So as you've seen from the title and the thumbnail of this video i'm going to be going playing golf left-handed [Music]. But first i want to talk about this the channel has just hit 1 million subscribers which is incredible thank you. So much and because of that youtube sends you one of these so here it is the one million youtube gold plaque unbelievable thank you. So much for everybody that subscribed to the channel it means a lot i mean this has been eight years making videos nearly 2 000 videos on my channel which is crazy i always i almost remember getting to my first 100 subscribers. And a thousand subscribers now to sit here with a million subscribers is crazy thank you. So much for all your support all your lovely comments you're liking it the sharing that you do um let's roll on two million who knows eh it's been one hell of a ride i've got loads of people to thank i've got i want to first off thank my friends. And family my wife my kids who really supported with obviously doing the youtube also there's a phenomenal team behind the scenes you don't know so much goes on behind the scenes so big shout out thanks to guy tim harry and gary who do. So much work it's i couldn't do this without those guys big shout out to my sponsors as well nike garmin the support from golfbidder over the years has been incredible also thank you to all the amazing venues that i filmed that. And i've coached that so trafford prairie living golf academy it's been amazing big shout out to marriott woodsy parker let me go down there and film on the golf course and all the other golf courses i've played out and filmed that it's been unbelievable and also to all the amazing people who i've had on the channel you know the creators celebrities i mean like pete carly booth rob potter master played a massive part doing the mid handicap testing all the collaborations i've done you know even having like paul sturges on the channel eddie hall i mean i never thought beside it celebrating a million subscribers even thanking robbie williams. For being on the channel it's been incredible and as a celebration of hitting one million subscribers i'm gonna do the biggest giveaway. Yet so stay tuned throughout the video to see what the giveaway is gonna be you're not gonna wanna miss it believe me it's the biggest one i've ever done. And in this video out of all those 2 000 videos i've done in the past i'm doing a video today.

Which i've never done i'm gonna go. And play golf left-handed this was a suggestion from a follower on twitter called jeffrey i thought you know what why not let's give it a go. So today.

I'm going to go down to marriott woodsy park tee it up. For me the wrong way round and play golf left-handed let's see how i get on right so we're at the club and this is a bit different a bag full of left-handed clubs i'll talk you through exactly what i've got in the bag when we got on the golf course i'll be honest i'm running a bit late we're going to try. And sneak out on the back nine before the golfers get round and it means i'll be on i'm not gonna have much time to practice i'm gonna hit a few little warm-up puts though and i've got to show you the first club in the bag i'm quite excited about trying this even though it's in left-handed by the way thanks to my friends at golfbidder. For supplying these for this little challenge i didn't mess about with the putter if you're gonna do it let's do it proper scotty cameron putter let's see how this feels left-handed. So in theory i think this part of the game is gonna be my best chance of putting a good score together the putting because i can read puts i know how the speed of green's work it's just whether i can put a good stroke on it. And hit the middle of the face first one in oh right that's all i need imagine if i've been doing it the wrong way around all this time that is warm up done i'm not gonna have chance. For any full shots let's just get straight out there back nine left-handed challenge let's see what score i can put together. So here we go back nine starting on the tenth tee now normally as a golf pro right-handed i would play off the white tees the furthest tees available back on this golf course i think seeing that i'm playing left-handed i'm going to go off the yellows give myself a bit of a chance round the back nine here at marriott woodsy park it's par 36. And it's around about 3200 yards playing the bat nine so my goal is to try. And break 50. i've also got another goal i'd love to make a par i think birdie might be a bit out of the question clubs wise that i mentioned i got them from golfbidder i will be sending them back let me do a quick what's in the bag i've got my own head cover on this driver. But i've gone with taylormade m2 regular shaft because again i don't think my swing speed with left-handed is going to be that fast i couldn't get an old blue in left-handed. But i've gone for something similar cobra f8 fairway wood lots of loft a little hybrid i think this club could be used loads again it's a little cobra f7 hybrid. And then.

The irons i've got in the bag i went with chunky and forgiving didn't go for feel i went for something that is hopefully easy to hit i've gone tired list ap1 old school ones from seven seven fourteen wedges wise i've just gone with two i've gone with a glide ping glide 2.0. And i love this black finish in a 52 degree and then.

Because i'll be honest i've never ever hit a left-handed bunker shot ever so whether we find one on the golf course today.

So i thought just in case i'm going to go with a big chunky sand wedge something that's going to give me lots of help in 58 degrees at callaway shore out. And as you saw on the putting green just then.

I've got scotty cameron potter just because why not right here we go challenge time back nine left-handed i know it's boring kind of conservative but i'm gonna go with six iron on this par four first hole just to get things off and up and running it's like daft i need to remember to put the glove on the opposite hand oh see this already i'd normally put my ball in the t in the right hand and it's getting tricky with the glove oh this is already very very different [Music] i feel like i feel like a beginner again it feels feel nervous on this kind of opening tee shot uh right let's go six iron to kick things off that looks alright i'm not sure how this is gonna feel oh let's go oh that'll do as a start i think we're still just in the fairway i made good connection i eased off it i didn't go full power. But we're down there and we're off so i think not trying to bite off more i can chew on this first oil is going to be key because the need to break 50 around the back nine here it's 14 over par i can afford to have a couple of double bogeys as long as i don't have any nightmare hulls if i can pick up a power. Or two which i know is ambitious. But let's see what happens i need to just play steady get it down there get on the green let my short game chipping i might actually be a better chip chipper left-handed and i think i'll be all right putting oh no get down oh i've hooked it into the trees on the right oh that is a nightmare shot. So uh two shots in to this challenge and i found myself in an awful situation uh i am fully in the trees i'm gonna have to take a penalty drop i'm gonna take two clubs this way but even then.

Left-handed i'm right-handed i've had a bit more of a chance but i'll take my two club length drop and then.

Take it from there not a great start so one two gets me to there let's put a t down then.

I've gotta drop it and now i've gotta hit it left-handed okay penalty drop now i'm hitting four my next.

One one thing i didn't want to do in this challenge is miss it that's a fresh air shot everybody um let's see if we get it back in play now we've got it out we've got it out. So i've had five so far this is my six on the first ocean of par four. And i've still got 130 yards left to the flag i'm going to hit er eight iron. And hopefully just try and keep it in play that felt good that's a great shot go on get on the green front edge of the green we're putting we're back in play a little glitch yeah in the trees that's all right we can still do this. So here we are front of the green that wasn't a bad shot i was 130 yard eight iron um i wish i could have putted that. But i'm gonna have to chip it i'll use my little 52. so far i've had six this is. For a triple this chip is. For a triple bogey seven i hope i get up and down for an eight that was a nice chip that's scary good. For left-handed okay let's go. And knock that in let's get off this hole hopefully with just an eight i've got the shadow of the flag helping me we're in for eight everybody right not the best start granted quadrupled bogey on the first hole after finding some tree trouble and having a fresh air shot so i'm gonna concentrate now for the next.

Few holes let's try and get a score together and uh like i say 50 is still on. But i've made it a lot harder [Music] a double hit that [Music] oh slow down hit the flag hit the flag hit the flag right i'll be honest i don't know how many i've had right now one into the bush left so that's about three off the t three off the t was there i hacked it out. For four i hit it for five and double hit it but that's no penalty anymore. So i had five i thinned it through the back for six i chipped short for seven i chipped on for eight everybody on this par three second hole in the left hand challenge i've got this for a nine [Music] that was bad that's really bad next.

Bill i'm going to try. And hit hybrid off the tee let's uh see if i have any more success with the woods oh oh get down get down get down [Music] that's a good shot ah get down [Music] [Music] this is a lot harder than i expected it to be much much harder uh just every time i feel like i've even hit a nice shot i'm either too long i'm right i'm left because you've got a balanced strike as well as kind of obviously getting direction which it's mad because i'd like to think it takes me back to when i first started playing golf. But i was. So young i don't remember the first time playing golf not doing so well so far 50 is still just in reach. But i've got to turn something on it's time for the big boy it's time for driver on this par 5 13th hole i have no idea what's gonna happen here. But i think it's time to uh get the big boy out [Music] no oh it's got in the trees on the right i've hooked it [Music]. So i've hit two shots so far in this hole to about the same point i'd normally hit my full driver shot and now normally i would stand here with a three wood or a two iron and feel absolutely confident as you like i could stand up there smash a three wood 250 yards onto the green not even for a split second think about the water the bunkers the trees. And guess what i'm not listening to my own advice when i tell you all these videos you gotta think positively right now positivity positivity's not high i'm thinking negative because i'm pulling i don't know what i intend because i don't know where i'm going to put it down there i'm petrified of losing another shot by hitting a silly one i'm just going to hit eight iron. And hopefully avoid the trouble oh it's horrible but it's safe i'm not i'm not i'm not swinging i'm just trying to like chip it down there i need to swing and give it some it's just hard when there's so many hazards around oh that could work go on then.

Go on we're on the green i can't believe i'm encouraging a shot like that it was terribly hit. But right now i don't care because it's on the green and i'm putting four points [Music] oh my goodness from nowhere i make a seven double bogey this score is racking up [Music] that is the best shot. So far don't win the bunker i hear an unbelievable shot best one so far and it's gone in the bunker and as i mentioned i've never hit a left-handed bunker shot um a bit worried about this one first bunker shot left handed such a good goal shot off the tee that as well a little eight times 135 yards but now i'm faced with the dreaded bunker shot left-handed i'm definitely not getting any uh inspiration from mickelson here it's on a downhill as well which makes it 10 times harder all right come on let's try and do something oh my goodness [Music] well i'll be honest i'm gonna absolutely take that that was far better than i expected. And we've got to put for par now when i never expected to get out of that bunker in one shot that might go down in one of the greatest shots i've ever hit might go down in history that par put long range [Music] brake brake oh that was good. For speed that would have been my first par but to be fair this is gonna be hopefully my first bogey [Music] bogey four i played that whole well there's a glimpse of hope fifteen over. So far for me to break 50 i've currently got to shoot for the remaining four holes i've got shoot one on the par which i don't expect to do genuinely this is hard. And i expected i just feel like even if i hit good shots i'm not massively putting myself in great positions um just toughen it it's good fun though but it's very hard come on let's hit a good drive [Music] oh yes [Music] that is absolutely a ridiculous shot oh my goodness that was unbelievable i loved hitting that again it goes back to idea when even if you just start golf you just need that one shot to pick up your spirits you said one under. For the last few holders out of the out of the question come on see if we can do it if you've not liked this video. Yet you better get down there right now and like the video after that tee shot that caught me and i'm sure everybody watching by a big surprise make sure you like it let's get i'm gonna go mad let's go like 50 000 likes honestly i reckon that drive went about 220 yards that was ridiculous i've got 130 yards left to the hole um playing a bit downhill i'm actually i'm actually going to try. And hit 99 there because i think probably to the front well to the front it's like 115 that is beautiful zoom in zoom in it's ridiculous let's literally drive a nine iron into about 10 feet we're putting. For birdie that's unbelievable so getting down here honestly i'd be made up with that shot right handed this is where it pitched pitched on the front out of the rough it just checked up. And rolled out past the hole i mean it was close to going in. And we've got this for birdie come on let's uh let's hold it imagine a birdie left-handed i thought this could suit a left-handed putting stroke here come on rick birdie this will be incredible [Music] [Laughter] unbelievably close oh it's just a power. But that's all i wanted out of today.

A par is good you know what that's. So like i was almost in my mind already made that birdie put i wanted to tell my mates i wanted to show you guys on youtube. And facebook that i'd made a birdie left-handed i got ahead of myself it wasn't a bad port but it didn't drop right made a par though we got one tick off the goal list today.

We still need to make one more birdie coming home to break 50. oh it's down there [Music] it's a bit of a necky slice. But it's uh it's okay i don't think it would have got over 200 yards that time right seven iron second [Music] shot yeah it's not pretty. But it'll do you know what though what's mad is in the first few holes i would have taken that shot. And now i'm a little bit like that's okay a bit of warm up. And this could have been a decent round that's beautiful again if i was playing right handed. And i am not joking here i would take that shot right handed i've left myself a little uphill port probably about 12 foot for par that was decent right come on. For par [Music] oh unbelievably close for bats about par bogey is that's a shame that would have been an unbelievable part then..

So this is the 17th hole. And if you've watched the channel before you know this is a drivable par-4 in normal conditions. But left-handed it's not i can't reach there basically it's 270 odd yards i feel like i'm finding a little bit of form after those last two holes we've got two more to go par short par four par five uh i think i need birdie birdies to shoot 50. well let's see how i got oh no back to reality i tried to hit that way too hard. And completely messed it up oh shanked it oh it's okay that was a terrible strike. So i'm just thinking with a couple of holes to go what have i learned in this little fun challenge well first off golf's hard like really hard when uh obviously as i mentioned before i started playing golf when i was younger. And did all of this kind of training. And practice when i was much younger didn't really care trying to bring it out on a golf course now it's got to be patient that's one of the things i'm trying to notice i don't think i'd massively like to do 18 holes of this i'm already feeling quite drained it's quite mentally taxing because i'm thinking. So much it's not natural to me but it is fun i mean i've hit some good shots i've enjoyed those i've also hit some absolute stinkers which aren't as fun okay last hole par five here at the marriott woodsy park the bad news it's not looking like i'm gonna break 50. uh i think even with the hole in one i'm not gonna get it. So never mind it was an ambitious target the good news once i finish this hole i'm gonna do the biggest giveaway this channel has ever seen to celebrate one million subscribers. So let's finish this last hole in style and let's tell you exactly what i'm gonna be giving away here we go last drive a shot come on finish with a good one it's not great but it's okay it's uh it's in play [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay i'm back home after that left-handed challenge that was fun i did not unfortunately hit target at 50 i ended up shooting 55 i got off to a terrible start. And then.

Improved slightly as i went on but let's be honest you're not here for that you're here for the massive giveaway the subscriber giveaway and i promised you the biggest giveaway yet for celebrating hitting one million subscribers so here we go let's find out what you can win prize number one. For two lucky subscribers i am going to kick you out from top to bottom with clubs of your choice. So drive a fairway woods irons wedges putter of your choice you can have anything you want. And i'll ship it globally around the world there'll be some t's and c's down in the description below so to have a chance of winning option one a full set of clubs first off you've got to be a subscriber to the channel you've got to like this video and then.

Down in the comments below leave a comment of what you've enjoyed about this video or any other video in the past on the channel and at the end of that comment leave a statement that says win clubs that's prize number one prize number two is something i've never given away before. And it's to spend a full day with me how it's gonna work out we're gonna meet in the morning sit down have some breakfast talk about your game have a little meet and greet chat about your golf youtube whatever it may be and then.

We're gonna spend the full morning then.

Working on your game i'm gonna give you a full coaching mot from everything you want to work on once we've done that we'll sit and have a nice little chilled out lunch break and then.

We're going to go. And play a golf course in the northwest of your choice and after golf it doesn't finish there we'll grab a few beers we'll grab some food and i'll put you up in a hotel overnight so you can nurse any uh bad heads in the morning. And i'm also gonna give that away not to one just one lucky winner on one day i'm gonna do two lucky winners on two separate days money cannot buy prize to enter to win a full day with me it's gonna be a hell of a day make sure again you are subscribed to the channel you like this video. And leave a comment again down below what videos have you enjoyed most on the channel and at the end put down day with rick so guys good luck with the giveaway i'm going to run the competition until the end of july. And i'm going to announce the winners on my social media instagram facebook twitter. So make sure you're checking me out and follow me on those good luck everybody it's gonna be awesome and uh let's roll on two million subscribers who knows the sky's the limit thanks so much for watching hopefully you enjoyed the video and again good luck everybody and thanks so much for subscribing in class we'll see you next.
