Hello friends episode number four rate 75. i'm in newcastle of all places here at this magnificent venue close house the home of this man lee westwood and tomorrow i'm actually playing with lee now you guys in youtube world you've actually already seen that video so yes i did absolutely beat him yes it was an epic match that resulted in a draw yes i got absolutely battered as you would expect now today.

We're playing the cult course i have played the cult course before if you remember back in the day it's the first time i ever met paul sturges. And we played with tyrrell hatton in the british masters pro and back in 2017. well today.

It's a new day great 75. And i'm going to be honest with you i'm going to cut it level with you i'm not feeling it today.

I'm not feeling that confident i know i know it's not the right mindset to go into it however. after recently doing a podcast interview with memory leaf who not checked it out do he had no expectations when he played in the masters he just wanted to go out. And have fun and in that madness of fun he managed to shoot the course record of the front line at the masters on a sunday so that's my plan today.

When i have fun i'm playing with guy um. And we're just gonna we're just gonna rock it we're gonna vibe it right 75 episode four let's go let's have some fun afternoon tea off around a magnificent golf course are you feeling it guy yeah just don't get master martin on camera can't be asked of it all right couple of quick putts 87. And all over it story of my life first hole not an easy opener 435 yards everything looks dead left confidence you still have fun literally it's fun day today.

And sometimes losing golf balls is fun it's national thunder i'm having fun he's having. So much fun i'm having a lot of fun after that oh my god that's huge very good very good oh yeah i was fooling you all before i'm. So up for this today.

It's one good shot. So far so good yeah i'm saying after two shots. So far so good i start though so earlier today.

Actually i was filming with iona stephen. And i owner gave me this and the reason why she's got one because she played augusta national the day after the masters in like the media ballot and uh she brought five home and she'd give one to me i shall treasure it forever [Music] power on the first no harm done that's a worker 108 yards a little gap wedge in hand london right i hit it [Music] [Music] uh how to make a hash of a whole rick shields edition [Music] he went in not the best strike. But it's okay should feed in yeah this is this is birdie time a little back stop behind the flag strike through the distance [Music]. So bloody good that's a bloody nice golf shot professional golf shot [Music] part three first one of the day fourth hole this was in the british masters the 18th i had huge grandstands around very different looking hole today.

But still long 195 yards to the flag [Music] that would have well and truly been in the grand stand no i followed you [Music] [Music] get in [Music] ah this course is hilly the car you'll never appreciate it on the camera it just it just never happens. But we've walked all the way down from the tee there and it is a good steep hill i remember to be quite a few of them around here i mean the flip side there was some hole downhill obviously this ain't one of them [Music]. So surprise surprise this isn't where i wanted to hit it i've come left severely left out of this hole i mean a nasty nasty little lie the pins right at the front i really need a fairway light to get some spin the dream would be land it just short. And take one hop and then.

Stick on the front of the green that'll be the dream [Music] it's a bloody good that's a bloody nice golf shot professional golf shot [Music] i'll get away from that bunker [Music] that was nipped nice shot mate that'll do [Music] ah golf is not fun don't care anybody says it's not. So much swing on that oh the bogey train oh my god [Music] very bizarre feels weird this round so far because up until probably that shot didn't think i'd hit the ball that badly. But scoring just not getting it in the hole in less shots which is the aim of the game obviously this was horrible big horrible left i've been working on fixing this as well it's very bizarre golf shot feels like a slog when it's not quite going your way this deploy the round now where like i think rick is feel over par the score will be up here somewhere. And he can go one way. Or the other and from past experiences his head starts to dip now because he thinks i'm not gonna break 75 and that might become a 79 or 84. if you can just calm it down a fraction. And just forget about 75 for now play each hole each shot at a time even you'll do. So much better how far do you have 100 on the nose that good yeah it's also a bit too much spin. But very good kiss my lucky marker i've got the line up the hill right to left let's get this show on the road yes do a dance [Laughter] thankfully i don't know how after that t-shirt. But they all count it's come in it's feeding long yeah [Music] oh you son of a witch like i get too many of them you do get a lot do you know what i think it is hit them with a bit of pace. And it just like feels like you get a lot of them ninth hole this is gorgeous par three over a substantial amount of water into wind bunker short left of the flag. So that's going to suck up any golf ball green that goes kind of oblong shaped from kind of short fro short right to long left stunning stunning looks like scary yeah i'm excited. But yet nervous over this one and this is one of the holes that if you stiff this your day's made i think par on this i'd be very very very very happy i shanked it. And using a shank it oh my god [Music] we're on the green [Music] i should actually really be happy with that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not right you the phone has disappeared a little bit has gone home i honestly think there's true reflection up front that like if i was too over i feel like that would be fair yeah why yeah the five over this is what's in your head now just relax you're playing all right. For me to now shoot break 75 i've got to shoot 200 that night [Applause] plan of attack a time to the top of the brow pitch it close tap in for birdie let's go that's the one [Music] first task complete [Music] mission two failed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so close to being perfect needed a little bit more fade [Applause] strike roll out [Music] [Applause] yep don't over shape stay there now i think it's good [Applause] [Music] yeah not a bad shot though [Applause] [Music] a chip. And a put mark it down 5 40 p.m tuesday in april rick got up and down 13th absolute stunner come on look at this come follow me it's the front of the tee so you can appreciate it fully downhill [Music] i'm going to nickname it the ski slope it is on paper 430 yards from tee to green it actually plays about 330 yards that's how downhill is i'm looking here thinking you could either smack your driver yeah. Or literally go as far as a six iron just let it run down there's a big funnel down that right side choices choices what you do i ideally want to avoid those those those gnarly bunkers i think i've ever said gnarly. But i felt like it worked tonight in that sentence just do a bit different with like surface hair look at those gnarly waves that lands very soft [Music] right rick it's not going your plan today.

But you can get a hold of money yeah okay yeah sounds like you have to say it on camera before it happens. So i'll get one then.

You can get one okay yep i'm going to punch an eight in. And get mine first looking pretty good is it long oh no perfect i may get two hole in two come on box it off [Music] strike on top of each other i think [Music] pretty good [Music] pop state nice roll thank you yeah solid yes well done very good thank you very good i must admit i know it's only one of hole with this. But it doesn't look that daunting looking down it i thought i'd be like oh my god the heads everywhere but it's actually like not too bad [Music] i'm not sure well then.

Weird ones like then.

The father being like perfect in a weird way it's come round i commitment wedges well but they're all going too far which normally if they're going too far i'm not hitting them well just a proper mess in my mind. So i'm going to purposely try. And leave this short of the flag but hit it well [Music] no [Music] not quite got it [Music] yeah lovely roll up you are rolling it nice though when you're not like that putt from there the roll was good i don't know it was fast too many rolls was the issue it was a nice roll though okay three holes to go nine over power if i just sneak one birdie. And get in under 80. i've got to see that as a very very very very small victory i'm going to cut it way right interesting shot i want to get myself to blame. For that oh that's awful yeah that's nice. So fast that in it [Music] oh money morning morning morning running money [Music] that's healing on what it'll do [Music] oh stop drawing i still had the club i'm really actually in the right shot i've hit a lot of bad shots today.

Yes. But i was kind of annoyed with that shot really [Music] sick i feel more comfortable 30 yards in a bunker than i do from five yards off the green with on the fairway you know the problem is my game i don't get enough bunkers [Music] i need to birdie the last at least. So as we embark on the final hole today.

It's been a strange one not gonna lie to you rewind back three. And a half hours on that first and then.

It's all about four and i'm not sure how i'm gonna get on today.

You know don't worry obviously that soon went out the window because weirdly i felt like i was playing okay i didn't feel like i was doing that much wrong. But over time very small just tiny little terrible arrows that just kicked in currently nine over which isn't really good enough let's be honest um i'm certainly not breaking 75. i've converted last i'll be over the moon game's not there just yet the question is will it even get there this year that's the next.

Question right guys thanks. For watching hope you enjoyed the video if you did make sure you smash like see you next.

Week that's an 80 around close house thanks guys enjoyed it thanks. For watching it'll come be patient [Music].