There is nothing more satisfying than Landing the ball onto the green with a wedge it's spinning. And going closer to the hole we all want that feeling well these wedges in this video claim to do that better than any other wedge on the market. And what's more impressive check out the box they came in or should I say case let's give these a review [Music] foreign now this is very different never have I had golf clubs delivered in a guitar case now I've honestly not opened this case since they have arrived I'm going to open them now on video now this is from a brand called Indie i n d i I mean look at that it's personalized it's got my logo on there a couple of times spray painted now these wedges have a lot of bold Clays they claim to spin a lot. And to be more forgiving and the priced at 160 dollars per wedge right let's open this up this is really cool I'm going to keep this. And hang it up in the office right let's see what is inside three metal clips wow come around. And have a look at this this is madness. So straight away the inside of the case is fur lined it's got four wedges nicely positioned in there there's a scattering of tea pegs which if I'm honest with you not really useful wedges at it let's be honest. But there is a pitchfork which will well be needed in this video. And then.

We've got the four wedges first ever look oh wow they actually look really nice they actually look really good Chrome Fitness looks like they've got loads of grooves there's actually grooves all the way to the toe which again not the first brand to ever do that they actually look really nice I've got a 60 degree 54 which has actually been bent to 55 degree the 50. And the 46. my initial thoughts on the look of the wedges very very nice just quite simply Indie stamped here on the top of the toe got three kind of black windows there which a lot of brands they actually use that to save weight and distribute it elsewhere in the wedge the 50 and 46 don't have that they've got kind of like a what's that is that a sloth what was the logo of a sloth on the heel which is a bit different. So so far presentation a star like that box is very very cool looks of the wedges a star actually really like the look of these Indie wedges however. looks are one thing performance is going to be the big factor now on this bit of Spiel here as I mentioned we are the kings of Spin. And what makes Indie wedges better our testing shows that on average you will spin the ball nearly 10 more than a Voki it does actually say in bracket 7.25. So yeah you're being generous with ten percent. And on the email I got sent earlier as well unmatched forgiveness due to the unique all-groove face 22 grooves I thought they were quite groovy faced. And hosel set up no matter where you strike it you won't lose any ball speed. Or distance well that is an incredibly bold claim. So not only the Kings have spin and also the kings of forgiveness right without further Ado let's get tested I'm excited about this I want to test it. For the spin obviously we'll set it half close so I can get to the hole because I've got all four wedges I can hit some shots around the green bunker shots Etc let's give these a real a real testing a real review okay we're going to start off with feel first I've got the 60 degree in hand with the Indie wedge. And you've got a feel just around the green with a few of the different wedges and then.

We'll start working our way back to see how they actually spin as I mentioned luxwise out the box they look brilliant I'm actually I'm actually a big fan of the full face grooves certainly on this 60 degree this looks really friendly it almost looks like you're going to get elevation I like it I'm supposed to some degree this is. And again they're not the first brand to do this this is where a lot of Brands can offer that extra. Or say about that extra forgiveness as soon as you're moving grooves more across the face sure that's going to be more helpful off-centered hits anyway feel first little 60 degree lob wedge that's not nice. And that actually I mean the brand new wedges straight out of the box. But that did seem like it stopped pretty quick [Music] yeah not bad initial thoughts I know it's only two hits in you don't feel the softest I mean they're not forged. But they actually feel kind of you know what to be honest with you I actually feel like a bulky wedge but I've had type this voku wedge in the bag for over a year now and they actually do feel very similar to that that was nice oh that was really nice that one seemed to just grab almost on the first bounce yeah I feel I I I'm quite particular with the feel of a wedge. And I do like wedges to feel soft. But if they can. But I wouldn't sacrifice performance just for that yeah these kind of feel honestly just like a voku wedge come on see if we can one in that stopped really quick I didn't catch that one well I'm gonna go one more from here come on see if I can feed it through those two golf balls yeah ah okay I've switched now to the 55 degree stamped here adjusted from that I'm actually going to hit some shots this 80 yard flag away I'm intrigued I'm excited I feel like they've got promise it's a tight pin as well. So spin is key oh that felt. So good I've pulled it a bit that God that felt good it's come out hot I need to it's a little bit softer than that [Music] [Music] quite a bit of a downside then.

But I still thought I could put the brakes on well that's got loads of spin on it go in oh my God honestly considering that was low-flighted it landed slightly on the downslope that spun like crazy let's see if we can really stiff one that's really nice we got spin I'll tell you what these wedges are giving me a little bit of confidence ah that was annoying see what it does on a thin shot I suppose they are offering forgiveness that's you know what considering I really didn't strike that one well at all then.

That actually stopped pretty quick as well not bad I think we need some longer shots next.

< p>[music] okay I'm gonna try from here hitting the 50 degree I've got a shot of about 100 105 yards hit some full 50 degrees first into wind to a tight right pin on a firm green I'm also going to try. And hit some kind of low-flighted 46 degree wedges as well this is a shot that I struggle with to be honest with you because I feel like sometimes with the longer shots the spindles definitely start to drop off. So if you 'd I'd be really pleased if these stopped quickly into that PIN that felt so nice oh yeah I like that just give an idea there 50 degree wedge that spun at nine. And a half thousand RPM that's high it is. For 50 degree wedge that's really high spin oh I didn't quite get there went up in the air a bit too much I think that's where that low-flighted 46 might be nice yeah I don't think I'm quite gonna get there into wind. But on the full shots I mean they feel really really good they're spinning high if anything you could say the extra spin into wind is struggling to get there. And I know I can get there with a 50 degree wedge even with this Breeze. So Turf interaction was brilliant feel was brilliant spin was high. But definitely it's a breeze I feel like they that 50 degree struggle to get maximum distance as it's some of the 46 degree wedges or without Currys that's actually done really well truth be told and you might just make it out truth be told I didn't send to that you can actually see that's where the strike mark would have been just slightly high toe. And it's still got to the flag again I'm not hitting this a million miles only about 110 yards but into Breeze I am actually quite impressed with that I didn't think it was going to get there spin oh yeah that's nice okay I've only got 10 shots. And see how close I can get that flag on my 46. I feel like it's the perfect club. For this shot I just need to uh get it online come on might not need 10. might not need 10. I was right on it nearly broke the flag [Music] oh be God go oh it's really nice okay two more from here winds picked up however. oh yeah no it stayed short still I didn't think it was gonna get there with that wind last one. And then.

Go in the hole come on on the last one oh not bad I'll tell you what I'm really pleased with these I actually think they are very very good wedges could I say they spin more than a Voki it's the almost been possible to say I mean that is real robot testing however. I would definitely put them in the same category as premium wedges I mean these are as good as vulky wedges calorie wedges TaylorMade wedges Etc I want to do a bit more tests I want to hit a few spunker shots just to fully review every aspects of these wedges [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what impressive I might just put these in the bag I think they're very very good I think I definitely think they should be tried out on the golf course you know maybe a break 75 video coming up soon. But I've not really seen a floor in these wedges and I just like the look I just I think they're gonna look great in the bag I don't think I'll carry the guitar case around me all the time. But I think these would look great yeah very very impressed guys thanks. For watching stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
