Now it might be the worst kept secret in golf youtube i'm not a great chipper you've seen me thin shots chunk shots and even shank a few shots around the greens now i'm working on that i am it's going to get better however. there might be a quicker simpler solution. For me to fix it now normally when you see golf clubs that are designed to help short game issues they're normally these ridiculously gimmicky over-the-top golf clubs that promises dave the 28 handicapper to come down to scratch in a week. And we know that's not realistic however. a major manufacturer has decided to delve into the world of chippers ping i brought out a chipper and i've got it here to test will this golf club stop me chunking it didn't it. And shanking it around the greens will i suddenly become a short game wizard by using this the ping chipper i think i'm the perfect guinea pig. For this test [Music] now the first thing to say is how good this golf club actually looks typically with a chipper they can be quite grotesque. And ugly looking and you wouldn't be proud to have one in the bag where this would sit in your bag quite proudly because it looks like a premium product it looks like a ping iron it's just been modified into a chipper now the specs on this is 42 degrees of loft. So it's like a 9 iron and the length is a little bit shorter than 99. But a fraction longer than a putter the other unique feature as well is the shaft is much more upright. So you can get closer to the ball. And effectively adopt your putting technique with a lofted iron now you might think well i can't just use my nine iron well in this video we're gonna find out if there's any actual benefits of using this over a nine iron now price wise it comes in 169 pounds which is obviously a lot more pricey than your online kind of gimmicky chippers. But if it works and it's from a premium brand premium products and it helps short game woes it might just be worth the price and just a note this club is not designed. For full shots right without further ado let's hit some short shots let's see if this can actually work i'm gonna start off with a shot that i'm not particularly happy with to play norman i'd probably be putting from here. But can we start off strong. So the first thing to say behind the golf ball it's actually quite a a kind of boxy looking club with lots of grooves and the head is actually quite heavy which i actually think will benefit a shot like this. So i'm going to do i'm going to pretty much adopt my putting set up it's quite nice because i can grip down on the golf club as well i'm going to land on the front edge. And just put it towards that flag it's come out a bit hot and a bit racy but that almost went in first impression first shot felt good now before i come on to where you should use a club like this let me talk about why you wouldn't use it they're quite one-dimensional chippers for example you're never using it out of thick heavy grass there's just simply not enough loft you're not going to use it to lob it over a bunker you're not going to use it even in the bunker the only time you're really going to use this when you're just off the side of the green you've got not a lot to get over now the downside of having the club ice in the bag is typically enough to take a club out of the bag to replace it however. if it does work it could be an absolute lifesaver. So i've just scattered a few golf balls around the green where i'd be more likely to use this club where i wouldn't be able to get putter on it so something like this where i'm just in the roof but i've got quite a bit of green to work with i'm gonna play a few shots try and get my gauge and eye in for this wedge or this chipper yeah that's not too bad [Music] go in oh that's close okay quite a tight lie here [Music] i'll. So far take every single result there i would let's go a bit further back and that's come out a little bit strange but what you will see there i'm very much using my putting stroke. And my arms are pretty much locked in i'm not bringing in any wrist hinge into this at all i'm quite simply using a very almost stiff-armed putting stroke okay this will be an interesting one because that lie is awful it's really sat down into the ground. So it's going to require just a little bit more speed to pop it out again chipper's nightmare a shot like this because it any time the lie isn't perfect it can just kind of put you off guard. And you've got to strike it perfect oh yeah that's a nasty little one let's see how it does from here yeah it's uh that wasn't great from there was it it kind of just snagged into the ground a little bit that's where i shot like that i still feel like you'd need a little bit of loft to try. And get it underneath the club underneath the ball sorry so out of the five balls there's three that i would definitely be happy with these two are a bit poor at the end annoyingly now feel wise off the off the actual chipper it actually feels quite nice it feels like a pink iron like it's not super super soft. But it certainly feels premium okay. So far so good however. i've not made up my final decision yet i'm gonna hit a few more shots so i can really test out the capabilities of this chipper [Music]. So let me explain to you where this chipper is strongest. And also potentially weakest on a shot like this when you're on the side of the green there's nothing to get over and i've just got to chip this golf ball probably 20 in the air before getting it rolling this club has proven to me in today's testing to be very very efficient i love the loft i love the lie angle i love the fact even on this grip you can actually grip down it's got notches down here that i can effectively just put on a putting stroke. And it jumps it over that inconsistent little bit of grass and as you see there very nicely rolls to the flag however. this club is also incredibly efficient from here in almost most circumstances when there's nothing to get over putter is my chosen weapon from this area not a lot can go wrong i was going to go in as well now in this situation when putter no longer becomes an option suddenly the ball is in the rough i can't put it because it's going to get tied up here this is where i believe this club is strongest. And i'll show you compared to a 99 from here what i like because again it's not the roof's not too bad i can still put a putting stroke on this. And light the shot from the fairway it absolutely works i mean lovely couldn't be any better the nine iron to a skilled golfer somebody who doesn't struggle with chipping this could still work from here however. the downside the lie angle is flatter than the chipper therefore. the wrists end up getting set into much more of a hinged position. And a golfer could be much more inclined to start flicking the wrists it's hard to set up to this like a putter because the toe is too dug down into the ground now it will still work from this position i'm almost sure of it however. it's not as efficient. And there's one big telltale sign there this head is much lighter than the chipper that shipper felt much heavier like a putter this right here is where this club. For most golfers is most efficient however. we get to one final location. And this is where. For me i would never be able to put this chipper in the back i can't justify taking a club out of my bag to put this in because of this situation this is my nemesis shot absolutely nemesis to hear a shot from here where the ball is sat down horrible lie i've not got loads of green to work with i need loft i need speed. And i don't want to just get on the green and two putt i want to get up and down i'm a golf girl so i should be trying to do however. if you are struggling completely if you really cannot chip. And a duff or a thin through the back of the green is completely going to destroy your scorecard that's where this club could still have a purpose the downsides on a lie like this because i'm not using any wrist hinge the club kind of gets snagged in the roof it's very difficult to actually get any consistent strike however. let me show you this this is a horrible lie if you just want to get this golf ball on the green. And two ports this could still do the job a shot like that is way better than a thin. Or a chunk shot just in front of you if i was to hit a lofty club from here my 60 degree lob wedge it would require a decent length swing to get the club underneath the ball to get our distance bad outcomes the card records a fatty two foot in front of me. Or because of the length of swing i end up absolutely thinning it over the back of the green completely ruining my score because of the length of swing so if you are a golfer trying to break 100. Or even 90 and you need a club that's just gonna get you on the green and do some sort of a job this could be an option to look into it's not quite. For me i hoped and prayed it would solve all my issues but either way i think there's a golfer out there that would sue a club like this thanks. For watching like and subscribe.