After much deliberation whether i was going to come back. And continue episode number three of break75 after the last two episodes you saw archfield it didn't go great you saw conway it went even worse well today.


Is the day we're back episode number three break 75. For everybody i'm down here and i say it's a lot of places i've been to this is one of my favorite golf courses delamie forest golf club i've had some good memories around here now also quick one i've been practicing quite a lot okay i've been working hard on my game i've never hit. So many golf balls in my life since the last episode hopefully fingers crossed that transcends here onto the golf course today.

It's beautiful it's a little bit cold a little bit of wind. But nothing too much no real issues now i'm being joined today.

Also by a really good friend sophie walker now sophie has got a smart golf brain she might give me some words of wisdom today.

If it's not going my way either way let's get out there delamere forrest episode 3 let's go. And break 75. [Music] here we go we're actually going to start on the tenth hole that nine start well delamere forest golf club is is dry. So he's got to be careful run outs and can get away from him there's plenty of slopes as well. But it's wide enough off the tee and i've heard he can hit a few off the planet. So it should come in handy around here hopefully i'll give him a good run for his money oh be good all right at least you'll see some proper golf today.

Yeah from somebody i'll be off the right tease i can play i was hoping to be slightly closer on the first it's not going to lie to you keep going that's going to be a lot faster than that today.

That's the plan pick up a few birdies there. And there but steady eddie hopefully talk about steady eddie i couldn't have a more fitting partner for that today.

A selfie just taps that in. For dirty very good self well done thanks a nice little fade off those bunkers hello [Music] okay i know it wasn't brilliant. But i feel like it's progress we've got a little look at birdie i don't think i was far off i just didn't strike it as well as i wanted to oh i've just not hit it [Music] let's hit the power come on come on [Music] [Applause] stop stealing my bloody birdie magic please wait a minute i'll rub off thank you i need to wait a second such a bit of that as well yeah awesome stuff well done two wonder wow yeah part three first one of the day 12th hole uh flags playing 150. But it's a little bit downwind now the flag's in a in a sucker pin position it's got a tucked front right so the goal is not to go with the flag this early in the round i'm going to go middle of the green [Music] in my bag i have four woods i've got the tsi three in the driver. And the two in the three wood then.

I go to my hybrids which are my favorite clubs i'm not a great long iron player. So ping g425s in a 17 and a 21 degree next.

Into the irons longest iron is a four iron i got taylormade p seven seventies. And then.

Wedgewise i only carry two specialized wedges they're titleist vocals sm eights 52 and a 58 putterwise odyssey two ball oh [Music] keep fading right i thought i'd jump this bunker but it's kind of run up and actually run back in right into the middle i'm gonna lie to you a little bit of a nightmare shot this for a lot of golfers kind of the 50-yard bunker shot round to the flag there [Music] oh i missed the bank you are kidding me [Music] never got it going [Music] uh [Music] incredible tee shot couldn't couldn't have placed it in a better position. And i hit three iron for positioning using the old noggin literally my favorite hole in this golf course beautiful little downhill had a hundred yards left into the flag it's just not quite there yet it's brewing it's getting there just not there yet [Music] ah frustrating [Music] in hold on well i might be too much [Music] closer to the pin then.

Let's do it [Music] that's nice big hop yeah it should be good that yeah you can't mess with that can you it just kind of started straight right. And never when are you gonna get an uphill pup [Music] [Music] well done it's as close as you've been at the moment i'm one over par through seven i feel like the game's been a little bit more controlled. But still just a few too many kind of sloppy little mistakes which i can rectify them i really do feel like i can get into a zone where i'm under power a lot more of the time okay. So after a fantastic drive i didn't think i was going to get this close to the green we've got a little kind of 40 50 yard flicking why am i. So bad at chipping at the moment gotta see me in practice one day i'll put a video out where i'm just practicing and honestly i'm like somehow if sevi and tiger adopted a kid they'd been me chipping but that's how good i am in practice [Music] good leave [Music] such a silly bogey it should be phenomenal [Music] but after one of my best tea shots i've ever hit on this hole i've got 182 yards left into the par five ninth hole downwind and the greens are fast. And firm or they're certainly firm anyway be good that's it [Music] i could have a nine iron pitching wedge gap wedge lob wedge and i still think they would have all got to the green somehow [Music] okay after about two. And a half minute search i've managed to find it but i don't know how look at this i don't if you'll be able to see that just kind of look right in there and you can just about make out one a golf ball. And two that's actually mine i've got my logo on this side so i'm gonna have to move this but that's like a massive big branch i don't think that's going to move the ball no that's not going to move the ball. And then.

Remove these little bits and bobs making sure the ball is not moving the last little puzzle look at that i'm gonna power four 310 yards to the green [Music] not quite down the left-hand side ah i wish i got it a bit more back on the fairway because this ain't this isn't easy oh b sensational wow [Music] mark these words that's the greatest golf shot i've ever hit in my life ever ever ever honestly ridiculous [Music] it's in there somewhere it's in there somewhere honestly that must have been really close to going in the hole be honest it got me excited i actually thought we were closer to the hole than that four i can't grumble i honestly didn't even think i was gonna get within 50 yards of the green never mind on the green never mind 12 foot away yeah i've got get in didn't even give it a sniff [Music] we're gonna try. And hit like a knuckle a knuckle three wood [Music] oh what a golf come on ball [Music] pretty good pretty good just off the green but it's smooth i'm gonna put it i think that's. For safety this is. For an eagle this could really do with this could really improve the score obviously come on [Music] take the break take the break take the break oh you're joking me [Music] [Music] birdie sauce hello first run of the day oh god that was bloody close. So this is a 90 flag how far would you carry this self i don't think you want to be carrying it much more than 75. [Music] easiest four ever okay very tough part three this right back into the teeth 220 yards the first hop seems to be quite hot. So i'm gonna hit a little knuckle down [Music] got to play a really nice one here [Music] little dog leg left 450 yards straight back into the wind about 220 yards into the wind very difficult this wind is really making this challenge hard today.

Okay found myself just must have just rolled over the corner over the path. And it's just on this other side however. got a little delicate flick over this mound there's no real missing to the screen left right short it's all not great. So requires a hell of a good up and down here i now needed to go a tiny bit more [Music] silly bogey [Music] simmer that's dead [Music] well done very well done so so badly [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah okay after a good drive into par five i've not got a long way currently with my score to break 75 i've got to get three eagles three goals three birdies [Music]. So hopefully i can get the first one here can you imagine if i make the first eagle in a break 75 with you i think [Music] oh absolutely pathetic. For the first ever eagle on break 75 yes that's what eagle sauce looks like very good well done [Music] well done thank you thank you the dream is still alive need two more of them i've got two holes left rick's just made his birdie. And he's played tita green really well inside a hundred yard maybe wedge so maybe about 120 yards i think he's dropped four. Or five shots and actually that is where you need to pick up your shots he's been working on his driver that has worked fantastically well. But he just looks uncomfortable inside that hundred yard number and pitching so that's what i would say work on also he's very up and down isn't he he gets down on himself quite quickly so we're all behind him he just needs to feel that when we're watching but in terms of today.

And for the rest of the series for shooting at 75 or better it's in there he just needs to score better um play golf maybe he's hit too many balls he said he's been practicing a lot he just needs to get the scoring clubs working. And he'll be fine because actually if he doesn't doesn't beat 75 today.

He should have done. And that's a good place to be moving forward double bogey so after chopping my way down that last hole i'm now six over uh nothing actually gets me to break 75 here even if i get a hole in one now i wouldn't normally go for this green but i'm going to give it a rattle at it i'm going to cut the corner a little bit downwind 330 yards not sure if it stayed on all right that's the end of episode number three guys hopefully you enjoyed it bit of a weird one today.

79 in the end seven over. But i didn't feel the way i hit the goal four represented the score i felt there's a lot more control in there but yet the wedges need a bit more work um it's getting there it's getting there slowly but surely sophie was amazing to play with play some incredible golf i feel like if i had sophie's short game i would never shoot over par that's what i need to develop guys thanks. For watching hopefully you liked it enjoyed make sure you subscribe see you next.

Friday 4pm for episode number four.