All right guys welcome to episode number two of break 75 down here one of my favorite places conway golf club north wales now once upon a time i suppose golf course pretty well hence i actually used to get called the king of conway maybe self-proclaimed however. you saw last week at archfield didn't quite go to planet hopefully that rust has been knocked off and we're going to have a better round today.

The sun is shining there's not much wind i reckon it could be a good round today.

It's a linksy style golf course there's some incredible scenery i'm playing with co-host of the podcast guy as well today.

Without further ado let's get to the first tee we've actually got a special announcer starting us off well good morning. And welcome to the 2022 75 challenge this is the second challenge the first we won't discuss this is the second challenge. And it will be held the magnificent conway golf club we have a match today.

Between guy charnock. And rick shields on the t rick shields and following him on the t guy charnock thank you have a good day gentlemen i'm sure you'll enjoy it thank you and you're very welcome last week my game plan was to play bad hoping then.

Rick would play well that didn't work this week i'm going to try my best to play well in sperryman look at this mean guy on the green regulation oh i pushed it pushed it knew it was a straight put par to start oh rick today.

Is a day. For positive mindset yeah tough second shot into this part three yeah i've got a bunker to flop it over yeah i'm gonna type sandy lie. But confidence i'm tiger woods [Applause] [Music] you can't wait [Music] ah might as well start with a double early on yeah that is absolutely perfect [Music] hit the bank i almost pulled that shot off. But just pitched it too much into the bank [Music] good for speed good for speeds a little bit right [Music] when okay that's a start. But you know what kind of weirdly nervous with j.r around he's that lovely guy honestly amazing speak to because he's been there done that got the t-shirts little old me trying to break 75 rounds his home golf course he's been a member here for years he's actually gone now hopefully settle the nerves chill out start making some birdies now this is a beautiful whole fifth hole here as you hit back into the mountains i mean you just can't have. So much more i think it's actually stroking that's one par four i'm three over at the moment nice powdered steady ship lots of power fives to make burt lots of hard fives to make birds this ain't done. Yet i ain't going anywhere oh i missed the bunker mr bunker right i was flirting with this bunker i couldn't see it actually finished down if i'm in this bunker one i won't be happy. And two it's bloody hard for me please don't be in it please don't be in it please don't be in it please don't be in there okay we're not in it it's good signs good vibes not that i actually know where it is. But it's not in the book oh it's down here not ideal but at least i can have a pop at the green from here [Music] that came out like a rocket on the fifth hole now i think it's a real important part. For rick of this round because head's going a little bit i think needs to calm it down a couple of birdies few pass. And make sure you break 75. [Music] [Music] that's why i don't chip like this video for that golf shot because that was very good yeah very nice [Music] one [Music] pace your pace putting has been phenomenal how far off is that [Music] i'm quite a distance away from the flags they're about 170 away all right tim up good effort very good effort stop nicely that i love it stay left i feel like it's perfect oh rick [Music]. So good for distance too big put coming up i'm just having a little word myself mentally because at the moment i'm letting myself down my mum's just rang me and told me i'm letting her down more importantly i'm letting you down the viewer i need to play i need to play some golf give it a chance half a roll more it'll come sorry yep so i'm about three yards off the fairway it's my fault i should have at the fairway but i've snagged a horrible y i was hoping it'd be sat up nicely. And i could get three wood on it and maybe go for the greens i'm only about 260 on away from the green but honestly it's absolutely awful big lump of grass behind the ball big lump of grass after it i have to just lay it up put it back in play and hopefully i can just wedge it close par five come on say good run of birdie bull holes here now need to need to need to capitalize yeah pretty good. For distance might just tugged it a fraction left no not very good. So [Music] right second shot on this part five found this little bunker which is very very very annoying because i could have gone. For it on this hole if i'd have hit it straight [Music] strike was phenomenal it's just yippy now it's literally. So yippy ah when you're lacking in confidence there's nothing worse than a tight sandy lie trying to wedge it into a green certainly for me anyway ah i feel a little bit deflated at the moment through ten cut for a minute at this point i'm getting a little bit the golf so i don't really talk as much so this is now a few weeks later i'm gonna sit down with guy. And we're gonna analyze my performance on these next.

Few holes till i finish the round i'm excited i'm not. So much um so far it's not going great i think at this point i'm five over par um knowing that some really hard holes are coming up. But also some opportunity for bird yes you ready let's go this is how this is gonna be quite hard to relive this moment let's do it. So tenth though actually here a ridiculous drive down the tent with a guy a trading on shots and you think that's because maybe i was in a bunker. Or maybe i'd hit it in some really thick roof the scary thing is i want to trade him because i've hit the best drive i've hit all day by a country mile. And if anything it's too good middle of the fairway and we're sub 100 yards just to put this into some context you were how far away from the hull were you like 50 yards i was 130 yards. And i would i would have rather have taken your shot which is which is the wrong way of thinking about it these shots weren't filling me with a great deal of confidence that swing was. So nervy that actually looked okay. But it went through the back standard put her off the green yeah nice pace. And cool so your pace have been pretty decent on some of your puppies yeah they know the best line. But i was trying my best to build you a solid there wasn't a lot of uh praise right par five now. And i thought here's a chance of making a birdie every time i seem to hit a good drive like how's the all the fairway you hit are you getting good i was trying to make you feel better by saying the bunk was in a bad place how angry is my face i was. So because i'm like everything that i seem to be doing whether it was like my t-shirts on my iron shorts my wedges my putter nothing was kind of working i was lacking in confidence. And then.

Also like that was a good drive. And it just tailed into the bunk on a par five meaning that i just couldn't get there in two weird and not only that it was plugged it's a head shake look at it look at it that is bad he's plugged up against the face on a very very gettable par 5.. So i have to hack it out well out thanks 200 yards away now i've had two i mean my third chance is par 5. i know i sound like a little wingy little windy whiner right now. But the margins of errors are just tiny sometimes i'm being a little windy yeah whiny windy it looks great from here this is actually a good golf shot just comes in somewhere he's still a birdie port long run though something needed to happen like this ideally needed to go in look at that right now this hole is stunning it's an absolute stunning path three okay. So it was played about 150 yards. And you look at the backdrop the sun is shining the pin is very inviting it's kind of front tier it's like a mckenzie green frontier very much suits my eye. For that little draw that i hit and at this moment i'm thinking okay this is fairly easy there's a very easy part five coming up next.

Path three. And then.

It gets a little bit harder so i'm thinking come on rick i can still get this back i'm only five over par i think you even said this one of your favorite holes of course. And that is one of my favorite pins on my favorite hole one of my favorite golf holes of course i can't get a word nine iron from 160 downwind come on one golf shot today.

One to remember music is just bringing up the anticipation. So that was the worst shank i have ever hit on video it was an absolute proper shank like literally it was. So far straight right right into this gorge bush on the right hand side dead unfindable finished i know what to say i'll be honest i didn't so let's heat it up again for my third shot now into this into don't forget my favorite part three on the golf course aye aye okay free off the t it hurts ladies. And gentlemen that is not an action replay of the first shot that is a second absolute shank in a i mean look how beautiful it is everything is beautiful everything is telling me that this has to be a good shot. And that's the type of garbage i produced the good news is your dispersion on those two shanks was like this it was. So perfect two absolute shanks in a row and at this point and at this point it's safe to say i love the look my head's gone notice the nervous laugh this is now my third shot from the team my third ball which is technically my fifth shot. And guess what how do you feel over that puzzle at least not really any different to the first two were you just thinking don't shank it don't shank it not really because i don't shank it the word does a shank like that from a good player what does a random shank actually come honestly honestly honestly i don't even i could probably analyze it. But i've not i do not shank the goals at all my miss is a total slightly tell me one i do not shank it evidence is kind of there i do shank it. So now this i'll be honest this and my head's gone this is my sick shot into this path. And i just shanks happen we all hit shanks right i can forgive you. For the shacks this golf shot now i honestly can i just say this now it's the worst golf shot i've ever seen you hit after is the worst shot you've ever hit on camera in my opinion let me let me explain it. So obviously at this point my head's gone completely and utterly gone i'm like let's wrap this up fellas we we're out we're bailing right i pulled it miles left this is my sixth shot this is. For a triple gun a par three right i'm on a really sandy light yes let's be honest my confidence is very very low. And if you actually look right in the distance maybe they're on this hill there was a couple of people watching i mean you guys on p on youtube watching that's fine there might be a few hundred thousand people not a problem. But two randomers watching from a path nearby put the shivers up me so i putted it and this was the result there's those two there they are i told you those pesky people how dare he's pretty good that's six shots everybody just to keep count this is seven seven yeah better get in there that's seven shots you know slightly worrying is i'm actually really trying [Laughter] shot number eight oh of course i missed did you have that. For powerful yes very very very getable par five this is a three-way into the green i'm 240 yards away there's not really anything good because this is a good that was a good t-shirt on this hole yeah it was great though um thinking come on just get there knock it on make an ego it's going that bunker in it all day long harder to watch the silence says. So much can you win our bro no do this. For you guys right this however. after everything that's been going on this golf shot is the best shot of the day it was i'm i'm stuck at the back of the bunker you're actually in the bunker with me in the bunker head what you can't see. So much on camera is how when you're taking the club back you're gonna hit the back lip of the bunker she had to be super creative if you see your weights on your left side it's like 130 yards away this this bunker on the right hand side was pretty deep as well. And somehow i hit this ridiculous oh that's a golf face so this out of really nowhere i kind of don't deserve it this was. For birdie and drum roll the absolutely oh of course it did of course it did it was one of those days it was frustrating mark on the green of course it was. So that was a part quantity's going nine birdie i've always wanted to do that bar three next.

Pin back right all i was thinking is i must admit on this one i was thinking don't show shank it yeah nice shot nice drone shot tracer by the way there another look at birdie. And no idea he's putting no what's good. For you protecting my score just racking up those parts now this is never a driver off this tee shot. So tight but hey what forgot to lose this little fade i called that you did yeah good shot second shot 130 yards little little cheeky wedge come on get down. And then.

Oh and then.

This golf shot and then.

That and then.

Guess what ready sauce lash into the stuff lashings of birdy sauce what i got what a game do you not think though something to learn here that at the time you were rightfully. So upset disappointed angry a couple of weeks later when we're filming this a bit later on you're actually so much more relaxed about it and it just shows when you're playing bad golf unless you are playing. For millions of dollars like on tour it doesn't matter does it oh unless you're playing in front of millions of people right hardest hole in the golf course without even a question it's never driver. But what forgot to lose absolutely you weren't happy at this point were you i was disappointed in myself at this point now you're thinking about this how bad the score's gonna be yeah definitely right last hole again i needed big fade on this boom i love that shape absolute money literally could not have placed any better yeah that was pretty perfect players who would have been seeing me on the balcony. And thinking how good is this guy how good is this player be good. For watching this video and going be good that guy's not watching it back of the green raced it past i was trying to get i was trying to make another birdie whoa right next.

To your tea mark are you not yours in. And guess what very good guys hopefully you enjoyed that i didn't enjoy it when i was doing it i've been honest with you i didn't massively enjoy watching it back. But i hope you guys did. And hopefully you enjoyed the episode now since that i've done a little bit more practice and episode three will be coming next.

Week. And i promise you the bottom my heart i won't shank it twice in a row on a path three promise okay that's all i guess i can promise you guys make sure you like. And subscribe hopefully you enjoyed it like i say i do this. For the entertainment and for the fun not for millions of pounds thankfully we'll see you soon do you want to get in that you beat me i did beat you by good few shots [Laughter].