Right come on rick you can do this oh it felt fast there's a hot topic in golf at the moment about hitting the driver as long as you can. And some of the best players in the world are experimenting trying to absolutely smash it one of them being bryce. And d chambeau he's now toying with not only changing his body and his swing but also how he can adjust his equipment to give him the best clubhead speed to give him the best ball speed to equate to more distance now the rules of golf say that you can use a maximum driver length of 48 inches. But a lot of drivers that are sold. Or you guys are probably using watching this video is around 45 inches. And the reason for that is the longer the shaft the more club at speed you're going to pick up that's a good thing. But the downside longer the shaft the more club at speed it's harder to control and it's much harder for a golfer to hit the middle of the club face now naturally i wanted to give this a go now my driver length at the moment is 45.5 inches long. So pretty standard so i went to my good friend nick kibbs at torx and i got him to build me a 48 inch shaft in the same spec as i have in my driver and i also asked nick a few questions about how he thinks i'm going to get on we would normally fit. And build 45 inches for driver i would think you should probably pick up five miles an hour multiple speed definitely the downside rick would be control uh dispersion on the top face more difficult to get the ball on the center of the clubface further away you are i think we will see a future of 48 inch shafts yes i don't think it's just a modern trend that's just going to go pass away i think uh i think deschamble i think rory is testing dustin johnson's testing. So i think we will see more. And more longer shafts yeah great with the good guys not. So good with the less talented guys [Music] i think the average golfer should lose a shorter shorter goal shaft 45 inches i think is ample length i think that will be a good a good kind of tourette. And here it is here is the 48 inch shaft now as you heard from nick there he said he reckons i'm going to pick up more clubhead speed. But i might hit it more offline so what i'm going to do first is hit some shots on gc quad with pro v1 with my own driver first just trying to get some baseline numbers in today's situation. And then.

I'm going to swap to this the maximum length i can have. For a driver shaft i'm interested though am i going to pick up club head speed am i going to pick up ball speed i'm going to hit it further. But also does it mean i'm going to hit it much more off the planet am i going to lose all these golf balls with this extra long shaft in this video i'm going to answer all of your questions. And you never know if it works it could be the future i could be using the shaft to gain more distance let's start off with hitting my normal one first [Music] okay. So that is my driver. And i was hitting pretty similar numbers to what i'd normally see 111 miles per hour club at speed 160 miles per hour ball speed 280 yards of carry the other thing to note as well strike location with my standard driver was pretty good you can see the screenshot there. So now to put this shaft the 48 inch shaft into my driver so i've got it in the same setting same loft say the same spec of shaft because it's only it's only grown by two and a half inches the shaft it suddenly feels like i'm holding like a tent pole like it almost feels like i'm holding a flag stick it's so much longer now you might have seen in the past a couple of years ago i actually made an illegal driver length shaft at 50 inches and gave it a test now that did feel super long it's been a while since i've swung that this 48 inch driver shaft let's give it a whirl can it pick up more club speed ball speed more distance. Or am i going to lose all of my remaining pro v1s. For the first few shots i'm just going to try. And get used to this driver i'm not going to try. And hit it as hard as i can. And then.

As i get used to i'm going to ramp it up a little bit. And i'm finishing off with some absolute full out as hard as i can possibly hit it well i've got it away i'm not. For one second saying that was fast i was just trying to control it more than anything yeah no real difference. Yet on speed that is. So straight oh no oh no that might be another lost ball right what's interesting here that swing it felt very easy. For me matched my swing speed with my other shaft that was 111 miles per hour. And at the moment i don't even feel like i'm swinging it fast so far right felt a little bit better so my initial thought so far is two things i've discovered when i'm trying to swing them easy swing within myself i'm matching my current full bed speed with my normal driver. So 111 miles per hour second thing i've noticed i'm hitting them off the planet so now it's going to be interesting. So i'm going to ramp up the speed i think i can swing faster. But i also think that's going to come with more right. And left misses oh i found a straight one and it felt fast ah only one mile per hour faster 112 miles per hour that felt faster than that oh my goodness me that is. So far right okay i've got to be honest there's not a lot of times i've taken a divot that far before the golf ball [Laughter] right i'm uh just having a little breather trying to increase clubhead speed this driver is hard work like just. So much harder to control i think. For us mere mortals it's near impossible like you just i've just taken a divot with my driver which i've never done there is obviously something in it i just think it's worth noting it's not bloody easy like it's really not. And i understand why manufacturers or club builders fit like nick tayne at 45 inches that extra two or three inches just makes it so much harder let's go three more and see if we can properly properly smash one right come on rick you can do this gotta get speed right there that's what that's where it is that felt fast it's nowhere near the fairway again how much faster was it no 140 miles per hour. So far offline but was it fast oh 114 again last one come on 115 i really need to channel everything i've got here oh no. For me 48 inch driver is not what i'm going to be using anytime soon i'll see you next.
