Right guys i'm here at the marriott woodsy park and i've got three holes coming up a very tough part for a par three to par five i'm gonna play these three holes with just one club and it's the club of your choice i'm gonna go live on instagram right now and ask people what club i should play these next.

Three holes with hey guys how are we doing just a very quick one i'm out shooting a new youtube video i'm gonna play three holes a path. For a par five and a par three but i'm only gonna use one golf club to make it fun so guys leave your comments right now what club should i use i'm not going to use my putter though. So anything from driver only all the way down to lob wedge get your picks in right now i'm going to choose someone at random. And they're the three that's the club i'm going to play with these next.

Three holes with the comment that comes on in ten seconds ten nine eight seven six five four three two one robert has said eight iron we're gonna play in these next.

Three holes with an eight tied only thanks everyone on instagram we'll see you soon. So they had all these clubs to choose from and they went with my eight iron that's not the worst case i think driver. Or love wedge would have been the worst situation my eight iron i hit about 165 yards it might be perfect for the par 3 but on this hole which is the hardest hole in the golf course i think it's over comfortably over 400 yards it's probably like 450 yards it's gonna take three can i get there in three shots i'm not sure we'll try also there is an educational purpose this as well it's showing you how you can manipulate certain shots i'm actually sit higher lower up. Or down draw fade also i'm gonna have to put with it and chit with it and god forbid i find a bunker cause i have to play a bunker with it as well i've also after the path through we've got a path five coming up or with this the eight iron [Music] now normally i won't be able to hit with the fellas in front now but considering i'm only hitting an eight iron i can t off 430 yards this is i might not even reach the fairway with this daytime i'm gonna try. And squeeze it out a little bit hit a little chasey draw oh striped it [Music] nice i'll take that every day right with three holes a par four three and a five i'll tell you what today's mission is gonna be let's see if we can shoot less than three over less than a bogey on a hole collectively that's a good strong start i've reached the fairway which i'm happy with. And uh i think i'm going to go eight iron um i am 250 yards away. So i should in theory be able to get there in three quite comfortably i just need to put it in fair in the fairway that should be absolutely perfect right it's the third shot i'm 100 yards into this green and this is one of the reasons why i quite like doing a challenge like this to make it fun because you've never hit any time from this position normally. But it helps you stay creative like i remember as a kid growing up playing loads of junior golf i used to mess about play cross-country golf just do like mad challenges i always thought my skill level was much better back then..

So here requires me to play a little chip and run eight iron probably gonna land at about 90 yards and run it up to the flag so i'm going to grip down on the club i'm going to swing it to about waist height. And through to waist height let it run up there nice and close [Music] get a nice kick yeah that's really nice it's pin high slightly to the left. But judgment of distance looks pretty awesome there set myself up for a long range par chance with my eight-time only you know what i'm walking up there closer that was actually better than i expected better than giving myself credit. For sometimes i don't even get my wedgies that close from 100 yards just shows like being a little bit more skillful having a fraction of finesse definitely just keeps your touch in check and golf is such a field sport you know sometimes we get a bit obsessed with like numbers. And launch monitor data actually trying to be creative and hit a little shot like that i mean that is distance control is ridiculous on that shot i'm actually quit pretty pleased with that putting with the eight iron i'm gonna have to use the front edge. And blade it left to right pretty flat apart from that so i'm gonna grip down on it and almost try and get the the ball to roll over on itself just by using that front leading edge come on a power in here be class oh no it's not bad. For speed to be honest but i didn't hit it great let's tap it in for a bogey well i've scored much worse on that hole with all 14 clubs in my bag so to come off with a bogey with an eight iron i'm actually quite pleased you know what second hole i'm playing here the par three at yardage is almost perfect eight time i hit it about one six five slightly into breeze. So i still think i have to hit a good one i'm just gonna let these guys play this hole here in front of us i'm gonna see if i can knock it on. Or even close with this club there's no no problem with this one there's no excuses if it doesn't go right because this is probably the club i would have hit anyway now last thing if i get a hole in one on this hole robert who picked the eight iron i'm gonna send you a full bag of clubs brand new that's if i get a hole in one it's like mixed thoughts on this i kind of want to hit it close. And i do want to get a hole in one. But it's going to cost me if i do either way let's go a time this should be hopefully should be perfect oh no it's not going to go close i've really drawn that way too much stop oh rick that's horrendous i've played this all three times the last few weeks i've played it awful every single time uh that's not even hit the green shocking embarrassed about that [Music] i feel feel bad. For robert i didn't even give it a chance right i would actually probably play a time from here from on this bump and run all the way back across the green a couple of slopes to undulate through and get past yeah just a bump. And run with the eight iron hit the flag hit the flag hit the flag oh pacey okay. For par now probably similar length but i left myself on the last hole actually slightly up the hill right to left come on i gotta swing it in [Music] stay up all right that's you know i'm really actually quite annoyed myself on this hole because i have no massive amount of excuses the iron was perfect off the tee. For distance the chip is probably what i would have played with the eight iron putting obviously you can't really guarantee it. But two over through two and then.

Arguably we've got the toughest test coming up next.

The par five so in all seriousness i've been out here doing some practice for a new series that i'm doing at the moment i'm three episodes in so far which is break 75. hopefully you've seen some of them hopefully you're enjoying them the first two didn't go to plan the third one was much better i've got the fourth coming up this week friday 4 p.m do not miss it well basically go. And play golf 18 holes a different golf course and see if i can break 75 last hole of this little fun challenge it's a par 5. it's 530 yards it's uphill. And then.

It kind of levels back out it's a dog leg to the right um if i make power on here i'd be delighted with the daytime only five two nine um yeah i think it would take three incredible hits to get there in regulation. But let's see what happens see if i can muscle a long one out first to get it down there come on i really do want to make a par on this one [Music] it's a great strike oh it's getting a little bit too close to that bunker. For my liking but i think it's okay. So good news i didn't miss the fairway bad news i'm 350 yards left in so i think i don't even think with two full hard hitting eight towns i can get there because that would be 175 yards. Or seven eye an eight iron let's see what happens though just got to take a bit of the corner off and then.

Hope for the best [Music] oh i've absolutely ripped that one [Music] yeah should be good i might just be able to get there in three sometimes when i hit shots that are. And they're putting my divot back i don't think i should be a topper i'm 175 to the front of the green from here. So i think even if i absolutely smash one i'm not sure if i can get there i'll try my best it's slightly downwind come on i'm gonna really try. And muscle one there this time i'm absolutely striped it it's right on line with the flag but i'm about three clubs short we're short of the green okay third shot into this part oh four shots is par five uh i did pull up a little bit short. And that pins not being nice to me because it's back and it's on a little ledge but again eight iron is not a bad choice to club because i can run it up there back in the stance run it up come on i've got to finish with a power [Music] oh that's tidy that's tidy oh it's ran on a little bit. But i had a good look in the hole i must admit oh that was close. And you know what that goes back to my point about that kind of finesse like i would have you know maybe not have gone with eitan from the front of the green there and tried a bit more loft but just kind of playing those little shots that you don't expect to play definitely helps you with your touch right last put hopefully right to left come on knock it in [Music] yes finish with a power everybody guys thanks. For watching hope you enjoyed it bit of fun and we'll see you next.

Time two over three three with an eight iron not too bad.