credit. For that you started that bang online level par first hole no overrides. Yet let's go on to next.

Which is a crack in par four [Music] fifteenth hole par four 491 yards now lee i just saw a minute ago have his course planner out. But that's not needed today.

I forgot sorry now on youtube there's one rule we hit driver only right. So driver all right would that normally be the right choice on this hole uh it is a it is quite strong downwind today.

It could have been a three would. But i'm happy with driver it's chilly driver's good [Music] oh lee westwood it's all right i think should we see it bouncing straight down the middle is that good oh yeah okay second shot into this very testing hole we are 215 yards from the hole 195 ish from the front pins absolutely in the middle there's not really a great deal of danger 215 down wind more predominantly now do you still have all the markers on your clubs where you've got yardage. So it's even easier for you if i could see them um james i'll show you how far the six iron go the sick the six iron's not a bad shout it's a lee very conveniently has got all of his yardages printed on the back of his clubs in a little shaft here do they change often are they like you just keep them i've been having it that far. For about 20 years so it's six angles one nine five i like the six right do you. And i see a shape dear i see your shape riding on the wind a little bit left to right very similar to your to your t-shirt there's a marker behind the green which we're not going to go as far left as that the two trees just left to the flag little fade back on the flag the little faded. And i feel like missing it slightly left is the miss to leave yourself an uphill putt okay yeah i'm getting a reassuring nod from james the caddy oh he's gonna almost at it with a tiny fade it's looking good. For distance carrier oh it's short i don't think the wind's helping as much as you thought no hey listen i'm gonna i'm gonna take the full responsibility of that i felt like it was more downwind james is off the left we found bunker right at the green that's okay listen all right lee i'm gonna i'm gonna take full responsibility in fairness to you i pushed it a bit. And it's landed nearly on the front edge of the green so 195. online it might have got 20 feet short so we found in the bunker just short of the green is a kind of a slight two-tier to this green on 15 i would normally ask you more of a flight all the way stop it. Or in here i'm i'm fancying her and in here on the upslope let it kill it a little bit rub the slope you know leave yourself as little as possible slightly back up the hill i like that i mean. For me and the guidance on the shot like this i'm guessing james do you give much guidance on a shot like this not loads not loads on the short game [Music] yeah oh that's nice carrib oh it's stopped quick it's dug its teeth in i mean this right i might get fired after two holes. But hopefully i don't no another one of your magical reads again hey listen i've got this we've got this one i'm not going to let you down this time well the gun really let me down last time it's right to left slightly up the hill before it then.

Levels out. So it's not going to slope as much towards the back end of the port i know how you like it on your apex now yeah. So i'm i'm going to give it a little bit more respect than what i would do potentially normally there's a little pitch mark here just on the inside of that pitch mark okay is that my start line that's your apex is it okay did you see that as being i think that's a bit too high. But we'll go with it okay it's not going to override me. For par here on the 15th break break get there get there get there [Music] that's what you do as a caddy yes all that. For a powerport right onto safety lately put that away as i mentioned it's drivers only 16th hole we're gonna hit driver off the tee not the normal play is it no drive around the corner we're gonna play attacking we've only got three holes we've got to shoot under par oh that is money hit the path as well oh it's a bit too far left. But we'll be all right we'll be able to find the green i think that is like compared to the last e shot they are chalk. And cheese aren't they because big hyphae it's a big little freaking draw do you ever pull that one out much when you play it anyway uh on a lynx course against a hard window would use it yeah it's nice i like it in hindsight as much i didn't give lee a choice i don't know if driver was the right idea sorry about that well i think i tried to like you say patience isn't my virtue on this hole. And i'll try and learn from it because i'm down in the world here though is it it's all right we're shorter into the distance. So uh-huh there's got to be an advantage there the green keepers are just trimming the green. So i don't know where the flag is just. Yet uh we are at about 105 yards are you telling me are you telling me there i asked you man that was that was a very definitive statement 105 away from the flag i mean i think bmw logo behind the green which coincidentally thanks to bmw. For setting this video up so i i like it on that line with like uh what what does the gap wedge go. For you you carry 109. it's like a three-quarter gap wedge to take the shot off it right yeah i like the way you're thinking okay draw a bit draw a bit turn over face a bit everything's kind of going towards the flag with a bit of spin there do you think yeah well i think it's a bit long it wasn't the best lie. But i did miss the fairway. So i didn't really deserve much better okay in hindsight i gave you too much club it was a challenging shot. And as you mentioned the lie wasn't great it's not pitched a million miles off but these greens are rapping it's gone all the way through to the back of the green we're chipping now i'll tell you the mistake go on was it in driver off the tee not being in the fairway with like a four iron. Or a hybrid so i could put some spin on it out of the fairway that was his mistake. But this is youtube. And it's always driver in it i like a little the same club the 52 right and kind of play it lower and run it up okay do you want to do that yeah no i love it right where am i landing it then.

When you're doing half a job here tell you where you're going to land it i quite like playing it quite aggressive yeah i like it there like 40 of the distance stay there then.

See how close i can get run out a lot let me give some credit here let me give some credit. So we said on where i'm stood that's the pitch mark it's pretty good. So before i over read it and you have to drop it in so we'll go a little bit less right or just inside that pitch mark yeah. And just drifting in okay you like that i think it's a bit too far left. But i'm not sure it'll swing that much okay you can override you've got three in the bank i mean it would hurt it would have hurt me internally it would hurt inside i'm gonna go a bit further right than that okay he's overriding me he's gonna go a tiny bit further right than what i suggested let's see if this drops in oh pushed it pushed it. And you're probably right i'll take the blame there i'm just going to clip that one little sound bite you'll probably right it'll do. For me right we won over two holes to go but two par fives you like these next.

Two yeah such different holes like 17's a big raking right to left downwind 18's a big raking left to right two birdies to finish on the parts what we're going to go. For so no real discussion needed driver big draw starting it we're finishing it as much kind of on that corner as we can right okay yeah sunshine okay keep drawing keep drawing we're in the fairway take that nice shot. So we are 285 yards away from the flag i mean it's a big big raking right to left i mean what like three wood. Or driver i guess isn't it three wood trying to carry out yeah well what's like what what is it imagine if you did that is it i don't know please the three words it's like what you might as well get like one of them one of them pick one of them [Laughter] three wood raking around the corner we won't be able to see it finish oh yes won't be far off that looks filthy with the dark sky there the way it came around the corner beautiful shot yeah i'll insert the slow-mo now check that out actually just as we get on to 17 here i've asked my followers on instagram to ask you quick fire questions ready go on will forrest get promoted this season no uh when did lee play his first challenge tour event i didn't play anything long-term. So i went from the school straight to the tour how often do you change your driver uh not that often when i find a good one sometimes i crack their faces on them that was the reason i changed last time watch your pre-shot routine stand behind the ball have a look down the line a couple of practice swings before that in waggle that's it that seems like you're making that a little bit up on the spot i bet if you timed it i would be within a quarter of a second nearly every time honestly yeah. So regardless of the method or whatever on a normal shot on a chip you know i have a slightly different routine we are front of the green check this out we're on this beauty i mean this looks like green the course is like well i fly out this is the green. But this is not the actual greens there a little chip up the green um quite like an aggressive play i quite like a 56 degree deer we're going to go 56 degree are we not going 60 no i'm gonna go 56. all right 56. that's not very aggressive a little bit in the front what are those like little nippy spinners yeah you got it in here i'm gonna i'm gonna overrule you. And do it with a 60. really neat again now you know what after the last already overruled me mr football hey whatever right i've got a nice tight light i'm going to land it try. And land it about yard on check it and then.

It'll slowly release down there 56 i can't land it on the green and stop it in time because the screen runs away from you and you can see how shiny it is all the grain runs that way as well. So i'm like taking notes i'll learn that for next.

Time 60 degrees gonna play aggressive [Music] that's not bad putter that wasn't bad too bad was it hey do you like that feel like i'm on i feel like i'm on a written warning at the moment [Laughter] that was tasty how good was that pitch shot i mean he's put it in with a few feet skilled right. For birdie it's not a lot in this if anything tiny bit left to right but we don't need to worry about that it's going to be pretty straight from this range. For birdies to get back to level power with one hole to go lee westwood back to level par liam rick back to level par so while rick's not here um i've kind of got to do a bit of an appraisal of how he's got on today.

And i've gotta say he's done he's done fairly well um the reading of the greens has been good clubbing has been pretty good um yeah. But maybe not drive off 16 in the tournament but other than that not bad last whole 18th hole an unbelievable hole here at wentworth it's a big sweeping dog leg left to right 523 yards off the back championship tee and it didn't need a great deal of conversation this we need a birdie we level power at the moment the big dog is out now the only advice really here is it fade around the corner. Or tiger line i'm feeling with this little bit of wind it's a little tiny subtle fade around the corner to put ourselves in prime position so we can attack the 18th green in style right down the left i do i do see it yeah down the left little fade okay let's finish with a smoked one oh no it's not fading it's not it stayed on the line settle that's in the fairway is it i'm not sure it just didn't just go in the trap jumped in the trap you can blame me. For that i didn't fade it come on shake it off okay 18th hole we've actually avoided the trap we're just in the semi it's about 260 yards to the flag james just asked me a very good question how much down wind is it. And where is it coming from uh can i lean on you a little bit. For the this is my only one oh i'm not sure that's allowed ultimately it's one final decision if you're caddying today.

So i also think it'd be unbelievably useful. For the viewers like how do you judge wind. And direction um generally you can use nowadays you use a compass. Or a wind map so you get the wind in the morning on the range and then.

You say that's the golf course and you've worked off that direction but i don't know where it's coming from i'm barry the builder playing on saturday morning yeah how about the builder follow the clouds in the sky is that the best way that's the best way he's no good looking. For numbers now i'm gonna say you got two two irons two iron three iron or five wood a hybrid yeah. Or hybrid or hybrid i like the hybrid choice i like the hybrid choice hybrid hybrid it is because i don't want to miss clubbing here because there's two beautiful bmws at the back of the green which we don't want to clatter turn over keep drawing ball come out of it right off that down slope might be a decent miss oh it's a good miss i think that is an unbelievable missing right yeah just a little bit of a down slope. And away from me and it just came out a bit further right than a nice hit though okay front of the green after two not a bad bale out this right hand side now learning from what i experienced on the last hole it's going to be a lob wedge 60 degree do you think it's a good shot james very good 60 degree about where lee was just stood there it's gonna it is gonna kick down a little bit it's gonna be fast once it lands on the green would you try. And get over that slight knuckle next.

To the bunker well it's a pretty tight lime on here i mean i think it's probably going to go in quite low okay. So just on the green yeah i think. So anyway [Music] skip up and spin like crazy oh that was dirty oh how good was that look at that get on get that little look on camera there right [Laughter]. So let me just set the scene as you can see on the leaderboard lee westwood is level par coming into the last hole he's got this put to win this imaginary challenge. But to win the championship it's fairly straight slightly slightly off the right hand side but i would not aim outside the hole guys if you've enjoyed this video make sure you smash like make sure you subscribe to the channel and for lee westwood to finish with birdie he does not disappoint look at that it's all about you all you can i say guys thanks. So much for watching thanks to lee for joining us thanks to bmw for inviting us down and thanks to james as well for carrying the bag lee as a final thought would i get hired or want to get fired on today's form hired nice maybe see what happens if youtube doesn't work guys thanks for watching and we'll see you next.

Time that was awesome thanks phil.