There's a part of my golf swing that i absolutely hate and it causes me quite a lot of issues so tonight i want to go down to the driving range and try and fix that fault it's been plaguing me for a while now let's see if i can figure it out also i'm gonna test out this three wood tonight tsi three i fancy giving this a rip come on let's go to the range [Music]. So i'm down here at the range i'm here at trafford golf center who knows what this place is this is my old bay now granted it's moved upstairs now this is a teaching academy the boys behind the coaching. So i can't be too loud but this is the old bay where it all started from it used to be downstairs it's now been lifted upstairs. But this was my view this is what i used to see every day when i coached here right before we get to the swing fault let's say a few warm-up shots let's get let's get loose because it's quite a chilly night. And then.

We'll dive into it okay. So after a few warm-up stretches i'll typically start my practice with a lofted club this is my sand wedge i'm just going to hit some shorter shots first just loosen up get my eye in. And i'll progress to some fuller shots as i start to uh as i start to warm up a fraction okay six higher next.

Fuller shots [Music] okay. So that's warm up complete and i've hit some full shots now you might start to see some faults in my swing and yes there's a few. And if i'm honest far too many to mention just in this one video but there's one fault in particular that i've been fighting for for so long when i control it i play my best golf when it gets out of control i've got to rely on timing and it's this move in my back swing so as i take the club away i have the tendency of opening the face up as i get to halfway back my club face is in an open position the toe is in front of the heel now that comes from the the origin of that comes from my grip being slightly too weak my left hand is too much around the left side of the club now if i think back to why this ever happened it's mainly because i've always tried to fight a draw. Or hook that was always my bad shot. So for me having a weaker grip opening the club face was my attempt to stop going left. And to be honest it does work my miss now is slightly more to the right however. why it's an issue if i open the face in the takeaway my club face is open at the top of the swing. And as i come down then.

I have to make quite an aggressive adaptation and i use my hands quite aggressively through the ball to square the face up when it's on when my timing's good it works when my timing's off it does not work as i mentioned before when i play my best goal my club face is squaring the takeaway i don't have to use my hands. And it's easier for me to hit straighter shots so i'm going to strengthen my grip i'm going to do a little bit of work on closing the club face in the takeaway. And see if we can figure it out before giving this thing a rip tsi three three would i fancy giving that a hit. So the first thing i've got to tweak is this left hand grip i know i get guilty of turning it this way too much. So i'm gonna be very conscious of seeing two knuckles on that left hand for me that already feels like i'm going to be able to shut the face going back more just as a side note it just feels awful like any time you make a change to your grip it just feels. So alien and so strange and every time i change my grip stronger i initially hit it too far left which is not the shot i like to hit. So now i've altered my grip a little bit and gone stronger the next.

Thing i need to look for is as i start to take this club away getting this feeling that club face is aiming down to the floor now as you can imagine obviously i make a lot of videos i see my swing a lot i hate seeing my swing where my club face opens where that face is starting to point upwards it drives me insane. So i know i need to exaggerate that feeling so what i'm going to do here is do some really almost quite staged. And and slow motion versions of my takeaway where i really try and get the club face aiming down to the floor with my stronger grip i can combine those two together then.

I just need to quiet my hands through the shot. So really try and shut the face in the takeaway and that's typically what i see a big left miss because my hands still want to be too active through the ball we'll come on to that in a minute [Music] so [Music] whenever you make a swing change it always feels a bit strange and that one doesn't even there now like even though i've been in these positions before i've had a stronger grip i've had a more close to the face when you've not done it for so long it just feels different it feels strange and sometimes it's quite hard to get used to a couple of things that you definitely should do if you when you do practice at driving range. Or at home wherever you can do either use a mirror. So you can check what you're doing in your swing. Or video yourself set up on a little tripod and video yourself makes a massive difference so you know you're doing the movements correctly so i need to look at the quiet in my hands make my hands quieter what i've got to get the feeling i'm doing is almost holding the face off as much as possible [Music]. So like i made some good changes there it's not perfect yet but it's a start here's a good bit of advice actually got yourself a client of mine when i actually used to coach in this very very teaching bay and he made changes unbelievably quickly like scary quick i said to him one time how do you change things. So quickly in your swing this is a great bit of advice he said whatever you tell me rick i double the exaggeration. So if you tell me to do one thing let's say it's club face i'm doing then.

In the backswing he would double the exaggeration until i told him he'd done too much anyway enough of that that's my thing that i hate about my golf swing. And hopefully over the winter months i can fix it. But let's have some fun now let's smash some three woods right guys so the teaching bay is shocked it's getting super late now it's nearly half 10 at night thanks to pete style. So let me come down here and do a little bit of filming in the old bay now i'm not massively looking. For a new 3-wood the one i've got in the bag i love however. i'm going to give this a smash trying to make swing changes isn't always easy. And even the best players in the world have to make swing changes and i've got plenty to make but that's the one that i desperately want to fix i shared with you today's video right let's smash a few of these into the midnight sky maybe not the best time to try a new three wood when you've just changed your grip and your takeaway we'll try again another day i think we'll see you next.
