We're at rockcliff hall today.

The hardest golf course in england. And possibly even the uk it's so hard because it's 7877 yards and it's coarse rating get this it's 79.3 so that means the power of the golf course is 72. But for a scratch handicapper they should go around this golf course in effectively seven over i think my realistic best score today.

And this is i'm saying realistic i think 77 genuinely five over that i think that'd be an amazing score around here today.

Were score uh listen you might be getting prepared to watch me shoot 90 today.

There's three holes that are over 600 yards there's one at six six four off the gold tees which i'm playing off today.

There's one at 6 15. And there's one at 613 yards they're monster hulls this is from england golf the average length of a golf course off the white tees here in england they're 6083 yards. And we're going back it's uh nearly 4 000 yards going out. And they get nearly 4 000 yards coming home and the first hole is a 494 yard par 4 to kick things off it looks like a par 5 from back here wish me luck everyone hardest golf course in england [Music]. And that is way out to the right okay not the best start i'm in thick rough to kick things off. And i'm absolutely miles away from the hole still we've got to chop it out back on the fairway we're out oh my goodness oh this is gonna be an adventure that was a terrible golf shot not too bad whoa rick oh yeah yeah i'm almost happy with the double bogey there with me uh making double there on the first hole. And holding a good put for that as well stay tuned because i mean i could shoot a million in this video it's well worth watching till the end just to have a laugh make you feel better about your own game this could be a big score second hole par 3 4 right in my hand after making double um i don't think i'm going to gain a lot of confidence playing this place today.

I can already see why this is the hardest golf course i've ever played before stay there you know what we might just be putting this might be my best chance at birdie all day long not bad just moved a little bit on me first part five it's actually this could be the shortest on the golf course it's 540. the plate's there 44 yards it's actually stroking next.

17 it's the second easiest on the course i've got funny feeling it's not going to be easy piped it do i go. For this it's 244 yards to the front of the green but i've got water to get over i know it's not like me but i'm gonna be sensible lay it up and pitch it in i'll go for some later [Music] very nice [Music] oh that's a big push oh no no no no no no no you know what i stood over that feeling great good distance. For me into the green and everything like literally all i was looking at was flag break the flag rick settle. For a birdie rick and somehow i push it miss the green end up in a bunker [Music] shop great shot it makes me think i should have just gone. For it now my second shot oh yeah yeah yeah [Music] oh i'm very disappointed with the bogey there really on that wasn't a hard hole i could have easily birded that if not party a couple of silly mistakes. And i've come off with bogey rick have you seen this hole oh my god fourth hole it's uh the third highest hole in the golf course 490 yards par four but very different to the first which was the similar length because there's all water down the right [Music] oh no splash oh my goodness this golf course is going to kill me i might never play golf again after this actually don't you know how to play this hole i mean this water is huge i've not really got any room left the landing area is absolutely tiny off that tee. And even if i hit a great t-shirt which i didn't do even if i did i'm still miles away from the flag okay. So it went in kind of curved around and went in about here so i got two club lengths from the point of entry which was roughly here. So i'll go from this post one two nice little six iron let it ride on the wind it's gonna cut a bit just off this slope so aim slightly left of the flag [Music] oh it's not cut stayed straight go a bit i thought it's going to cut off off that slope. And get close right club selection at least play a little little low chipper [Music] come on [Music] crack two double bogeys in four holes oh my gosh this score's gonna be a big one okay i'm gonna uh set a new target just. For the front line quickly five over i want to finish the front nine no more than five over that's my goal however. look at this hole par three 185 yards to the flag i've made a five iron over water. But hopefully the water's not gonna play a part in this golf shot i hope oh that's gonna have to sit down get down this is where i am. And that's the hole up there give it a spin yeah nowhere near nowhere near you know what that was actually ridiculous of a shot i'll give myself some credit there go go give it a chance [Music] ah in. For bogey six over three five [Music] ruining our shot tracer [Music] nice very nice [Music] oh rick hit it [Music] oh even the powers are hard to make. So normally in fact the t's for today.

The white tees would be down there see at the end of the path you can just see them on the right they got the yellows. And the reds this would be like the black tees which is no short hole 601 yards look at our little pathway the fair way to hell back here i thought this golf course was hard. So far but i don't think we've even started. Yet this is 664 yards 664. par 5. it's into wind. And i'm currently 6 over par let's see what happens on this one looking i mean the flag [Music] i mean it looks it looks two holes away it looks almost too powerful stacked on top of each other all right come on you need to hit a good tee shot here not a single good one. Yet today.

[music] that's okay i think. Or is it i don't know if that's even reached the fairway oh don't even think that's reached the fairway. And i hate that okay as well i think that t-shirt cause it's in the window of it at 240 yards. And i thought i hit that well just this wind is brutal as well i'm gonna lay up because i'm 435 yards left i might have to do two more layups stay there stay well what the hell do i do here i'm 250 yards away still third shot into this par five i can't reach because while i'm in the rough two it's in the wind. And there's bunker short my third shot into a par five we have to lay up boring and sensible i'm just uh i'm just protecting my score obviously it's going. So well so far so you know i don't want to make any big mistakes spin a bit don't spin a bit i thought it was going to go long it's all right actually give it a chance yeah yeah yeah yeah i thought it was gonna break ah you know what the only problem with this golf course i likes it. So far that every bloody hole is like just a challenge this is actually the hardest on the golf course this is joking that's one 480 yard path four back into wind okay it's a good drive i feel like i was up here this morning with excitement each hole is being knocked down a little bit three wood second shot into a par four i can't hit it any better than that. And i'm 70 yards short of the pin [Music] it that looks alright [Music] great foot oh rick come on okay last hole of the front nine i'm not on track. For my score that i wanted to go for quite a lot over par and i was hoping. For a little bit of rest bite but no nearly 480 yards up the hill into wind a little cut off that tree i'm going to go. For a bit too much travel i'm not entirely sure what's round there might be trees must admit i thought this was dead. But found an opening three iron 220 up the hill into wind you know what i've realized so far playing eight and a half holes it's just no room. For error you've got to hit good tea shots like you have to but even when you've hit a great tee shot you're left certainly in these conditions today.

There's not much role it's quite breezy i'm hitting very long irons three woods even into greens which is much harder to hit than normally when i hit let's say a 99 into a par four then.

When you're not hitting it close to the green you're chipping chips harder if you don't then.

Chip it closer your puts harder yeah every bit is bloody really hard try. And play a little bit of a low one and run it in come on let's finish the front line with a par go go go [Music] okay uh i'm on track. For one of my worst rounds of golf ever so i think it's only right to take a little moment. And come back stronger in the back nine come back for a part two you could witness in part two one of my highest scores ever or you could come back and you'll see a different ricky shields you'll see one making birdies and pars find out in part two let's see if we knock this in to finish oh and that's not a gimme either [Music] we'll see you soon.