So as you can see in my golf bag today.

I've got a set of the new callaway irons these are a set of blades from four to pitching wedge. And you'll notice i have no woods in my bag no wedges no putter i'm only gonna use four down to pitching wedge i'm gonna make it interesting my phone is gonna decide what club i hit. And have a random number generator on my phone from four to ten ten being the pitching wedge and before each shot gonna hit select and that's the club i'm gonna choose that might throw up a few challenges it might mean i'm hitting a 99. Or a pitch in which off a par 5t for example i might be in a four iron when i need a bump and run around the greens or in a green side bunker it's definitely quite a test so there's three main reasons why i'm doing this video the first being blades are actually quite hard to review year on year not much changes it's not much of a technology story all that blades claim to do is be very versatile. And workable so around the golf course lights today.

Where i have to be versatile. And creative this is gonna be a great test. For this set of irons number two it's actually quite good practice going out on a golf course where you've got to try. And hit different shots than what you used to it actually gets you as a golfer more be more creative and it'll help your game improve it's definitely worth trying sometimes just hitting clubs that you wouldn't normally hit certainly in practice and then.

The last reason i'm honest it's just going to be a bit of fun why not hey i watch a lot of gm golf where they'll go out on the golf course. And just do a random challenge. And i like it i enjoy it by the way guys if you want to see next.

Year we do a collaboration with garrett. And the lads over there in the states hit like and we'll see if we can set it up without further ado let's get to the first tee. And let's see what club i'm going to have to hit into this very testing part three. So eleventh hole it's a par three slightly up the hill 282 yards so really probably in these conditions today.

I'd be hitting a six. Or five iron ideally so let's see what club i'm gonna be here i've got between four and ten eight iron i'm hitting so i'm not gonna reach the green i doubt that's the club i'm gonna start off with um these clubs are gorgeous callaway apex mb they are. So tiny you know what's really interesting you can always tell it's a proper blade when the the neck the hosel looks quite thick beautiful looking iron definitely going to be more suited to the better player lofts are quite traditional i'll stick them up on screen here. So again i'm not they're not power irons i don't expect to hit there even close but let's see if we can start off with a strong shot [Music] oh it's up to right try to get a bit more distance out of it. But i'm way way short as i expected this is the shot i've got in hand i'm about 40 yards short of the green. So that means that first shot probably went about 140 yards which is about right ideally my most lofty club in the bag here is pitching wedge that'll be the one i'd want. So i'd be number 10 on my list let's see what i actually get great six iron what's going to make this shot a little bit harder that lie isn't particularly great i'm gonna have to really open the face try. And play a little lofted flop shot pin again is not helping me because the front right oh this is gonna be tough [Music] i'll tell you what i tell you what that's pretty good we're on the putting green. And i'm gonna again choose a random club even on the green i was impressed with that to make it harder it's even raining i'm impressed with the shot i'm not gonna lie to you on the green it actually weirdly landed unbelievably quick we've got this put left now what i'm gonna do whatever club this spits out this time i'm going to put just with that club on this green. So let's see what we've got obviously i want low loft ideally 99 not the worst case i have to play with the front edge a little bit nine nine from here let's see if we can open with a a very long range par gotta say these irons look really nice i do like the shape. But not particularly for putting come on it wasn't a bad role was it really um not a gimmie let's see if we knock this thing in. For bogey oh joking me that was close right that is in. For five oh that's a bit disappointing okay next.

Hole is this par four. And then.

I've actually got a par five to come which would be really interesting because uh depends on what club i got selected and you know what i'm gonna do last year i uh took place in a 14 club challenge you might have seen it at wentworth with pete it didn't particularly go to plan i'm not saying i'm saying it kindly. So what i think i'm going to do i might revisit something similar on the par 3 14th hole. So stay tuned for that um ideal scenario here obviously i'd pick a hitting driver so i did i want a long club followed by a short club. But let's see what this picks out for me six iron again okay if i get six iron maybe nine iron that bit i think that'll be the perfect scenario. But i can at least i can jump on this six iron a bit [Music] don't go in the bunker all right just past the bunker not the greatest shot um this is less less than ideal i've missed the bunker which is a positive. But because i'm right-handed i'm gonna have to stand in the bunker to hit this next.

Shot ideally if word i'd love a pitching wedge number 10 i would hate anything too less lofted [Music] that's ridiculous so 10 is my pitching wedge i actually can't believe it's come out like that 10's my pitching wedge um i'm going to grip down on it um even this isn't easy i must admit it's not the worst club obviously. But it's still not easy [Music] oh rick what the hell i got the club i wanted and i hit it terrible that's awful you know what's gonna happen now don't you i'm probably gonna get a four iron when i need a wedge it's gonna kill me should we should we do it early let's see what i'm gonna get six iron again it likes that six line doesn't it talk about difficulty i am 50 yards away i'm gonna hit a flop shot with a six iron over a bunker over a hill um wish me luck [Music] ah no it's in the bank that was horrible it's wet as well by the way it's not stopped raining that wasn't great. And there's one advantage at the moment because it's the winter you do his preferred lie. So i can pick it up clean it. And place it back down again okay ideally again i want number ten number seven not the worst case go go go i need that blue six line again didn't i it's not bad we've got a chance. For a five you know what i don't care which club's gonna come up this time because i'm gonna hold it hit the button it loves that six iron i told you when i say i'm gonna hold the shot i do it right taking things serious jacket's coming off it's not raining we're on a par five it's 520 yards off this tee. So i don't want a pitching wedge to kick things off i don't normally say this but i'd love to hit the four line if i'm honest with you bye bye that's okay that's not a bad start ow oh that hurt my hands a lot i didn't hit that one well. But it's managed to get down there luckily that's one of the big issues with blades certainly when you're trying to absolutely smash it as i did then.

If you don't hit it well. And you thin it it bloody hurts your hands it's horrible sick side again [Music] okay. So i don't think it's a full one of these i'm gonna grip down it a tiny bit. And hit it a touch softer uh if i can go. For the middle of the green i'd be delighted just need to make sure i get a good strike obviously sam's a little bit wet at the moment oh that is good zoom in on that flag sit down a little bit ball no i missed it too good it's gone through the green i'll be honest i can't hit it any better than that if anything i hit it too good okay. So that's where it's finished just over the green which is annoying if you spin around i'll show you what i've got left. And again ideal i need loft let's be honest um so a nine or a ten nine that's lucky it's it oh it's just come out a bit hot that was annoying i thought i hit that well actually okay i've got a powerport i've just hit the uh generator. For iron so it's the flattest face club at least i could have done with it off the tee or my second shot if i'm honest but i won't grumble put him with the four iron come on this is. For par this is my best chance i feel like on this hole [Music] oh i've not hit it rick that was terrible it got way too soft. For six on this par five it's not terrible it could have been better but it could have been a lot worse okay four over threw three holes there not the best. But it was always gonna be a challenge a very difficult one at that now i've wanted to redeem myself. For a while now if you remember back in september 2019 at wentworth the 14 club challenge with peter finch um it didn't go well in fact it was horrendous. So i want to try and redeem myself on on our 14th hole here at the marriott woodsy park we've got seven clubs in the bag from pitching wedge to floor iron i'm gonna see how many shots i can hit on the green i'll hit one with each club. And hopefully the best girl i can get seven now the green starts at 120 yards. And goes back to 160. there's a bit of leeway there it's gonna definitely get harder when i'm trying to hit four right into the green so i'll start with wedge and then.

Work my way up let's see if we can at least hit the green this time eh okay seven balls seven clubs one green i'm gonna start off with pitching wedge first i think i'm gonna need to jump on this to get it onto the front edge. But hopefully we should start strong [Music] oh i've actually thinned it right into the middle of the green wasn't pretty but it's on okay nine iron this should be a little bit easier this is just a normal nine i feel oh no bunker right tried to play it too soft. And i didn't need to oh bit annoyed that last one eight-time next.

This should be just a normal i just need to make sure i commit to the shot [Music] i'm not very good at these challenges emma that's gone miles to the right miss green over the bunker and everything horrendous you know it's annoying it's my favorite part three every time i test clubs on here when there's no pressure i'm unbelievable i've nearly had. So many holding ones this year on this hole soon's a bit pressure you've just got to hit the green suddenly it goes doesn't go to plan and what's really hard if you start missing the greens with the clubs that you're supposed to hit the green with it definitely applies more pressure next.

Club seven iron this should still be a normal one i'm probably just not allowing for that wind coming off the left so i'm gonna aim slightly left on this one wind simmer back edge just two on the green two mr green next.

One six iron i'm gonna take a little bit off it because that's that seven irons right at the back of the green land soft land soft near the seven iron that's all right we're on the green that's three on two missed at least we've got some points on the board next.

Club five iron oh no i faded it catch a bit of the green that's not again that's long missed green right three on the green three missed then.

We come to the last club the four right which is probably gonna be the hardest one um a little summary of the irons they are actually really nice they're not forgiving the blades obviously um they do look fantastic they feel phenomenal. But like anything you don't hit in the middle of the clubface you just get punished for guys if you've enjoyed this video as well hit like if you want to see me do an 18 hole challenge like this randomly also hit like i've learned two things i think today.

One i'm probably not good enough to use blades two i'm not very good at hitting the green in a challenge like this let's finish with the last one the four iron can at least finish with four on the green [Music] sit sit sit sit [Music] bloody how rick you're rubbish at this thanks. For watching and we'll see you next.
