All right guys welcome back to break 75 episode number five now so far you might have seen um it's not as exactly going to plan has it let's be honest the four episodes i've done. So far archerfield conway delamere and close house so today's episode is hopefully a little bit of a confidence booster i'm going to my home golf course marriott worthy park somewhere i know at the back of my hand i'm being joined today.

By a good friend of mine as well matt fryer who let's be honest i beat most of the time. So i think that's gonna help me as well um. So i'm gonna do whack a few balls at trafford get loose up nice chill ride today.

I'm like you know what let's go. And rip it up you know let's not just go on beat 75 let's go in like b74 okay just down here on the golf course home home. For me anyway marry at worsely park you see loads of videos here got some good rounds on here actually still not guaranteed i'm gonna shoot the best round um but i've got good memories good vibes i'm playing with matt hopefully he's going to be a good omen. For me as well today.

Have you seen any of my recent i actually watched um the westwood video this morning bat nine up front um i turned it off on the back now. And you started playing well i thought oh no i don't like to come back here get rid of that yeah i was pretty shocked i think he was fair what he said about um routine. And too much in your mind yeah looks just like a different player than the sort of cocky ricks that we're used to really yeah [Music] rock. And roll okay first of all path four three straight down left side of the fairway is good slightly into a breeze golf course looks magnificent like everything's popped out now all the greenery's come through i'm ready. For a good day of golf play well might enjoy it yeah have a good one that is pretty good my opening shots have actually been all right. So far it's the other bits but good strong start oh gosh cool left not as easy are all day that when you do break 75 do it like do you think that's a a barrier in your mind mentally that you go out thinking i've got to shoot 75 because normally you wouldn't go out picking a number would you it is a strange concept because a lot of the time you go out to just play the best round of golf you can yeah. And i think what gets in my mind is something i'm trying to change as soon as i make a couple of early bogeys yeah i think oh god i've only got two left you suddenly you suddenly run out of shots yeah. So yeah i want to try. And change that mindset today.

And just i mean really play every hole as it comes yeah ideal i when i watched that western one i was like. And thing i've done with my golf is like decide on one swing thought before i go out yeah. And that's the only thing i want to do forget the score if i can stick to my swing thought that that should take care of the score really because i'm doing the job just one just one yeah not 52 like normal it's gonna sound good i've got about eight at the moment going through my mind okay great opening tee shot very happy with that flag's 130 yards slightly into breeze. So not down nine she's going. For a slightly different technique but they work it worked it works a treat do you want to go in now. Or yeah let's wrap it very good start i'll take that oh money ball it's been hard dad a lot of spin on it a lot a lot of a little bit of sauce i put on that we're putting again. For birdie everybody well this is good 75 yards you've got a bunker shot missing one's mouth with a spoon [Music] okay this is a real good opportunity. For birdie down the hill right to left i've really just got to start it on its line this could quite easily be a dream dream start oh i'm just going to crack open a bottle of verde sauce 30 30 start let's go fine up the left shortcut shortcut route this isn't a fader's tee shot is it no you're not trying to see your eye this one no what's in the bag then.

Got new mizuno driver titleist ts23 wood set of zx7 irons from i think four to wedge yeah full to edge uh mp20 two iron. And then.

T22 wedges 51 56 and 60. struggling to use them at the minute need a big set of slazengers i think [Music] yeah that was a nice strike good technique it's not quite dialed in with my distances. Yet but encouraging signs travel travel [Music] this has got a hole in one vibes slightly back left pin slightly down breeze 164 yards i'm just gonna hit just a really comfortable nine iron oh stay there stay there stay there straighten up straighten up straighten up [Music] yeah pin i just pulled it a little bit [Music] should be between my ball. And the flag oh no bounce off the back he's funny to buy with matt he is i think i think he's he's taking one. For the team today.

He's playing bad to help me feel a lot better about my goal it's a true friend that i ain't it little birdie opportunity up the hill the right club i just pulled at a fraction don't want to speak too early. But games just feeling nice oh you idiot [Applause] it was dead straight up the hill i just didn't quite hit it ah never mind [Music] let's take a bit of that any matter how much wind plays he read though like the amount of times i've stood there. And it three would have gone for the green and i'm looking at this and going nope yep three would there oh rick it's actually gonna be okay. But it's a it's a poor golf shot considering considering i'm laying up should be good good news is we're putting we're not chipping. So again take these little positives get up keep going oh it's actually that wasn't a bad line i just hit it a bit soft just move right on you though it moved right on there yeah it's a good stroke oh that was a very silly silly silly bogey that's what happens when you lay up kids should have just gone. For it hey [Music] told you i'm not laying up second chance is par five i've hit a great tee shot come on let's knock her on every time oh [Music] it's a good yardage. For a full wedge though i wanted to lay up i said this all along just me just been speaking to the camera. So i'm going to lay up on this one. So frustrating is it time. For this club to go getting close it's getting close time for an easy to hit five would i think i've got seven wood in the car 100 yards away from the pin this time i'm going. For it i'm not laying up sounded lovely stay right lovely shot thank you well worth the top yeah perfectly planned left myself a perfect yardage stay upstairs it's good pop it's a good paw sneaky one that it's the easy one that could just go on it well done absolutely gorgeous par three this [Music] that's a great ball great club that is really nice i kind of probably needed like a eight. And a half item i think. But hey listen i'm not can't grumble [Music] okay eighth hole par four just dog leg to the right eye in. For positioning just regulation golf it's just boring it's actually it's actually boring sorry guys sorry if it's a bit more boring just playing like okay golf [Music] yeah that's a golf shot true manipulation it's nice gotta go oh often hit the bank hit the bank hit the bank two inside on that one day boy [Music] not quite as close as i'd like. But still better than most chips i'd play well done thank you very well done so holes like that and little scrappy parts sometimes you need it to keep a score going you know what sometimes as long as you're putting a four down doesn't matter how ugly it is there's no pictures on the scorecard remember that however. there's lots of pictures. And lots of videos when you've got three or four cameras out there with a break75 for youtube this is a little bit different than granted on man turn over [Music] ah [Music] oh that's a little bit of a dent in the heart. For the front nine but one over lots of positives plenty of chances on the back nine plenty bought still this ain't over yet i still got to keep it in play keep it in control so uh nine holes in i'm actually quietly surprised about um how he's playing i think he's not even played that great obviously two good birdies to start with i think there's better. Yet to come on this back nine we'll wait and see my ball is right in the middle of the fairway i mean i literally couldn't replace any better. But you might see obviously i hit three iron now this hole isn't ridiculously challenging and if anything if you hit driver it actually starts to open up much further down here but my fear or let's say my logic of hitting through iron and this is where sometimes that coarse advantage knowing a golf course can play into your favor i'm confident with driver i feel like i'm hitting driver well if i'd have bombed it down here i might have just left myself kind of like that 60 70 yard pitch which i'm not the biggest fan of. So the logic was to leave myself a fuller shot in. And i'm probably like 130 yards away now hopefully at the moment i feel slightly more confident from this range oh pushed it rick i'm on the green but consider i've got a pitching wedge in my hand that's not close enough to the hole missing one's mouth with a spoon [Music] hey odd little one of them right halfway house unfortunately no sausage rolls however. better better still cars past this is not sponsored post bolton's finest now let me show you something. And i think this might get a reaction in here is what we call a balm cake a roll. Or whatever you want to call it now if you've never tried this you're missing out you take the pasty meat potato you put it on the balm okay get a little bit of ketchup you have to get ketchup squeeze that bad boy on. And that is known as a wigging kebab a pasty balm i basically grew up on this this is taking me back right this is gonna be the first. And maybe only pasty balm review quite easy this 9.7 it's quite easy i know we'll get some reactions in the comments but don't knock it so you've tried it we now come to the 11th hill the sun's come out every life's good however. what doesn't quite feel good is this 200 yard par 3 up the hill that is such a terrible golf shot [Laughter] [Music] of send me kevin nardin i don't know maybe not i'm very happy where this ball's finished it is that little little awkward distance. But i'm not gonna stop me today.

You know what i actually got a tiny bit unlucky there that was a beautiful shot it was i'm gonna say it i played that really nicely really delicately kept the face open put a bit of speed on it nice little height stay up [Applause] oh you little dirt bag wow oh that was good port as well out it's right at the magpie now oh lovely bounce i'll try. And draw it around got some fans over there gotta get have i got this only a chip and run thanks safe recovery impressed fairly easily i'd say i'm honest with you [Music] i absolutely thought that was in it would have been some four i really did think that was in then.

[music ] oh no left oh it's a bit pasty is it no oh [Music] two over now with four holes to play these next.

Two are definitely the hardest two coming up oh smoked stage one of the job done kind of need to land it like here. And after that it's just down down down downhill yeah nice nice little delicate one needed here delicate it was not [Music] go on oh there's a bit of grit in there matt that's the uh the momentum swinger in it that's the one that you need in it yeah should be good [Music] be the club be the club good ball oh it needed one more hop then.

It would have been thank you done the job haven't you it's on the green stage of the round now it's just ticking the box every time make sure you don't make any silly errors now we ain't over yeah that's what i mean course record i'm going. For matt oh right okay i asked two questions only that was it where was the first tee. And what was the course record get up i thought i told myself a million times that was uphill that was going to be slow such a bad thought first three foot of the round ah yeah rick really solid three wood up in the air front of the green roll down to six foot knock it in. For eagle get [Music] down it's pitched on big boy big boy [Music] go a bit go a bit go i didn't think i could leave that short weirdly. But i have [Music] three goals a bit of eagle sauce good work [Music] snuck in three 300 for that hole easy golf the craziest game invented last hole par five back to clubhouse downwind matt's taking the honor with his little cheeky eagle on the last there there's a lot of guests that come on the channel making eagles i'm not too happy about it anyway nice eagle pal thanks there's one more chance and that is a very good golf shot come alive after 17 holes stay right [Music] oh it's. So good eagle albatross it's so good [Music] wow [Music] not bad right matt bringing the game at the end that's good job i've already batted him in the score oh that's so bad get lucky it's been hard she's been close that go on well one second that's good point for 30. good use of contour there thanks as we mosey on down to the final green i've got a nice look at birdie matt's got a phenomenal look at eagle been a fun day yeah yeah yeah it's been nice to be out. And actually just playing golf really not had much chance at the moment but good to see you actually playing better as well right let's go and try not these two into finish yeah it's been better today.

Tidy up your short game. And you're level all day long around a lot of places all day long right matt you you finish this one off before i hopefully box mine for back to back eagles come on matt knock it in yes that is as much as you've been pretty atrocious today.

Thank you those last two holes are pretty special okay. For about about birdies to finish not quite as glamorous but i'll certainly take it [Music] love it love it [Music] started with two birdies finished with two birdies 72 one over par well done great play that we'll see you next.

Week episode six that's a good confidence booster exactly what the doctor ordered see you soon.