[music] okay episode number six break 75. i'm on a golf course today.

I've been to many times before. But never played it it hosted the 2010 ryder cup this is celtic manor in south wales i actually wanted to ride a cup here back in 2010 which europe actually won with the grey mcdowell port on the 16th hole i feel a bit more chilled today.

I felt like jcb last week caught me by surprise i felt my game. And hopefully in better shape and i'm ready to go out and break 75. also playing with someone today.

He was a very very good player jack davidson he actually plays on europro. So i've got a bit of a pacesetter today.

Let's hope it goes better let's hope we can break 75 down here celtic manor 2010 course let's go [Music] i'm excited about this one this is jack jack currently plays on europro in today's conditions because i think people watching needs to know how hard it is going to be today.

You as a fantastic player what you're expecting to shoot today.

What's your goal uh in weather like this i think the level power's a pretty good score around here today.

Just because of the weather. But what's your predictions for me um what do you think i'm going to shoot around here today.

End of 75. under 75. that's what we like to hear i'm excited about this play well buddy yeah enjoy play well if i can stay anywhere close to him i'll be over the moon 11 years ago grandstands all around this first tee why do i feel as nervous as those guys on the ryder cup team there it is okay. So we're off and away this golf course off the tees we're playing off today.

Which pretty much the box is just over 7000 yards. And it's a par 71. so i need to start strong get going this time. And let's hope we can smash 75 great shot [Music] oh it's not really why i like quitting. But it's still safe just trying to judge the wind it's definitely more windy than i can maybe expect it to be these are little shots that i think i'm going to encounter a lot of today.

I've not missed target by a lot. But it's ran right down into the little valley i'd love to flop get a little 60 degree out and just like flop it up there with a bit of caress a bit of bit flare not yet i'm going with putter [Music] [Music] point 163 i've got ours [Music] break break break [Music] not bad it's not pretty. But it'll do it's not really good i look really good. So second shot into the fourth hole i've hit four iron for 197 yards it looked all over it now i can't see it on the green so that means one of two things it's gone big or it's gone in for an eagle can't see yeah. Or is that me. And your oh it's big it's massive there was me getting all excited just to be very very disappointed [Music] whoa rick [Music] that sounded pure [Music] i'm not getting past jack three would have been my driver oh that's massive is it not oh didn't feel like this was far away yeah it is hit the wrong club there [Applause] rick racking up those bogeys oh i don't feel like i've done a great deal wrong. But can't seem to make any pass [Music] so after a good tee shot down the fairway i've hit quite a lot of fairways actually and i need to start eating greens uh in tune off the left 155 yards wind wind wind [Music] winded a little bit not quite enough it's okay we're putting on the green as well um wasn't expecting this out of nowhere it suddenly just started hail stoning look at this oh look at this look at the green just didn't feel that smooth across the green then.

Did it just those little uh hailstones definitely had it bumping around [Music] sit sit sit sit sit [Music] that's okay that is okay [Music] it's it ah i just think at the pace i didn't get the line [Music] just me i feel like i just need one to drop. So i'm giving myself a few more chances his last few holes i'm settling the nerves the excitement's just dropped to fraction now it's game time i need to make a birdie [Music] give me strength that was a good point [Music] cool [Music] okay nine holes done scrappy two bogeys. And a double puts me at four over par from nine um a few little silly mistakes i'd say but by that i'm hitting it great off the tee i must admit um not as long as jack jack's hitting it really really good off the tee how in contrast what score are you doing one over some three back come on back nine is the back nine easier. Or harder than the front a little easier but a few more opportunities on about nine a few more opportunities let's go back now i need to shoot one under oh yeah nice here we go fat nine charge okay first proper birdie opportunity this round little slippery one left to right i think it's time didn't even give it a chance didn't even give it a chance i promise you i'm going to get a burpee soon i promise you you watching you're going to see some birdies hopefully [Music] 11th hole par 5. i think another really nice tee shot of it a lot of fairways today.

Let's hope that continues i'm 328 yards to the flag everybody. So i think i'm gonna lay up [Music] good roll break break break [Music] you absolute idiot [Music] absolute idiot oh rick how many times can i make a bogey from a birdie sorry everybody i'm trying i'm really really bloody trying oh god that's annoying that is a stunning looking hole the rider cup in 2010 this is the hall where tiger woods famously pitched it past the pin spun it back in. For eagle to win the hole i just want a birdie today.

I know anything more just a nice birdie simmer down [Music] absolutely i was just like trying to assess the difference between you. And me like you're longer than me off the tee definitely comfortably actually but like you're not playing your greatest golf today.

No. But you're making paths are you like be more patient i feel like i'm trying to get something to happen yeah i feel like especially from distance like these pets aren't dirty putts you know even though we're part of a birdie they're probably good two putts. So don't tip to me don't maybe go for the bernie foxes aggressively gotta come down [Laughter] [Music] sorry that went different in my head [Music] sake go in the hole [Music] that was a good port i was just trying to knock it close [Music] i've hit my driver ridiculously good today.

Like not long. But outrageously straight [Music] are these holes regulation size i'm not sure today.

[music] are these holes regulation size i'm not sure today.

Golf a [Music] i feel like this batman i fit it really nicely like tee off tee offs iron shots putted absolutely atrocious atrociously. So frustrating so we're here now on the famous 15th hole drivable par four it's a dog leg really if you played it the traditional way but there's a gap in the trees you can go straight. For the green and jack said it's around about 270 to the flag from here. So hopefully fingers crossed we make a bloody bird this is the most legit chance of a birdie all day [Music] joking me oh my goodness me [Music] i have no words i have no words. So jack wasn't joking when he said this uh this next.

Three holes is probably the hardest i've been not my best tee shot granted. But i'm in the fairway par four i'm 230 yards left into the green into wind i've not done this for a long time everybody i've not hit a 3 wood into a par 4 for a long long time be good be really good that's it it's worryingly that i can hit it closer to the flag with a three wood in my hand then.

I can a lob wedge. Or a sand wedge so it's going to go in our six foot past. Or short you absolute plonker god rick spang online as well i shouldn't be disappointed with the power in that hole but i really really am [Music] tough part three to be fair so as we approach the final hole at 2010 course a couple of things first off i've enjoyed this golf course championship golf course played off the pretty much the backs today.

In tough conditions it's not been easy i'm currently eight over par five to come up now jack is currently one over i was trying to work out like what's the difference between me. And jack today.

I mean barry's got a bit lucky than me granted. And he's a much better golfer than me and i'm sure you'd admit today.

You've not played your best goals. But you're so much closer to par than what i am that's what's been pretty impressive about your game today.

Like you're just programmed to like score yeah yeah well i'm not i'm like i'm playing once a week in these videos. And i'm not programmed like me like so many times you've been out of position but made a great path yeah what do you think i've done well today.

The long game's been very good yeah very good yeah waffle done bad the long beans been very good at least it's really not this guys if you enjoyed this video make sure you smash like go. And check out jack on his instagram final hole par five let's finish with a bloody birdie or two [Music] go go [Music] spin hard oh go in oh shot of the day jack for birdie on the 18th get some birdy sauce on that if i'm not gonna have it at least you should but i have got a chance to get some of my own come on oh we've got some phil feel the bloody fountain with the stuff please fill it up with birdie sauce guys thanks for watching that's a seven over i think i'm going to try an easier golf course next.

Time. But that was a real test we'll see you next.
