This week I cadded for a really good friend of mine in the open I'm going to tell you all about it I'm here in the podcast studio with guy. So I thought it'd be a really good story to tell yes now quick one normally we at this time on a Friday we release the break 75. But after the walk over Scotland they've got a stress fracture in my Fork not hit loads of balls not a chance to film one it'll be coming back soon excuses excuses but it was pretty busy week anyway because I cut it. For again a really good friend of mine in the open Final qualifying at sent angel links yes. And it was it was quite a magical experience one that I want to be able to share. And talk about of course well one of the unique things with the open is the fact that it is open. So I believe anyone who is a scratch handicapper. Or better or obviously a professional golfer can enter open qualifying yeah. But taught me the state how does that actually work what's it look like you know what it's mad it's effectively three rounds of golf. And you could be playing in the open it's great amazing it is actually ridiculous. So there's a number of regional qualifiers around around the UK and typically it's about nine or ten players that get through to final qualifying how many of those are there like 12 I think it's about 12. now typically the score underpower would normally get you through now my good friend John Beasley who plays at the Mia he plays off plus fives he's off plus 4.6. So he's five shots better than scratch all right he's arguably the best golfer I've known that I play with on a regular basis I play golf with him for the last 15 years I could probably count on two fingers how many times I've beaten him um normally when he plays against me he just seems to hold the world so he is he's a phenomenal player he's done Regional qualifying loads of times. And this year round he went to Colby golf club and did Regional qualifying. And he won it he shot five under par he had no Bogies three birdies. And an eagle and there's pros playing in this as well as amateurs yeah. So he is an amateur um he's been Cheshire Captain he plays you know loads of amateur events. And he does it kind of just a bit of a hobby. But he's just very good at it in the past he has tried to play on tour right when he was younger. But never quite got through to the next.

Levels because as you Amino and what we're going to talk about in this video there are many levels to professional golf. And to this week showed that even again so he qualified at Colby and then.

What happens then.

Your final qualifying so there's four events final qualifying typically there's about 70 golfers at each event and from each venue four get in so there's 16 spaces to play in the open at St Andrews the 150th open yeah wow um it's two rounds of golf on the same day normally a pretty iconic golf courses the one that John Beasley played at was that sent handle links which is the course that I'm familiar with we've played it in the past it's a beautiful golf course. And I've never seen it one look so beautiful and two play so hard it was incredibly difficult yesterday. And at this stage as well obviously I came for a little bit of the day there are obviously Elite amateurs playing who have qualified through qualifying there's also PJ Pros you know golf pros who play. For living who've qualified there's also another tier of Pros who didn't have to do the first bit of qualifying I.E Sandy Lyle Marcus Armitage who were there as well well I'd almost put Sandy Lyle into a slightly slightly different bracket I would say you've currently got you're right amateurs really good amateurs. And a lot of these good amateurs are almost full-time players like a lot of them will go on to becoming a pro you know some of them might be over in America on a scholarship some of them literally play full time that's all they do a lot of them will be off plus handicaps plus five plus six plus sevens. And like I said then.

You have a mixture of professional golfers who are who are trying to get onto tour. And you have a scattering of PGA professionals like me who are just either have been really good in the past. But now maybe turn their hands to coach you know being a head pro they'll sometimes play as well then.

You're right you had um players like Ollie Fisher yeah huge name we're the only golfer. And the DP World Tour to ever shoot a 59. you had guys like Marcus Armitage so the bullets one last year on tour you've got golfers like Lee Slattery again he's been a phenomenal Tour player for many years and you've also got guys like Matty Jordan so Matty was from Royal Liverpool. And I think he turned Prof plus seven he's currently kind of building on the ranks of DP World Tour. So you've got really really good players and then.

Like you say you've got major Champions well I remember a couple of years ago Ian Williams played in final qualifying at sunderlands or links this year you had Sandy Lyle he's won the open he's won the Masters and is that qualifying. So the the mixture of player they're all phenomenal players so to qualify is outrageously hard now the conditions on the day. So let's talk I'll rewind a little bit so again my real good friend rang me up last week said he got through to Regional qualifying. And I must admit he didn't tell anyone he was doing Regional qualifying this year he kind of went under the radar um. And Rangers all up the day after it was actually the day after I did my walk I was on the beach at Saint Andrews enjoying the time when I got attacked by a seagull. And I get a text off my mate said I've just won Regional qualify. And I'm like what that's crazy Nice Class A couple days later he said do you want a caddy. For me I'm like I would love to cut it for you like it would be an incredible experience can we film it can we make a bit of a video he said yeah absolutely I love it do you mind if I tell people on social media it might be a bit of a crowd he said bring him let's let's do it which we'll come on to in a minute. So I don't think that quite in hindsight played to his Advantage yeah that's tough. And so we went the day before we went the the Monday afternoon to do a practice round that sent angel links again the golf course is only used. For practice there's no normal play happening out there you've only got practice you've got lots of guys on the Range you've got lots of guys in the putting green chipping green. And we went out it was me uh him. And actually John Beasley's coach a guy from Ollie from May golf and country club and we walked around and I cadded again I know he's game I've played with him I wouldn't like to say probably 100 odd times but I don't really know how far it hits each Club I don't really know what he's trying to think about when he's hitting shots. So this was my time to try. And learn as much about my player as possible and at this point firstly how sharp is his game leading to this event. And also what were his like realistic expectations was he actually expecting to well hoping to qualify obviously did he think that was a realistic chance I think it was a five percent chance what did you think what did he think I think from from the what I've gathered from him. And again I've chatted him quite a lot over the last few days he's never in his whole golfing career he's saying he's playing the best golf of his life right now wow so and he said he's not putting that down to anything because he's not playing more golf he's just high on confidence right now which is interesting considering what happened. But we'll come on to that so he's really really high in confidence so he was like I think it's still a pipe dream you know there's a very slim chance of getting in. But the conversations we were having it's 70 golfers four spots like it's doable right if he if he played exactly like he played at coldly. And shot two five unders he's in well that's the thing he not only did he get through the first stage you won it he won it he got presented the the um 10 minutes before we teed off on the on the first round he got presented in fact the practice round he got presented with like a a silver kind of um almost like presentation Bowl to say congrats buy the RNA to say congratulations. For winning the actual Regional qualifying if he was a pro though would have got money he would want a thousand pounds all right wow. For winning Regional but because his amateur he can't win now the ball instead he got the ball um which I don't think he'll sell. For a thousand pounds so yeah we did a practice round again I was learning about him I was learning about what he liked. And we've not worked as a as a player and caddy relationship before and that you know I think sometimes as a caddy that I the role that I kind of slipped into I was very much governed by him does he want me to intervene does he not want me to does he want me to carry the bag. And take his mind off the game does he want me to really be involved did you have these chats with you after directly yeah I said how do you want me to be like what how would you would you want me to come. And read puts do you want me to come. And actually give you yardages do you want me to tell you what club I think you should hit. And he said to be honest obviously he knows his game he's a really good player he says I probably won't ask you to do a great deal unless I'm unsure. So if on a certain Port I don't quite know it's going to break I might pull you in. And ask to read it if if let's say you've done a yardage um which I'll come on to that because I've got the yardage book in my back pocket nice standard um because this was a new experience because in final qualifying you can't use rangefinders you can't use GPS watches you can't use lasers yeah you have to go off this book um. So I learned a lot about my maths this week um so it was a it was a very much a two-way um conversation. So anyway we've got the practice round on he played lovely he hit it really nicely and practice round isn't about a score he wasn't keeping a score he was playing one golf ball. But then.

When he gets bad around the green he'd hit a couple of chips and put some bunker shots trying to work out you know where the where the hole might be even that day so we got through that and the wind's quite calm and it's quite a sunny afternoon and it was lovely we had a lovely afternoon went. And stayed in lythm so we stayed very close because we had a super early tea time the next.

Day went out for some nice food and it was just nice it was kind of a really nice Vibe his dad was there his uncle was there we went grab some food ready. For the next.

Day got an early night and the next.

Day his tee off was at six at 7 50.. And again it's two rounds of golf so it's obviously an early start so we get down to the golf course and we go and hit some balls on the Range and the range is packed. And you're walking down the range I walk down the range with him and you get bucket Pro V ones Oh my days and the turf is like perfect did this feel close like a European tour events almost it almost felt like they opened wow like it felt as close to the open as as bad as grandstands really yeah because it's very it's very professionally ran well it is part of the open it's how silly. But it is the first part of the openness All The Branding is open um you know when you sign in it's very professionally done you've got all the boards there you've got local rules you've got an official there's referees obviously on site you know it's a properly organized event. So we're walking down the driving range and I'm walking past there's probably 30 guys all warming up and it's just strike after perfect strike after incredible strike and I'm thinking all right this is these are good golfers like you're not hearing any things you're not hearing any like oh that was a bad shot like these are all Ballers. And at this point did you see any actual tour Pros that you know off yes Ollie Fisher was on the Range whacking shots. And he was just striping it's different watching those guys um again a bit like when we've been to events yeah it does sound good it's more speed that different whack the compression the speed the senseness of strike the way they can the way they like present themselves like they've got the tour bag they've got the caddy the caddy looks like it's his full-time caddy it's not just Joe blogs like me turning up. And going I'll carry you backpack. So you wore shorts though we did I did I did I did make sure I got the shorts in I've got a bit of tan legs through Scotland. So we'll walk down to the end of the range and we're hitting some shots and again I was just kind of letting him I was just chatting to him trying to take his mind almost off what was about to come up. And he seemed dead chilled at this point like John was super chilled he was hitting some really nice shots he hit maybe 30 40 warm-up shots I did the old trick when he hit driver. Or throw him the ball oh yeah of course I've got to get that in um I'd also in my yardage books this is the yards book you get which is actually I 'll I'll add some images into here it's not like a yardage book you get from a um a golf club it's not pretty pictures it's stats. And there's lots of numbers layup numbers carry distances undulations what it is to carry this bunker that bunker you get a little bit of an image at the top. So like what what line to hit from and you also get a very very detailed uh pin sheet so this gets printed out and sent here so it'll tell you how many yards the the pin is on the green. And how far from the right or left is again what you get on tour yeah. So I then.

Had to what I decided to do was write all the numbers here from the pin sheet into my yardage book. So I wasn't looking at and making it too complicated so as he was at warming up shots I was going over my notes. And I'd made notes the day before of what clubs they hit from what areas I've also got written down in the front panel how far he carries all of his golf clubs and how far he hits him just so I have got a bit of a checker on it and so I was kind of getting prepared as he was. But he was hitting it nicely. But at this point on the Range that I'm guessing because I don't know if you saw this the opening like a live updates thing and they put some something on that's like there's a famous caddy here today.

Ricky I don't know if you saw I didn't say this Rick Shields is caddying um. But did you see people who were playing all caddies look at you. And Whisper and come and say hello did that make John feel any more pressure because possibly in hindsight I'm not sure um maybe we could have done things differently there was definitely I'd never been wished. So much luck when I wasn't even playing so I walked past a lot Spectators must have known you needed it and a lot of officials who actually wish me luck and I was like did they know I'm not playing like do they realize I'm just caddying here today.

So it was a bit strange obviously we'd social we'd post about it. So quite a lot of fans have come down who have fans of of me in the channel who want to come and see me and caddy and then.

They wouldn't have known John so that might have added a little bit more pressure um we were obviously walking around with cameras. And we were videoing certain things. And John's never been on camera before he was happy to do it because I've asked him several times before you're definitely happy to be on video he said absolutely let's do it. So um so anyway we we hit shots we did some chipping we did a little bit of putting. And then.

We arrived at The First Tee about 10 minutes early and then.

I get a caddy bib an official caddy bib which I wish I could have kept because it was pretty class said the Open qualifier on the front you get a name strap of your player that you stick onto the back can they keep that I don't know actually I guess they could. But I did hand it back in I probably should have give it him. So you can stick it on the back. And you get your bib on and you've got the little pockets I love the pockets the pockets are the best thing in the world. And I was there when my yard is broken my pencil. And everything was prepared. And we met our playing Partners Pedro who's from Spain and George who was from Yorkshire I think he was over in leedsway George George Mason. And um it was it was just it was like an energy on the First Tee we tough on the 10th. And when you're playing you get thirsty nerves don't you obviously oh yeah. And John was nervous he kind of told me I'm you know I'm looking forward to getting this first t-shirt out the way. But really there's a caddy you're nervous like because it's like you can't control it it's almost a weird different nerves it's almost like a if you're watching as a parent the nerves like a parental nerve because it's like I can't control what he's gonna do if I just fingers crossed I hope he plays well. And enjoys it and hits good shots John how you feeling yeah no feeling good about today.

It's a second time being here. So it's a little bit Breezy out here today.

But good man on the back today.

Ricardo. So we're all the yard as you sorted so good to go and it's 36 holes what kind of number do you think you need to shoot to get I think I think last year we saw a 12 under I think 10 under maybe got the last spot. But I don't think it's going to be that this year I think because it's a lot windier I think maybe you get to seven. Or eight you've got half a chance so it's just getting some half decent in this morning and going. For it this afternoon is the plan game's feeling good yeah game's feeling good we played well yesterday. So lots of Fairways lots of greens you should keep it in place just keep it out of the pop bunkers around here like any Links golf course I said to you up in the 150th open of God it'd be a dream childhood dream you know you when you're a kid you watch these guys on Italian to actually have a chance to get in there two rounds away is uh unbelievable. So a few few sleepless nights last couple of nights we're looking forward to it now so we started the round quite nicely not to hit a nice tee shot to kick things off and made a nice power and another couple of powers um but overall unfortunately for John his round didn't go the way he planned yep it's possibly the most out of character I've ever seen in play yeah um he's putting speed of puts was was not very good. For his standards at all and he didn't shoot the scores he was happy with at all unfortunately he shot 85. And that's not what John shoots well I I've only ever played a John once before with yourself at JCB and he's a serious golfer I mean he won the first stage he's obviously a very very elite golfer um. So I walked around the first 18 obviously with the cameras as well and like you said it was his putting I think it was very windy. And obviously as golf as we know that wind affects the ball flag clearly but I think that didn't help him with his putting at all certainly win behind on the puts. And the greens were fast they were motoring past it was then.

Missing a few of those six Footers coming back. And I really felt for him because there was a fairly decent crowd walking around. And he must have felt that yeah I think again in hindsight it's. But it's possibly easy for him to say oh yeah please you know I'd love you to car day I don't mind promoting it I don't mind if the little crowd comes I don't mind if you video it. But until you get into that situation you don't actually know you're gonna cope and John did say a couple of times through the round. Or you know I hope that one doesn't make the edit and it's like oh it's tough because it's like if you're not used to it you're not used to it and maybe in hindsight we could have thought about that but we didn't realize I suppose as well though is it if he had got through to the open which I would have been amazing there's gonna be a lot more cameras. And a lot more people correctly open so these guys I don't want to put them off on their journey to qualifying they have to try and get used to that to some degrees it's only going to get bigger. And bigger and bigger the pressure of qualifying outweighs the pressure of being on the video without a question think from what you said a few comments from from him I don't think what I interpreted that it wasn't almost shy of the cameras now put him up it's more that he almost felt a bit like almost guilty to some degree towards the end that he said didn't he say oh the camera guys have come. And I feel bad and stuff they've come all this way to film yeah. And I think that's probably just it's tough really it's bad that he felt that way yeah. And like say he he just got a bit out of position a few times off the tee um and and you know what's very interesting though from again going back to a caddy standpoint it's how you try. And keep your player motivated in that situation possibly what you have to do to me sometimes when I'm having a bad break 75. But you know you have to say the right things at the right time you have to know when to be quiet as well like if it's not going his way sometimes you've just gotta zip up. And not say anything get the putter put it back in the bag and walk on to the next.

There was a time where he'd asked me. For the front nine of his how many times there are three puts. And it was a few times to be honest. But technically it wasn't because I don't think he three putted. Or actually on the putting green it was just from yeah a lot of the three puts came from his first put was actually just just off the putting green. So I said well actually you've not had a three putting at all today.

Trying to shift his mindset trying to shift his his attitude towards actually oh yeah okay I've just not got up. And down a few times it's not that three-pointed a few too many times what what I think interesting then.

Is obviously they open qualifying it's quite black. And white you qualify you don't obviously after probably 12 holes of his first 18 it was pretty evident that it would be some Miracle to actually qualify how did you. And how how did it keep his chin up how did you help motivate himself. And just keep going. And keep playing because it must have been clear it wasn't going to qualify how would you keep him motivated there was a few tactics I tried to use was this idea that I'd almost say right let's reset we've got six holes to play let's try. And shoot level or underpath for these next.

Six so yeah okay the first 12 have not gone the way we've wanted let's go. And let's you know you can play better than this let's bring. And I was really trying to channel the energy that he had at cold day now it's interesting he had no cadiat cold eh he had no crowd he didn't tell anybody he had no cameras following him. And he shot one of his best rounds so again this was a this was a very big difference a big jump of changes a lot of things had changed. And again that might have been putting him off or might not have made him feel as comfortable but as you know and I know when you do have a bad round it feels like nothing goes your way you get bad bounces you get bad lies you get out of position you know it just does something just you get the wrong kick. And it's just so frustrating but you can't do anything about it. So yeah I just kept trying to get him to reset. And let's go next.

Six let's go next.

Three let's make Birdie on this hole and we got through the first round and it was it was Bloody tough it was like honestly it was tough now what I couldn't believe. And genuinely after being there in real life and seeing good players play because the group we were playing with George. And Pedro played some nice golf I couldn't believe the first round score that had come in one ladder shot Seven under par for the first round outrageous it was arguably one of the windiest apps in the golf course. And the Seven teams to power five that obviously as you know and it was at 620 odd yards 621 off the off the plate. But it was in fact I've got it here it was actually from the actual to the front of the green it was 6 18. And the pin was 37 yards off it was like 650. it was howling wins the face the guys that are long long hitters. And they were literally going driver just getting on The Fairway smashing a three award. And then.

Another smash three would just get on the front of the green it was playing like it was a past six when it really let's be honest there was somehow three birdies in the morning. And no birds in the afternoon well that's how many times did you see a power Five played twice over 140 times only get three birdies with proper golfers. So it was definitely the hardest I've ever seen it where you when you look at the best players. And what they scored they massively capitalized on the holes downwind like like they almost burded every single hole downwind because a few of the drop parfors which are not normally drivable were drivable um. And I think again when you're making pars. Or even a couple of Bogies on those short path you're just giving up so many shots to the field um but yeah. So seven under was the first round score couldn't believe it then.

Second round um. Or I had a chat with you had a chat with our camera guys and said listen guys I think it might be worth you you're dating off because one the rain forecasted. For coming in strong and also I didn't want to kind of make drum feel any more Awkward or video anymore of it so we knew we kind of shifted narrative about making this sort of video um which hopefully you're enjoying if you do make sure you like. And subscribe and then.

He went out the second round we had some lunch you had about an hour gap between first round and second round you had a bit of lunch hit a few puts on the putting green and came in with a different mindset okay new round let's try. And answer to him okay I want to be the player to have the biggest deficit between round one. And round two quite a cool idea so you've round one's done you can't do anything about that try. And Beat It by the most amount of shots out of everybody in the field so he went out with that mindset so we went a little bit more attacking unfortunate the first three holes didn't quite go his way he made bogey bogey Bogue and that down the fourth I could tell he was in a bit of a kind of a dark spot he said to me like kind of jokingly. But I think of being serious would you would you be offended if I retired. And I and it surprised me because he's not it must have been going real bad. For him to say that yeah like he's not a player that would would quit. Or retire but if you guys did though didn't they a lot of players retired such as Ollie Fisher retired Sandy Lyle retired a lot of big names didn't didn't continue the full 36 holes whether that was because they were having a bit of a nightmare. Or whether that was because they just knew they couldn't qualify. But they they decided to hang it up and leave early which that's their decision but not one that I kind of wanted John to do I felt like he would he would be more disappointed if he did do that yeah. So we got for through the first three so I said to him well do me a favor make it to nine try. And get three to nine if you can. And he actually went par birdy and then.

Part every hole up until the ninth and just dropped a shot so he was only three over then..

For the front nine so he's like he was he was off it wasn't even we didn't even have another conversation about it after that yeah he was continuing to play. So he ended up shooting 78 the second round so obviously improved his score by seven still wasn't sharp still didn't hold a lot of putts um so yeah you know it wasn't his final qualifying that he wanted it was definitely challenging I think he appreciated having a caddy want to take his mind off it hopefully he appreciated it he told me he didn't text anyway last night. And I felt like going through yardages. And and being the calm voice of reason which I was that kind of did help him. And even though I know the score didn't fully reflect that but I think if you're on your own in that situation it could have been a lot worse because there was times where it was absolutely hammering it down. And you know I'm there with a with a Broly trying to protect my player I'm getting soaked but I'm making sure he's dry I'm making sure the golf clubs are dry I'm making sure that everything we need. For him to perform was there. So you know if he didn't have that that would have been a different scenario yeah um I thoroughly enjoyed the experience I felt really bad. For him because I know he can play. So much better than that and I know in the future you'll get another opportunity to play in final qualifying but again going back to my point earlier he's not a full-time player no like these got these 70 golfers amateur Pros they have full time players well that was something that obviously I watched at that first 18 holes. And and um there was some great golf by John even though he scored obviously reflect that some of the golf shots he hit you can see he's obviously an incredible golfer. And Pedro and George that he played with are both phenomenal. So good I think Pedro arguably one of the best ball Strikers I've ever been in presence it was incredible. And huge congratulations there's four guys that got through uh from Saint Ansel links on Marcus Armitage obviously everybody listening probably and watching so he probably knows so he shot he shot four on the first round four on the second round so in those conditions incredible it's ridiculous on the tour he's one of the DP World Tour he's a serious golfer amateur sambur still got through he got through last year as well Matthew Jordan yeah. So he's from Royal Liverpool play turnpro plus seven he shot Seven so you can play golf. And then.

John Parry as well he's quite local isn't he John so there was John parry. And Daniel K in the playoff and I watched the playoff we hung around because there was two guys in the playoff. And they went down the first and I'll tell the story really quickly and Daniel K bulleted a three wood down the first and it is a getable powerful it was in perfect position um John Parry pulled it a little bit left. And it was a hit driver he made this up. And down guy under that much pressure to get in the open with with probably 40 or 50 people walking around and the cameras are there now as well because I think they record the playoffs it was arguably one of the greatest up. And downs I've ever seen in my life ever under that much pressure so they both birded the first and then.

The next.

Hole they played was the ninth the path three. And unfortunately uh Daniel K got got in a little bit of a tricky spot on the side of a bank and and unfortunately it didn't go to plan but uh John Perry had basically three putts to win the win the open he took it when they open not yet to get into the open he took it in the office but it was it was slightly anticlimactic because it was like unfortunately had a bit of a bad hole. But but John Perry qualified and you look you're actually looking at guys and you think you're gonna be playing in the 150th open at the home of golf Saint Andrews like that's the that's a once in a lifetime opportunity it's incredible I think one of the things I learned from this from going. And watching it actually is going to help me with my game a little bit. And it might sound a bit silly this but anyone who is eligible to qualify to enter open qualifying is an amazing golfer they have to make rather scratch golf. Or professional so first it's even end so you've got to be incredible to get through that first stage you've got to be again insanely talented you've got to shoot a really good life exactly scored a tough golf course so anyone that was at that event yesterday was a ridiculously good golfer. And some of the scores you saw obviously weren't great and you know obviously people struggled in those elements but if these guys like John and other players and have bad days we all can. And obviously when we you know us amateurs just go and play golf for fun you're gonna have some days where you might shoot what feels you like a 500 power yeah. And you might have other days you shoot 80 yards like anyone it's golf is. So so tough and you can't always play well and obviously it's never nice to see people shoot bad scores but it's about your break 75 and you play Bad and sometimes people quite like it not in a horrible way but in a way of like well yeah people do play Bad a lot yeah. So huge congrats to the guys that did that got through it's. So such an achievement but the guys didn't like we we all play Bad Golf the other thing it really highlighted to me we was chatting about this earlier is the fact that these guys who qualified right. So let's say for example mati Jordan now I I hope 100 that he gets he pleasantly open in the first two rounds he plays a brilliant and makes the cuts yeah. And hopefully that would be his dream I'm sure but from that you've got I think you've almost got another two. Or three tiers so you've got the guys who almost guaranteed to make the cut it's not a question mark like if Rory doesn't make the court it'd be a massive shot at St Andrews if someone like a Rory for example doesn't even get in the top ten it almost seems like a disappointment to him then.

You've got the guys who actually win the actual open yeah. And then.

You've even got the guy who win multiple opens multiple Majors like the levels to me are absolutely insane I can't almost fathom how good the elite of the elite actually I think that's because with amateurs we have handicaps. So I know there can be differences. But something that's off 28 isn't as good a song that's a 40 and you can kind of see the difference it's 14 shots when you turn pro. And ultimately handicapped kind of gets null and void you just see everybody's been off scratch but actually like Rory would be off like plus 15 whereas some other Pros who are also Pros might be off like plus five yeah you can't see that difference can you when you're all just Pro I'd love to an opportunity to throw Rory Macaroni into that mix yesterday 100 yeah oh Dustin Johnson see what they would shoot yeah because I just I can't understand how those scores get shot anyway it was an amazing experience it was an honor to carry from one of my really good friends. And and hopefully I didn't hinder his performance I feel somewhat guilty but I think it's safe to say I'll probably be retiring my Cali bib before I get sacked. But it was it was a really incredible memory that I remember forever. And uh it gives me an even higher level of respect which I didn't even think was possible respect to even more these elite players that are just unblooded believable golf is hard. And on that note thanks for watching stay tuned like And subscribe and we'll see you soon for more Adventures.