Take the cover off very carefully what have you done okay i messed up i messed up in a big way. And i'm somewhat embarrassed to admit it if i'm honest now recently you saw in a video i did the original pro we won against the current pro v1 killer video hopefully you enjoyed it now at the end of that filming session i just wanted to hit a few more driver shots i still had the cameras rolling i was working on a few things in my swing now you might have seen recently in my home simulator i've got enough space to drive. But comfortably i've even had the roof raised to allow for that what i didn't allow for is my stupidity i teed the bowler. For the wrong location and this happened [Music] yeah i smashed the roof i actually smashed the roof. And not only that i smashed my driver my speed zone extreme driver i have absolutely destroyed the toe of it is no longer it's a write-off i can't use it. And i can't believe i'm like i can't believe i put the ball in the wrong location that's what annoyed me the most now i'm quite fortunate i've got a few backup drivers so at the moment i'm going to stick the yellow version of this in my bag certainly till the end of the season now you might have seen already a few glimpses that new drivers. For 2021 are coming out coming out thick. And fast and certainly in january there's something i can't talk about yet but there's a lot that i'm excited to test. And again you might remember me saying i wouldn't swap drivers just for the sake of it now i might stay with this cobra speed speed zone drive because i do really like it. But also the ones that are coming out in the new year maybe i might look at a new one. So let's check back again maybe february time when i've tested all the drivers to see which one is finally going in my bag. But i could say at the moment i'll just put the yellow version of this in the bag now it's also got me thinking potentially i might look at a new three wood i've had the old bluey in the bag for a while now you know and i love it cobra brought out their rad fairway woods and there's one in there that i really like look of let's head down to the range let's go and whack a few three woods see if i can vent some anger after smashing. And destroying my beloved driver [Music] hi mark hello take take the cover off very carefully very carefully i'm not sure what have you done what do you think it's a pretty bad scratch in it it's not going to come out that is it i think you know you might need a new driver there pal this is uh this is what happened [Laughter] yeah. So uh i messed up staring as if it's done you're wrong what do you think um i probably won't swing driver in there again i'll get a shorter shaft would be i made the decision i can swing driving there i just made the mistake of putting the ball in the wrong position. So i might be looking for a new driver [Laughter] i'll be on ebay in a week some will still use it okay i've got to the range. And these are the three woods i'm going to give a smash of rad speed this one's the big tour which looks very tasty. And i'm actually really intrigued about testing this it's actually a 5 wood in a tour it's a really small head i've always been a big fan of these rails on the cobra woods they go quite small on these other two but not too bad now i always find it quite hard swapping from a 3-wood and that's why i've had my current 3-wood in the bag for so long if i'm honest i just want to test these just to give them a bit of a try is there anything that could tempt me to move away from the classic one i've had in the bag. For so long i think when looking. For three wood i don't particularly want ones that goes any further i don't particularly want one that does much different if i'm honest are possibly the only thing i don't often hit three would offer teeth i sometimes find it goes a little bit too high that is it really is. So i thought i'd come down here to trap a girl center smash a few three woods and see if any of them catch my eye you never know so it's quite chilly down here today.

So the first thing i'm gonna do is just hit some warm-up shots to start things off [ Music] okay warm up done ready to unleash on three woods. And just a quick update yes i'm still working on my golf swing a little bit grip club face closing down in the takeaway trying to be more stable it's not there. Yet but it's a work in progress so the first one i'm going to try is the standard rad speed 3 wood couple of weights at the front a fixed weight at the back standard 14. And a half degrees of loft pretty nice face they've got cnc milled face this time on the three woods shiny top not the biggest fan of that but let's start off with this one first [Music] okay. So that's the standard rad speed hit it was okay it didn't blow me away i'm very much interested in trying that the big tour. But first i'm gonna try this little rascal rad speed tour this is a five wood the rails on it are thick this has got an unbelievable good looking head a black matte finish still cnc milled face this could be naughty i'm gonna crank it down to 16 degrees actually i like the look of this okay now that club head behind the ball is amazing it's smaller than what i'm used to yes. But the profile of that head is gorgeous 16 degrees this could be uh this could be very interesting oh [Music] summary of the tour love the looks love it when i hit it well don't like it when i don't hit it well it's definitely not the forgiving three with i was hoping it would be however. i did enjoy hitting that last one the big tour look at this now the only thing with this one is i'm not sure those rails well they're not even there are they really. And that's something i've always liked about the cobra 3 woods 14 and a half degrees i'll keep it in that loft oh nice matte black i'll tell you what if the original one was in that finish that could be the winning combination. But let's uh let's give this a hit milled face rad speed big tour behind the ball it looks much more similar to the fairway wood i have in the bag at the moment it's not massively oversized love the matte black finish that's a really nice looking club head as well i'm excited about hitting this one [Music] [Music]. So after testing these three woods i do like them there's nothing wrong with them at all i think if you're looking. For a forgiving three-wood you'd probably go for that one you're looking for one that has a really head small head profile it'd be great out of rough and tricky situations that one and probably a combination of both you go for that one for me i want it to look from the top like the big tour i want to have the rails on the bottom like the tour but i want it to perform like the speed therefore. i want it to be just like this if i'm honest with you so overall i think the f7 i've had in the bag. For a few years now stays in the bag for the time being anyway i think it has all the right combinations of everything that i want [Music] now coming back to the driver situation not totally sure what i'm going to do. Yet i think i'm going to wait to see about new drivers that are coming out in the new year test them. And then.

Maybe like say february time decide what i'm going to do i'll put the yellow one in the bag. For the time being so you might notice that change but apart from that we'll see what the new year brings my stupid mistake we'll see you next.

Time thanks for watching.