Okay arrived in belfast george the best airport northern ireland because i've been invited by the rna to play in the first ever golf links invitational royal park rush there's gonna be a number of creators playing in it from all around the world. And i cannot wait just landed i'm gonna pick up a car gonna get on route up to the top of northern ireland and go find out what this fantastic country has to offer in regards to golf royal port rush i cannot wait [Music] so we've arrived the open links invitational here at raw port rush the weather is looking promising the grandstands are going up check out this first tee grandstand what an amphitheater that's gonna be i'd be terrified if i'd take a shot in front of that many people. But it's here the course looks incredible they've been saying they've not had much dry weather it's been very green and lush the roof is thick. And juicy as the head pro gary described it and this is the first hole it's a little uphill par-4 it's under 400 yards. But probably not drivable because you've really got to carry it all the way it looks awesome it really does i think this is going to be a great venue. For the open and i'm excited to play it later right i think we've got a little tour planned we're gonna do some warm-up. And then.

We're heading out late it's quite a late tee off uh but hopefully that will include some nice weather as the sun starts to drop this place looks glass really really impressive check out the clubhouse as well [Music] oh i need more [Music] a lot of them will be needed today.

That was pure two irons. For links none of this up in the air driver stuff low stinging two irons we are about less than 30 minutes to tee off we're just gonna hit some balls on the practice ground everybody's arrived everyone's excited the weather again is just holding up nicely. For us can't wait to i'm gonna hit two iron off the first i reckon my safety club this is class skater that's 100 carry 300 total still running i'll tell you what it's talking wait. For it i like it [Music] [Music] [Music] just like that 10 minutes downpour and now it's stopped i'm a bit wet but never mind if it stays like this i'd be pleased look it's been round there look at this yeah brody smith on the tee okay. And my partner for today.

Is this man the best impersonator in the world love that connor moore um how are you feeling. For our chances today.

I hope you can play well i play off 18. So i'm not having too much hope for myself well i'm a little bit ruby this is link's goal you know what. For someone i don't need non-confident i i want you confident i want you to breed the infusion of confidence from some of the most confident golfer in the world someone like let's get a bit of ian poulter in there for sure you know looking forward to playing today.

Uh i'll be surprised if i don't break the course record. So macaroon will be a bit pissed off. But yeah can't wait let's do it yes stay tuned we gotta get some more out god that was awesome. Or ian should we say that was class [Music]. So opening tee shot hit hit it decent to be fair slightly drew it to the left but nothing too dangerous it's actually not too much of a daunting first hole bar this massive hill up to the green and my second shot i just slightly caught it heavy and it's oh it landed up towards the top and then.

Just trickled down [Music] [Music] what type of golfer is going to win around here someone that knows like can you play the right shots like tiger like tiger tiger of all the tour pros that are like watching now given one piece of advice straight down that lens. And give give tiger now who watches keep the ball low and keep it in play i like that yeah there you go that's really really good thanks guys [Music] [Music] roll [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] do you know what i probably hit them better than the new ones how old are these they're around 1920 1920 a little uh it's not a two market [Music] special made in scotland sent andrews wow this is another one as well. And uh check out the dimpled grooves okay i've been allowed to hit this i don't actually don't want loft i wreck it's probably [Music] [Music] [Laughter] let's just finish it i just finished the video guys thanks. For watching [Music] wonderful very nice [Music] yes [Music] wow. So hole five uh par four down the hill looks short just because it's downhill but it's still 380 yards [Music] [Music] so gary as head pro here at royal park rush is that a view you ever get bored of never never it's stunning fantastic isn't it how long have you been head pro here. For uh almost 20 years wow as the head pro of the open championship venue do you feel like it's a week that you'll kind of almost pass you by almost a bit like it'll be a bit of a blur yeah it will be hard to soak in i guess yeah yeah um there'll be a big adrenaline rush during the event i guess obviously once he's not been here. For 68 years right the after flow of footfall that comes after the open championship must be really something that you're looking forward to yeah yeah absolutely i mean a lot of tourism a lot a lot of golfers you know coming. And potentially discovering northern ireland and the north coast of ireland uh for the first time you know with so many great courses uh you know on the north of of ireland you know right through into donegal as well there's some fantastic old lynx golf courses over there that have yet to be discovered you're a player you're all members yeah yeah the other pro's son right yep cool like that can you dance mike dad might be playing yeah might be ideal scenario saturday there's an odd number of players your dad gets the call we need you to come. And be the mark of four who's your dream captain yeah not tiger not rory it's not mcdowell no i want them to do well yeah yeah because i suppose if he's the last one out who's made the call he's not particularly winning is he no i like it that's good. So five holes in connor are you finding it oh man conditions are really really tough out there. And i'm not really really putting more uh my iron game is pretty bad. And my back feels bad so uh yeah it's really really bad [Music]. So enjoying it josh yeah it's been good it's tough. But it's enjoyable josh last year i went to kanusti right loved it so much you got your room i'm right saying decorated in open everything yeah open bedsheets um no oh. But the wall was completely navy blue like the orphans i loved it. And then.

The guys at the rna surprised you didn't they yeah they brought out the clarity [Music] were you shocked i couldn't like it was mental i remember seeing it on social media. And uh comments i was like that is. So cool because it was like a really good touch. And what i love about it this year at the open at royal port rush under 16 game for free [Music] [Music] we're back with some wooden clubs this is the tenth hole now we've swapped partners i'll show you who we're playing with now it's still me. And connor we've got two more players in our four ball now gary and josh has moved on it was great playing with both those guys it's a tenth hole before we properly tee off i'm gonna tee off with this old hickory thing i just felt like i couldn't hold the golf light i felt like he was going to throw out my hands. So we've got some new players on the back now i do feel like a new player only the coolest man in golf last time we played it was beautiful sunshine last time we played it was amazing sunshine we had the best ones out of our lives in the isle of man. And now we are playing traditional links style golf yeah fat9 i checked we're actually inside of a cloud yeah who's your partner back nine alexandra lachlan from golf channel she is the proverbial shoulders of the group is she finally found finding fairways finding fairways alex fairways. And greens rick just like you tell me i'll take that that's it let's just get that that's the title of the video what [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh you know what i thought i'm playing with every candle at raw pork rush the home of the 148th open championship that i would get for the 13th hole the par 3 down the hill 146 yards and kind of maybe activate ace cam activated let's see it that's looking [Music] well you're good to the pen when you come to a venue like this and it's this type of weather do you absorb it. And enjoy it and soak it in yeah. Or does it like you wish you were in l.a when the sun was shining let me check i'm actually pretty dry okay. So my rain gear is absorbing it i i mean i'm human i don't like being cold. And wet okay. But i do live. For type 2 experiences this is where i feel that the open championship has that little bit of sparkle it doesn't look like you can go. For four days at the open and every single day is like totally different yeah i mean here good example 13th hole par 3 relatively easy yesterday i played here i had an 8 foot putt now i'm in the back right bunker the green sloping away from me. But i have a chance to do something. And you know what's crazy yesterday i played the same hole yeah i went bunker left yeah i was dead eric put it to eight feet yeah. And now yeah right yeah i don't know what to say. But the tables have turned i think i've one nearest the pin [Music] that's my ball coming up that's the flag now on this hole 13. got this rascal nearest the pin. And as my measurements would show i think i'm leading that i don't think i've won. And nearest the pin since i was a junior member back maybe 15 years ago i'm going to write my name on. And with the last group i've got the birdie to say i'm happy and chuffed is a mistake not been in northern ireland um. So this is unreal you'll be back. For the open right the head pro gary mcneil knows some of my o'lachlan family members actually family members well i mean we have the same last name. And then.

Somewhat related so obviously is yours the surname from ireland oh lachlan well i think we're trying to figure out uh ireland scotland yeah someone comment below if you're into lachlan comment down below yeah um. And what about the test of golf because this is totally different to american us i only wear my rain gear when i leave the united states [Music] oh it sounded good talk to it this is 16th green. And that's one of the most beautiful scenic landscapes i've ever seen on the golf course that's one of the hardest holes on the golf course it's easy for me that's our sighting pool you know i uh i should break the course record today.

If it was a 36 hole chord well i've scored. For us i've scored for us and i'm happy with that what would frankie do what would his emotions be like right now after you roll the coast around i'm just. So excited to be here. And you know you see the grandstand and everything is just incredible it's i can barely contain myself i can tell please i love it bob [Music]. So this is one of the most severe slopes i've been on today.

This is not ideal i've got to run it down the valley hopefully get it on the green okay [Music] goodbye [Music] [Music] okay last hole the rain has come down hard grandsons are all let's finish with style oh. So close to coming guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video and that was the open links invitation [Music] another one it's been emotional are you if you had one line to say to the audience oh man rush is tough really really tough we did have [Laughter] thanks. For watching and let's uh let's go and get dry drunk you.